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Re: Chatrooms-Danger?

Post by koda123lc »

I say the age you go into a chatroom should be based on if you are mature enough to handle anything being said, whether inappropriate, controversial, or something you disagree with.
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Re: Chatrooms-Danger?

Post by Saffrie »

This could really go either way.

Like the example mentioned in a previous post, a chatroom could help someone. If they experience problems fitting in with other people their age, they could possibly find someone to talk to on a chatroom. Honestly, if that person is mature enough to handle it, I see no problem with it. They could tell right from wrong and make good judgement calls. Also, a chatroom isn't really that different from other websites. You could stumble into any site, legit or shady, and meet someone dangerous.

Based on this, I see nothing wrong with using a chatroom. If you are responsible enough to use it, you should be able to. for example, don't give out personal information such as your address. That just seems logical to me, and I would never do that on a website. However, I still perfer to keep off of chatrooms, just because I would rather see my friends.
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Re: Chatrooms-Danger?

Post by StormWizard212 »

I'm with those who have said there's nothing wrong with using a chat room as long as you're mature enough to be responsible about it. Going into a random chat room and talking about the school you go to or where you work isn't a smart idea. But if you're careful about giving out personal information and make sure that the chat rooms you're frequenting contains content that you're comfortable with, I think it's fine.
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Re: Chatrooms-Danger?

Post by Marsupial »

I don't see this as an old topic, so I'll post in this.

I'm ten, turning eleven in August. There are many dangers when going in chatrooms, and you've got to be responsible. I honestly don't see what's wrong if you're mature and responsible enough. Some younger children, such as nine, ten, eleven, twelve, those ages, are mature and responsible, some aren't, just like some adults can be immature and irresponsible. One must remember that everybody doesn't "grow up" at a certain age. If you're careful and wary, that will take you very far.

On another hand, if you want to meet someone you met online, meet them somewhere public, bring a friend. No, scratch that, bring two, and your parents. Stuff it, your whole verdammt family! D:

I learned about the dangers of the Internet on my own. I suppose my mother didn't tell me because "I was too young". Sounds awkward to just tell her I'm not though. :t-shrug: If my rambling irritates you, scroll up or down, your pick. I shall ramble some more. Anyway, I'm a grammar freak. I left FeralHeart because practically everybody there screeches out that they're literate when they use textspeak. Oh, and because the computer didn't like it anymore, either.

-End rambling.-
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Re: Chatrooms-Danger?

Post by griffinmagic91 »

I think it really depends on how smart someone is, not their age. A friend of mine has a younger sib who is 12 and NEVER gives any information away online besides her favorite color/animal/story. Some people are just the type of people who can handle talking to people without seeing their faces.
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Re: Chatrooms-Danger?

Post by GlassOctopus »

Honestly, the only "chat room" experience I have had is forum type games. For the internet, I have my personal rules I live by which is mainly to never give out too much info about myself. For example, I say I am a student but not age or range of age (if i do give range it is 1-1,000). I say I live in the USA, and only rarely my state. Mostly, I share my opinon or random conversations that only revolve around personality so it is completely safe. Also, my "chat room" I am drawn to is gaming communities (for example forums!) and there I can speak to people just for fun.

Chat rooms create a false sense of "familiarity" inbetween people. For instance, if I talk to a new friend in person for an hour versus a random gamer in a forum, I will feel closer to the random gamer. Honestly, I cannot really understand why, but that is just how I feel and I bet others would agree with that statement. On the flip side, 80% of communication is done non-verbally, so that means when you talk to someone online you both are getting about 20% communication between the two of you. (Possibly that is good for just random conversations, but in my opinion it seems hard to make strong bonds with people off 20% communication).

As far as chatrooms go, I feel one first needs to examine themselves. Ask, "Am I ready for this? Do I know what could happen? Do I have a plan if someone is asking more of me than I want to offer?" Once those are answered,I say crack open those laptops and do some research on the chatroom sites. "Do they look safe? Does it seem like something I would enjoy? Are the people mostly friendly?" Then one should ask a elder either a parent or maybe teacher or just someone older and ask their opinion to maybe view the site you are considering joining. "Does this look safe? Can I trust you to tell them I am joining this site?" FInally, I would ask peers you trust. Who knows? Maybe they are on a site as well and you join theirs and make friends.

Bottom line, Be cautious ALWAYS when dealing with the Internet but it is perfectly fine to enjoy the internet, even chatrooms.
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Re: Chatrooms-Danger?

Post by mulan »

robloxer wrote:On the news, a 13 year old girl on a chatroom was luered by a 60 year old man thinking he was 15 and then was raped.Or, at least i think thats how it goes.
I always hear this on the news too...........A young girl lured by someone else & got raped.
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