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Re: Pets

Post by Darkfur »

Since the last time I was on (which was FOREEEEVER ago) we've lost two pets and gained one.
About a year after our house fire our cat Spooky came down with feline leukemia and had to be put down. About 6 to 7 months after that our dog Buddy passed. We still have our big black and white cat Osama Bin Kitty.

Less than 4 months later my mother in law has me drive her almost 2 and a half hours away to pick up a gray cat that looked just like her cat Spooky. But oh this cat is so far from what the other cat was it is not EVEN funny. I have even taken to calling the cat CHURCH instead of Caylee, which is what her previous owner named her. I sorta understand why this cat acts like it's nuttier than a squirrel turd though. Her previous owner had gotten her as a kitten, had her all through college, but she got engaged to a man that had two huge dogs, and this guy you could tell HATED cats, and THIS cat in particular. The dogs would chase the cat through the house, and I honestly believe that when this woman was away that this guy would let his dogs chase the cat all over the place with no mercy. The woman revealed to us that it had gotten so bad that she had taken to locking the poor thing up in the utility D<

When we went to pick this cat up from the owner it took us another hour of waiting. Eventually the fiancee had to put on big old gardening/farmer gloves and corner it and grab it and (I might say, quite unceremoniously) shoved it into the crate. The lady admitted that the cat had a tendency to bite and nip and my ding a ling mother in law says "Oh that's just love bites." WHUT?! Ok..deep breath..step back..not my monkeys...not my zoo. LOL

We still have the cat. It doesn't act quite so crazy, but it still has it's Jekyll and Hyde moments daily. You can lean against furniture it is on (like a dresser) one day and not have a problem, but you do that same deal the next day..or even hours later...and the cat acts like you stole her Fancy Feast or something and will hiss and swat at you like crazy. Yes..I said Fancy Feast. And some dry brand (not positive of brand) cat food that has been bought for the cat for forever because it simply will not eat anything else/any other brands. We've tried. lol And some how this cat knows when it's litter is not Fresh Step...and will make DAMN sure to do her business in my mother in law's closet or under her bed...before she will step one dainty spoiled paw into non Fresh Step litter. :headdesk:

Now I'm on a crusade to get my mother in law to take the cat to the vet. I know she's old, but I've had lots of cats that lived to ripe old ages, but none of them, unless they stopped eating due to disease or because they "knew" their time was up, looked as skinny in the backside as this poor thing does. She'll eat a whole can of Fancy Feast and then snack on dry food pretty much all day off and on. But when you look at her from the rear she looks plum anorexic. So now I've found a couple of vet places that work with charity groups to get animals the care they need. If I had the money I would have taken the cat to the vet myself already. But for my mother in law it is not an issue of money. It's just an issue of denseness and believing that she knows better than everyone else in the world.

For example, I worked at a heating and air company for a couple of years. I had been telling her that she was overworking her system by turning on Emergency Heat setting instead of leaving it alone on one setting all day long and turning it up only slightly when she got home, and that the system was having to work overtime with the thermostat being holed up in her bedroom instead of in the middle of the house (you in most NORMAL homes lol). She didn't believe me. So I had my boss, a man that had been working in the business for over 30 years, tell her the exact same thing, and all the in's and out's and why's and whatfore's....did she believe him...nope..cause she knows all! LOL

I just hope I can get her in and find out what is going on with this cat. I don't cotton to her personally, but I'm not one to stand around and watch an animal seem like it's wasting away and not at least try to do something to help.

Either way we love them, and that cannot be changed, but we must not sentence ourselves to stumble in the darkness with them.
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Re: Pets

Post by Silenxia »

Oh what a pretty bird and cat.

My dog's been acting weird lately, today it was really noticeable. Jackson is potty trained to use potty pads and I taught him how to go downstairs, through my mother's room, into our washroom, and to jump into his cage. After he does his business, he hopes out and comes back upstairs.

Lately, however, he hasn't been jumping into his cage and instead potties on the washroom floor. Today he started out good, but then...he really did something he hasn't done since he was a puppy. Instead of going downstairs, he potty on the rug in our dining room, and right behind where my mom was sitting.

We don't know what's wrong with him. It can't be the baby, even if he is jealous of him, because we had the baby for a while now. It also can't be the cat who often pays us a visit.

The good news for Jackson is that he lost two pounds for his last vet visit, but he has these strange spots that the vet says is caused by bacteria. They leave little bald spots on him.

On another note, Mr. Jackson is going to have a birthday this Sunday.
The Wishlist in my profile is outdated (I can't quite figure out how to edit it now, so many of the creatures there have already been obtained).

Gift ideas: I am looking for event creatures now, but most anything will go. Thank you to everyone who has helped me achieve my Crystalwing goals.

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Re: Pets

Post by Tekla »

Silenxia wrote:Oh what a pretty bird and cat.

My dog's been acting weird lately, today it was really noticeable. Jackson is potty trained to use potty pads and I taught him how to go downstairs, through my mother's room, into our washroom, and to jump into his cage. After he does his business, he hopes out and comes back upstairs.

Lately, however, he hasn't been jumping into his cage and instead potties on the washroom floor. Today he started out good, but then...he really did something he hasn't done since he was a puppy. Instead of going downstairs, he potty on the rug in our dining room, and right behind where my mom was sitting.

We don't know what's wrong with him. It can't be the baby, even if he is jealous of him, because we had the baby for a while now. It also can't be the cat who often pays us a visit.

The good news for Jackson is that he lost two pounds for his last vet visit, but he has these strange spots that the vet says is caused by bacteria. They leave little bald spots on him.

On another note, Mr. Jackson is going to have a birthday this Sunday.
The thing that struck me here is that you're making him jump. You told us before that your dog is a dachshund. Dachshunds are not built for jumping; too much jumping can damage their spines. That may be why he doesn't want to jump into the cage, because it hurts his back. Set the cage on the ground. It may not help your problem but it will be better for him if he does not have to jump.

I would bring this up with the vet because there are a number of things it could be, from stress to needing training reinforcement to other things.

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Re: Pets

Post by Anira »

I'm also wondering why the dog isn't trained to go potty outside?
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Re: Pets

Post by Silenxia »

The cage is low, so he doesn't have to jump that high in order to get in and out. As for the outside question, well he knows how to go outside, but he's reluctant to go down those stairs. He does like to roll in the grass, but my mom thinks that is what causes these his spots (bacteria infection) by rolling in the grass.

The odd part is that he doesn't seem to mind the baby, so it's weird.
The Wishlist in my profile is outdated (I can't quite figure out how to edit it now, so many of the creatures there have already been obtained).

Gift ideas: I am looking for event creatures now, but most anything will go. Thank you to everyone who has helped me achieve my Crystalwing goals.

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Re: Pets

Post by Anira »

Teach him to not roll in the grass?

But as Tekla said, they weren't made for jumping. Even just stairs over a long period of time can affect them. I'm sure that's why he's reluctant to use them.
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Re: Pets

Post by Tekla »

Also, after some googling, it seems like going down stairs is the worst for them. Dachshunds are about the same size or even smaller than your average stairstep, so it's essentially a series of bone-jarring jumps to go down the stairs. It's even worse for your dog because he already has added stress on his spine due to being overweight.

I think you'll see an improvement in him going where he's supposed to if you move his bathroom to where he doesn't need to be going up and down stairs and jumping to get to it.

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Re: Pets

Post by slicing »

My cat keeps getting into fights outside. She's not even supposed to go outside anymore because she's too old to be able to run away or fight. I think she sneaks out when people take the dog out for a wee, because me and my mum are both in agreement she can't go outside now.

Or my dad lets her out... :(
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Re: Pets

Post by Silenxia »

Oh dear, I hope she isn't getting hurt. Cat fights can get nasty, although things seem fine for Karen...actually I noticed we have less cats roaming the neighborhood now. One winter they were hiding in the sewers, but I haven't seen those ones for a long time. Instead we have a calico named Karen who appears from time to time, she has a collar with her name and tags, but the problem is that she's declawed. So far it seems that she has avoided trouble, but we constantly get new neighbors and if they have a partically nasty dog...

On the other hand...she is quite good at catching things. Namely, she caught a lizard the Sunday before...don't know what became of it though.

But my mom took her home the other day and...well I think there may be a reason that she has taken to roaming the neighborhood. It's just a theory though. Her owners have another cat, and my mom said that they started hissing at each other. The other cat stays indoor at all times I believe...what I take is that the neighborhood is kind of Karen's territory while she and the other cat don't get along in the house...but it's just a theory. I have a picture of her actually; ... 94z5zl.jpg.

She's a good cat, however, more dog-like in behavior. She loves being petted and sometimes will rise up onto her hind legs for more.
The Wishlist in my profile is outdated (I can't quite figure out how to edit it now, so many of the creatures there have already been obtained).

Gift ideas: I am looking for event creatures now, but most anything will go. Thank you to everyone who has helped me achieve my Crystalwing goals.

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Re: Pets

Post by Tekla »

Silenxia wrote:Oh dear, I hope she isn't getting hurt. Cat fights can get nasty, although things seem fine for Karen...actually I noticed we have less cats roaming the neighborhood now. One winter they were hiding in the sewers, but I haven't seen those ones for a long time. Instead we have a calico named Karen who appears from time to time, she has a collar with her name and tags, but the problem is that she's declawed. So far it seems that she has avoided trouble, but we constantly get new neighbors and if they have a partically nasty dog...

On the other hand...she is quite good at catching things. Namely, she caught a lizard the Sunday before...don't know what became of it though.

But my mom took her home the other day and...well I think there may be a reason that she has taken to roaming the neighborhood. It's just a theory though. Her owners have another cat, and my mom said that they started hissing at each other. The other cat stays indoor at all times I believe...what I take is that the neighborhood is kind of Karen's territory while she and the other cat don't get along in the house...but it's just a theory. I have a picture of her actually; ... 94z5zl.jpg.

She's a good cat, however, more dog-like in behavior. She loves being petted and sometimes will rise up onto her hind legs for more.
I don't like domestic pet cats roaming around outside any time for a number of reasons, but it's particularly disturbing that those people would let a declawed cat roam outside. Are they really so ignorant and/or uncaring about the fact that she has no defenses? :/


D: I hope you find a way to keep her inside so she doesn't get hurt anymore.

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