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Re: Dreamtime Misfits [Open!]

Posted: July 25th, 2014, 4:14:58 pm
by MageLorelei
Swho! :t-glomp:

I like the first idea... And having a Kimono bottle would be awesome!

Re: Dreamtime Misfits [Open!]

Posted: July 25th, 2014, 4:55:31 pm
by TangleLore
-wiggles- around oooooh I can't wait to show you guys what I've been working on 8D hehe

Re: Dreamtime Misfits [Open!]

Posted: July 25th, 2014, 9:29:58 pm
by Ktanaqui
May I possibly offer a different suggestion?
You seem to be picking up quite a few artists to help you with this. Maybe put everyone on a rotating schedule for releases?

Like this:
(KEY: Artists: A/B/C/D | Weeks: 1/2/3/4 | Number of Misfits/Bottles per week per artist: 3)

1: AB
2: BC
3: CA
4: AB
-Next Month-
1: BC
2: CA
3: AB
4: BC

This would be, of course, for three artists. If you have four, then you could adjust the schedule again:

1: AB
2: BC
3: CD
4: DA

Aaand, if you get five artists:
1: ABC
2: BCD
3: CDE
4: DEA
-Next Month-
1: EAB
2: ABC

So on and so forth. The idea gives every worker 1-2 "break" weeks in the schedule, as well as cutting down the amount of work any one worker would have to do (to only three misfits&bottles per week). Of course, if a worker wants to add some extra in because they had a creative spot... that could be allowed too. They would be "unexpected extras"?

And I think that, in the second set of options (the ORs)...
+ Making slightly more customizable Misfits is a pretty good idea. After all, are the misfits so different that none others like them exist? Plus... the bottles change them so much too.
+ Lowering the requirements for a misfit isn't necessarily a bad idea. Misfits are well... misfits. They don't fit :p

Also... if you need help with keeping things updated... I can offer some help? I can pick up the information and add it and PM you the copy of the "updated" post when the art & stuff is posted.

Re: Dreamtime Misfits [Open!]

Posted: July 31st, 2014, 4:24:32 am
by ilton
Hey! I'd like to snatch up Robro, please! I'd also like the last remaining bottle of otherworldly knowledge, and immediately zap Robro with it.

I can't see myself getting too heavily into the rping of this, as I have a lot of other stuff to juggle, but Robro looked too radicool to pass up.

Give me a sec here to amend this post with the proper forms, my clipboard is being terrible again.

Username: ilton
Misfit to Adopt: Robro
Total Price: 2,000 gold

Username: ilton
Items: Bottle of Otherworldly Knowledge
Total Price: 500 gold

Total Total Price: 2,500 gold

I use the Bottle of Otherworldly Knowledge on Robro.

Aw man, I can't wait to see how trippy that makes him look!

Re: Dreamtime Misfits [Open!]

Posted: August 9th, 2014, 6:24:33 pm
by Firebird
all trades have gone through. Hope for updates soon.

Re: Dreamtime Misfits [Open!]

Posted: August 22nd, 2014, 3:47:50 pm
by Silvrechan
Hello everyone. I know this has been inactive for a while, and I would just like to offer a HUGE apology for that. My computer crashed and I lost a TON of my saved things. Today's the first day I'm back online. And now that school is starting up, I;ll be able to post even less than I would over the summer. Nevertheless, I'm going to try! And for all of you that I kept waiting, here's my apology; I'll give you each any bottle you like,or you can put in a request for a new bottle and I'll make it. That's all for now, since I've got to figure out what I need to re-do. Hopefully, though, I'll have an update for y'all soon!

Ah, just so I know, how many of you are still here?

Re: Dreamtime Misfits [Open!]

Posted: August 22nd, 2014, 7:21:22 pm
by MageLorelei
I'm always here.

Re: Dreamtime Misfits [Open!]

Posted: August 22nd, 2014, 7:59:31 pm
by AlphaWolf
Still here~ Waiting~

Re: Dreamtime Misfits [Open!]

Posted: August 22nd, 2014, 10:12:50 pm
by SparrowFlight
Im still around :D

Re: Dreamtime Misfits [Open!]

Posted: August 23rd, 2014, 12:02:53 am
by TangleLore

I'm always here!