In Secret We Lie OoC Thread

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Re: In Secret We Lie OoC Thread

Post by Aneira »

PastelPeach wrote:Which just leads to hilarious imaginings of the more harsher acting characters stressing over choosing their titles and writing little notes and such while Liena's just like "FEAR!" If you really want to though, what other titles were you thinking of? :orly:

Hah, that's a great image. :lol: Although, if you're looking for more possibilities, I'd suggest maybe God of regret, since they can take on the form of someone who another has lost or couldn't save?

I'm really excited to start interacting with all these different characters! There's so much variety and many well-developed characters.

As bad as I am with poetry and songwriting, I'm writing a few 'songs' that Ivory would have been exposed to in her old country. I'm actually enjoying it a lot too, since it's giving more perspective on how she would view the Gods. x]
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Re: In Secret We Lie OoC Thread

Post by GriffinHeart101 »

I'm really excited to start this! I don't normally play characters with Keithan's personality after all. It's going to be really awesome having him interact with the other gods and humans, especially the ones who don't like him. Otherwise, I'm sure that holidays specifically for him would be townsfolk giving offerings so that he doesn't throw his wrath upon them. :lol:

For Kenny though, my speculations and ideas are that he really doesn't know too much about the gods and goddesses, his only knowledge coming from the legends and stories that he heard as a young child and the small festivals that his town had.
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Re: In Secret We Lie OoC Thread

Post by Aneira »

GriffinHeart101 wrote:I'm really excited to start this! I don't normally play characters with Keithan's personality after all. It's going to be really awesome having him interact with the other gods and humans, especially the ones who don't like him. Otherwise, I'm sure that holidays specifically for him would be townsfolk giving offerings so that he doesn't throw his wrath upon them. :lol:
I know it's going to be fun seeing how Ivory interacts with Keithen. He's probably one of her most hated Gods, if not the number one.

There's actually a couple of Gods she dislikes at this point. Keithen obviously, and I'd imagine Kolya is pretty high up there. Although her feelings towards him are a bit more conflicted. Obviously destruction has played a part in her life, but war has been the biggest part, and she's probably more intimidated by the image she has given him over the years. I mean, just his title would be intimidating to her. Of course, until she finds out what the God of Destruction actually looks like and that he's not entirely the big, bad angry-looking God she makes him out to be. And she can't bring herself to hate him too much, since he is the God of Vengeance too. :lol:

Then there's Zacharie, who she undoubtedly admires, and any other artistic gods that my pop up. And Roshan, too. I've even thought of a festival that her village and a large portion of her country would have participated in that honored him.

Aeliana is certainly up there too, and I'd imagine there's a couple festivals held in honor of her around every New Year's. ^.^ Random ideas are kinda popping into my head every now and then, and I generally just build on them during school. It's certainly fun to dwell over it when I've got nothing better to do in class ~
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Re: In Secret We Lie OoC Thread

Post by umbreon241 »

I'm pretty sure that I thought Aeliana's holiday would be around New Year's, actually. Either that or late spring.
I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is the rowing season is starting up again and I get to hang out and row with my friends! The bad news is rowing takes up ~12 hours per week. :derp:

I found the list of holidays that Saria, Misto, and I came up with! :yey:
Aeliana: late winter or early spring (new year, rebirth)
Videl: late winter or early spring (success in the new year)
Zach: spring (spring winds, maybe around march)
Myesha: midsummer (it's really hot out and everyone goes swimming)
Mikhail: late autumn or early winter (everything is dying)
Henri: early spring (valentine's day and also everything is giving birth and growing and stuff like that)
Keithen: spring (war campaigns used to begin in spring and last until autumn because people couldn't fight during the winter)
Liena: mid-autumn (halloween)
Kaser: around the time of the harvest moon
Kolya: late summer or early autumn (the leaving are turning and everything looks like it's beginning to die but eventually it'll turn into new life)
I'm not sure if that's everyone. We came up with all of the holidays before Mireille and Roshan were posted so I'm not sure what theirs would be.
Busy with school but you can find ways to contact me on my profile if you need to reach me. ^_^

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Re: In Secret We Lie OoC Thread

Post by Aneira »

That's a great list that you guys put together! I don't think I'd really mind going by it either. ^^

As for Roshan, festivals honoring him would probably be a lot more varied depending on where one lives. If a village is hunter-gatherer community than they'd probably hold it before a long hunt or migration and such, Others might hold a festival for safe travels before they go on a long trade run, etc. Maybe get a good general time based on when the most countries/villages are most likely to travel?
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Re: In Secret We Lie OoC Thread

Post by dragongirl3 »

Those holidays times seem awesome :D Very fitting. I can't wait for this RP to start! :woo:
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Re: In Secret We Lie OoC Thread

Post by PastelPeach »

Hey guys! Sorry about my sudden absence, a bunch of unfortunate issues came up irl. :headdesk: The good news is that I have officially written my first post up (but it hasn't been posted yet, so don't get too excited and rush over there to post). It turned out much longer than I originally intended as I tried to include some exposition about the world and my characters themselves. But since it's completed, that means we can start whenever members should like. So I guess what I'm asking is when would you all like to start? ^_^

I also really enjoy that fact that others were thinking of New Year's holiday for Aelia. X3 It completely matches her. Since this is an entirely different world though, I realized they might have an entirely different year marking than we do. As in, they would have different months and the first month of the year might be in say spring or summer instead of winter. To make it easier I could just make their year identical to our own, or if you all wanted then I could design the year around the gods' desires instead and create something more unique to the world? :orly:

Also, I can't really see Roshan having a specific holiday. I figure it's more likely that people will pray to him or have a ritual celebration right before they would travel, but there would be no specific "traveling day" per say. Not unless the holiday is directly connected to the migration of the birds. He's very much a neutral god to me, since he has the good of language and travel needed in civilization, but the bad of deception and the dangerous wild. He's likely viewed as "The Hermit", probably. Funny thing is that originally I was also going to make him the God of Thievery and Measurement as well.

Also, since characters have such a hugely varying ratio of ages, I have compiled a list of information about the estimated timeline of the world if members would be interested. It's in the spoiler below. ^_^ It's very closely based on our timeline of humans, with a few difference made toward the end. This is mostly if members wanted to make any flashbacks or want to go really in depth with their character's history.
  • 110,000 to 12,000 years ago: Ice Age.
  • 50,000 to 30,000 years ago: Stone Age - Stone tools, little development in technology, cave paintings and clay figurines, etc.
  • 33,000 years ago: Dogs are being domesticated.
  • 28,000-20,000 years ago: Harpoons, needles, and saws invented. NOT made of metal, but instead of stone, wood, and bone.
  • 28,000-24,000 years ago: Pottery becomes more common, specifically decorative figurine shaped pottery, as storage vessel pottery was necessary and already around.
  • 26,000 years ago: Fibers used to make clothes, nets, and bags and baskets for carrying.
  • 26,000 to 20,000 years ago: Last Glacial Maximum. Still in the Ice Age. Ice sheets covering land, making life hard.
  • 25,000 years ago: Humans start setting their own permanent residencies instead of traveling around. First "towns" and "villages" essentially.
  • 15,000-14,700 years ago: Pigs are being domesticated (Very dangerous work, pigs are very dangerous).
  • 13,000 to 10,000 years ago: Late Glacial Maximum. Ice Age starts to end, glaciers are melting, and the world is warming up.
  • 13,000-11,000 years ago: Sheep are being domesticated.
  • Around 12,000 years ago: Goats turn to be domesticated.
  • Around 10,500 years ago: Cows get to be domesticated.
  • 10,000 years ago: Ice Age creatures and plants have officially all died off.
  • 10,000-9,000 years ago: Barley and wheat begin to be grown by society. Used for beer, soup, and eventually to make bread.
  • Around 9,500 years ago: Kitties! Cats get to join the domesticated group.
  • 7,000-6,000 years ago: The War.
  • 7,000 years ago: The Wheel has also been invented, and proto-writing begins to spread (basically writing with no spoken language, or at least none known today. Symbols. Proto-writing has been lost.). Horses and chickens are domesticated.
  • 6,800 to 4,000 years ago: Technology is pushed forward by the war, causing the Bronze Age to emerge.
  • Roughly 5,000 years ago: The Gods emerge.
  • 4,500 years ago: "True" writing is invented (as in writing with a spoken language that is known and used).
  • 4,000 to 2,000 years ago: Iron Age.
  • 1,400 to 900 years ago: Middle Ages. Medieval Times.
I don't know what else to add to that, so I leave it as it is for now. Here's some additional info about the world's current state:
  • Transportation: Horse drawn, walking, sailboats.
  • Lighting: Oil lanterns.
  • Communication: Optical telegraph (conveys information over a distance by visual, sort of like smoke signals). Also by pigeon or person, on foot or by horse.
  • Power: Mill power, fire power, human power. Steam power is currently being worked upon, but has yet to be successfully developed.
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Re: In Secret We Lie OoC Thread

Post by Saria »

/realises I haven't actually posted here yet oops sorry

Umbry mentioned the holidays we mused about in a skype chat and we also came up with ideas of how humans might have viewed relationships between the gods? As in, how they're supposedly related or whatever, not how they actually are related. I believe it was Peaches who first mentioned something like this?
Well anyway, here's some of the silly ideas we had. Note that some people may be absent as this was discussed quite a while ago I just forgot to mention it.
  • Aelia, Keithen and Kolya
    Aelia could be potentially seen as the mother of Keithen and Kolya, being that she's Goddess of Fire and the Sun and such, while they're also both linked to fire (Keithen's actually a god of it, whereas Kolya just has a strong tie to it). Maybe people view her as being a more nurturing type of fire, whereas her supposed "sons" are a destructive type?
  • Liena, Kaser and Mikhail
    Perhaps the humans view these three as siblings? After all, they all seem to be linked with dark things - Liena is a shadowy and terrifying being, Kaser is linked with the moon and therefore night, then Mikhail is God of the Dead and such, and death and dead things are usually linked with dark things.
  • Myesha, Henrique and Zacharie
    Well Myesha is Zacharie's foster mother I guess, so it makes it quite understandable for that mistake to be made. And Henrique is linked with lust, and that seems to fit well with relationships so...well, it might be amusing if people thought Henrique and Myesha were a couple/married and Zacharie was their kid.
What do you guys think of these?
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Re: In Secret We Lie OoC Thread

Post by Aneira »

I wouldn't have much issue with having either a new year schedule or keep to one that's identical to our's. Also, that timeline is helpful, thanks for making one! I'm sure a lot more characters will be able to go a bit more in-depth since there's an established timeline.

Saria, I love the ideas that you guys came up with. Especially the relationship between Aelia, Keithen, and Kolya. I can certainly see why the humans might have assumed those to be the relationships that they have with one another. I'm also curious to see how the Gods will end up acting around one another to uphold their image, since I'd assume they would have done their research or paid attention to the beliefs in order to keep from being found out.

As for when we're ready to start, I'm personally ready whenever you choose to begin. ^.^

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Re: In Secret We Lie OoC Thread

Post by GriffinHeart101 »

Those relationship ideas are awesome! If Keithen found out that they thought that Aelia was his mother, he'd probably freak out.

Also, I'm going to be going out of province on Monday until Friday or Saturday. I'm sure the hotel will have Internet but I don't know if I'll be able to post often or even at all. Just a heads up.

Lastly, would it be alright if I made another god?
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