Cats or Dogs?

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Cats or Dogs

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Re: Cats or Dogs?

Post by Challenger007 »

ChaoticWhispers wrote:This is such a hard question! I'm glad there's a "both" option because I find it hard to choose one. I currently have one dog (a German Shepherd mix) and a black cat. I adore them both. Cats and dogs each have such unique qualities and experiences living with them that make them special. If I could only have one, it would probably be a dog, but I'm glad I don't have to pick. XD I just love animals in general.
It's cool when there is an opportunity to keep different animals. I myself would not mind getting a dog, but I have very little space, and a dog is a mobile animal.
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Re: Cats or Dogs?

Post by TheWhiteTigerGod »

I love both, but I'm definitely more of a cat person. :)
My first creature. :)
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Re: Cats or Dogs?

Post by Bluewyrm »

I ...hic... tend to prefer catsh a great deal; too many ...hic... bad experrienceesh wid dogsh aash aa kiid.. IIt'sh a lot harder ...hic... to dink of dem ash friendly aniimalsh when yoou're moshtly on de receeiving end of deir owner-shpecific loyaltty....

But mmy faavoritesh are deffinitely parakeetsh! A little friend who liveesh ...hic... wid yyoou and "hellpsh" wid phonnee calllsh aand mushic lishtening,, aand will have (admiittedly, moshtly incomprehenshible) convershhationsh wid ...hic... youu? Addorable.
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Re: Cats or Dogs?

Post by RulerOfTheNight »

I love both, but I have to say dogs.
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Re: Cats or Dogs?

Post by Galaxywatcher »

Cats for me! Mostly because I have the CUTEST cat ever! But that's just my opinion
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Re: Cats or Dogs?

Post by 411 »

had i never had a cat of my own, i'd pick dogs for sure.
now that i have a dog and two cats, i really can't pick. they're all so wonderful!
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Re: Cats or Dogs?

Post by LastLullaby »

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Re: Cats or Dogs?

Post by Warriorcatkitty »

Cats, but don't get me wrong, I love love love dogs. But I'm a cat person. Cats automatically win. Although when it comes to wild animals I do love wolves and foxes, which are both canines, but still I choose cats. Just... look at a little kitten and then tell me that cats don't win? THEY PURR!! DO DOGS PURR??!!! I THINK NOT!!! xD (but again, I still adore doggos and I would be just as happy to have a pet dog as I would to have a cat, but when given the choice I'll pick cats)
Another reason why I usually choose cats, is because I feel like they are more often misunderstood than dogs...
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Re: Cats or Dogs?

Post by Starmadnessgod »

I love both! We have 2 dogs, and 8 cats.
Mom has 1 dog and 4 cats and I have 1 dog and 4 cats (as well as a guinea pig and a ball python).
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Re: Cats or Dogs?

Post by Mockingbird13 »

THis is such a hard one! I love cats and dogs! We have 2 dogs and 4 cats right now and I love them all! But...I think in the end, I'll have to go with cats over dogs, simply because they are less work to take care of. Dogs require way more personal grooming (baths, haircuts, nail clipping), way more direct exercise (walks or letting them in and out into a fenced yard throughout the day). They get dirtier than cats, they're louder than cats. They also need a certain level of training that you don't have to work on with a cat. Like, cats require work, too, but I think it's a little less in the end. The worst chore is probably changing the litterbox, but other than that it's just making sure they have food and water and playing with them on and off and that's it. They clean themselves, they don't need to go outside, they don't bark at everything they see outside a window. If you need to be out of the house all day, your cats will be fine but your dogs will need to be let out to go potty by someone. So I love cats and dogs, but dogs are more work by a mile.

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