Your Sleeping Habits

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Re: Your Sleeping Habits

Post by sapphireswan »

Before I start this I have narcolepsy so my answers might be pretty severe

1. How often do you think you sleep every night/day?Before I was diagnosed 18-21 hours a day. Now I sleep 8-10 hours

2. What time do you usually try to go to sleep? By 10:00 at night.

3. Do you sleep during the day or the night?Night.

4. Do you have any things you absolutely need to do before going to sleep and when you wake up?Just regular before bed routine. Brush teeth and floss teeth, lotion, etc...

5. How were your sleep patterns as a child before becoming a teenager?They were normal 8-9 hours of sleep at night. Maybe a hour nap here and there.

6. How were your sleep patterns as a teenager?Really bad. I started sleeping more and more, and couldn't help it. By the time I was 15 I was sleeping more than 15 hours a day.

7. How were your sleep patterns as a young adult?*I was diagnosed at 18 so I have gotten better to the point of being 'normal' though I am still tired (Not sleepy) all the time.

8. How were your sleep patterns as a middle aged adult?*

9. How are your sleep patterns now?8-10 hours a night. Maybe a hour nap here and there. Just like when I was a kid.

10. What kind of bed do you sleep on? (i.e. brand, firm/softness, pillows or whatnot, ect)I am not sure about the brand. It is a firm mattress with lots of pillows (7) :P

11. Do you have to sleep in a certain position?On my sides, but my blanket always has to be touching my chin (I have no idea why)

12. How well do you normally sleep?Very well.

13. What things do you do when you get up after sleeping?I groan because I do not want to get up. I then stretch for a long time (I think it's just a way of procrastinating :lol:)
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Re: Your Sleeping Habits

Post by Althea »

1. How often do you think you sleep every night/day? Generally once in a 24-hour period. I rarely nap.

2. What time do you usually try to go to sleep? When I am unemployed (like I am now), I turn into a total nocturnal person. I really dislike being on a daytime schedule. When I am free to keep to my own body clock, I usually go to bed around 5 or 6 AM.

3. Do you sleep during the day or the night? Day.

4. Do you have any things you absolutely need to do before going to sleep and when you wake up? Other than going pee right after I wake up, no. LOL.

5. How were your sleep patterns as a child before becoming a teenager? I had a sleep disorder when I was a kid. I would be so deeply asleep that it would take my mom roughly an hour of physical stimuli (tickling, shaking, etc. Nothing mean, lol) before I would wake up,. I had the absolutely loudest alarm clock ever (it hurt my ears if I ever heard it when I was awake), and even that never worked for me. Other than that, I had a pretty normal sleep habit -- slept about 9 or 10 hours a night, which is fine for a kid.

6. How were your sleep patterns as a teenager? Pretty typical for a teen -- stayed up as long as I could, got maybe 4 or 5 hours of sleep a night.

7. How were your sleep patterns as a young adult?* They carried over from my teen years -- maybe 5 or 6 hours per night. Looks like I sleep more when I don't have work, though, since I am actually getting 7 or 8 hours per rest period now. Feels good, man.

8. How were your sleep patterns as a middle aged adult?* NA

9. How are your sleep patterns now? More normal than they've ever been, except for the times I choose to sleep and awake.

10. What kind of bed do you sleep on? (i.e. brand, firm/softness, pillows or whatnot, ect) I don't know the brand, it's of medium firmness, and I use a lot of pillows. I have a joint problem, and if I don't prop my top half up at night, my back absolutely kills me in the morning.

11. Do you have to sleep in a certain position? I always have to sleep on my side. My back and knees won't allow me to sleep on my back or stomach. I don't have a preference between which side I sleep on.

12. How well do you normally sleep? Usually quite well, unless joint pain wakes me in the night when I move.

13. What things do you do when you get up after sleeping? Shower and clean myself up, grab a bite, go online.

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Re: Your Sleeping Habits

Post by Saffrie »

1. How often do you think you sleep every night/day?
Only 7-8 1/2 hours. I get way too little sleep, and I am already yawning at like 8 o'clock. Only once a day. However, lately I have only been getting about 7 hours of sleep, and then I fall asleep on the floor or on the couch because I can't stay awake.

2. What time do you usually try to go to sleep?
10:00 on school nights. On holidays or weekends, 11:00.

3. Do you sleep during the day or the night?
Night. Have stuff to do during the day

4. Do you have any things you absolutely need to do before going to sleep and when you wake up?
I get a glass of water otherwise I wake up really thirsty. Other than than, I just put a retainer in before I go to bed and take it off when I wake up :t--.-:

5. How were your sleep patterns as a child before becoming a teenager?
More set and steady. I got a lot more sleep as well.

6. How were your sleep patterns as a teenager?
See #2

7. How were your sleep patterns as a young adult?*

8. How were your sleep patterns as a middle aged adult?*

9. How are your sleep patterns now?
See #2

10. What kind of bed do you sleep on? (i.e. brand, firm/softness, pillows or whatnot, ect)
2 pillows, lots of blankets. I would say it is normal, in the middle of soft and hard. It's fine for me.

11. Do you have to sleep in a certain position?
On my back. I am not comfy any other way.

12. How well do you normally sleep?
Meh, it just depends. I generally sleep fine, but some nights it is impossible to get any sleep.

13. What things do you do when you get up after sleeping?
Breakfast, other morning things.

Not too interesting XD
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Re: Your Sleeping Habits

Post by Ye1 »

1. How often do you think you sleep every night/day?
on weekdays, I try for 9 hours, but it usually ends up being less
on weekends, rotate 90 degrees for the answer ----> 8

2. What time do you usually try to go to sleep?
10:00 pm

3. Do you sleep during the day or the night?
Night! sleeping during the day is impossible D:

4. Do you have any things you absolutely need to do before going to sleep and when you wake up?
shut the alarm off.

5. How were your sleep patterns as a child before becoming a teenager?

6. How were your sleep patterns as a teenager?
AGH! gastly terrible awesome fun!

7. How were your sleep patterns as a young adult?*
not sure if I qualify

8. How were your sleep patterns as a middle aged adult?*

9. How are your sleep patterns now?
crazy cool/terrible

10. What kind of bed do you sleep on? (i.e. brand, firm/softness, pillows or whatnot, ect)
big ol bunk bed- at the top. make me feel like a kitteh :3

11. Do you have to sleep in a certain position?
usually there's this perfect position, and when I find it, I'm the happiest sleeping person in the world <3

12. How well do you normally sleep?
good i guess, I always have these very vidid, lucid nightmares that last all night
yeah, i can lucid dream at will, so that just makes things worse, but I love it :3

13. What things do you do when you get up after sleeping?
attempt to awaken. attempt.
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Re: Your Sleeping Habits

Post by Moonrise »

1. How often do you think you sleep every night/day?
I probably sleep about 6-8 hours. Sometimes if I'm really upset about something I get less sleep
2. What time do you usually try to go to sleep?
I try to go to bed at 9:30 but my life is not to normal at the moment and i don't get to bed until 10:30 -11:00
3. Do you sleep during the day or the night?
I sleep during the night... I have troble even taking naps in the day.
4. Do you have any things you absolutely need to do before going to sleep and when you wake up?
Only if my parents need me to do something.
5. How were your sleep patterns as a child before becoming a teenager?
As a kid I sleep from 8:00 to 7:00 with no problem.
6. How were your sleep patterns as a teenager?
Now as a teen/tween I have troble making myself get up from sleeping... I think my sister thinks I'm lazy.
7. How were your sleep patterns as a young adult?*
That's still in the future! :)
8. How were your sleep patterns as a middle aged adult?*
Also in the future.
9. How are your sleep patterns now?
I'm now constantly tired. I don't have set times that are actually followed.
10. What kind of bed do you sleep on? (i.e. brand, firm/softness, pillows or whatnot, ect)
I sleep on a firm but soft bed (If that makes sence!)
11. Do you have to sleep in a certain position?
Mostly on my stomach or side.
12. How well do you normally sleep?
Not the greatest since my Grandma passed away Before that I sleep pretty good.
13. What things do you do when you get up after sleeping?
Sit and blink, until I get hungry or have to go to a class... (I'm a online student)
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Re: Your Sleeping Habits

Post by Darklightx »

1. How often do you think you sleep every night/day?
I sleep around 7-9 hours everyday. I feel like I need more sleep, but I sometimes can't make myself sleep earlier.

2. What time do you usually try to go to sleep?
10-11 PM. It varies, although I mostly go to sleep at around 10:30.

3. Do you sleep during the day or the night?
I sleep during the night. I might take a short nap during the day, but those happen very rarely.

4. Do you have any things you absolutely need to do before going to sleep and when you wake up?
I sometimes do a mental check to see whether I've got everything I need for the next day, When I wake, I need to get a drink of water because my throat is dry most days.

5. How were your sleep patterns as a child before becoming a teenager?
I slept earlier, at a set time every night.

6. How were your sleep patterns as a teenager?
(see above)

7. How were your sleep patterns as a young adult?*
Not yet

8. How were your sleep patterns as a middle aged adult?*
Not yet

9. How are your sleep patterns now?
Kind of normal? I don't know.

10. What kind of bed do you sleep on? (i.e. brand, firm/softness, pillows or whatnot, ect)
On a normal bed. Not sure how to describe it.

11. Do you have to sleep in a certain position?
Probably on my side. I have trouble sleeping in other positions.

12. How well do you normally sleep?
I sleep rather well, although I find it hard to go to sleep some nights.

13. What things do you do when you get up after sleeping?
See 4. Besides that, normal things. Breakfast, go to school.
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Re: Your Sleeping Habits

Post by mandalorianlady »

i sleep about 4_6 hours a night, less if i am stressed. i take a 45 minute nap during girl's naptime when i need to.

i try to get to sleep between 10:30, 11p.m.

i have to brush my teeth before i go to bed at night. when i first wake up i just sit up stretch and figure what i have to do for the day then i get going.

as a kid my bed time was 8 or 9 p.m. as a teenager i tended to keep those same times until the holidays then i would stay up all night reading or doing stuff with, friends and family. after i was out of school i tended to stay up past 12 am.

middle age -lol- i sleep about four or six hours, less if i am stressed.

i sleep on a medium firm mattress, winter sheets flannel, summer sheets are coton-nylon mix, i sleep best with sound of my fan going. i sleep on my side or stomach most nights.

i figure if i sleep and no nightmares it is a good night.

house chores play with kids etc, once breakfast has been eatten.

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Re: Your Sleeping Habits

Post by SilverWolf »

1. How often do you think you sleep every night/day?
Weekdays I sleep about 7 hours. It's not enough, I need about 9 hours, but life refuses to allow me to get that much. Weekends about 10-11 hours, depending on how much sleep I actually got on the weekdays.

2. What time do you usually try to go to sleep?
10:30-11pm. I've tried earlier than that. I end up laying in my bed wide awake until 10:30.

3. Do you sleep during the day or the night?
On weekdays, night. Weekends, day. I am a night owl, I prefer to stay awake until 4am, and wake up at 2-3pm. But school doesn't like these sleeping hours, and I have to adjust during the week.

4. Do you have any things you absolutely need to do before going to sleep and when you wake up?
Feeding animals and doing regular maintenance/care for them.

5. How were your sleep patterns as a child before becoming a teenager?
Uhhhhhh..... I suppose just about the same, except more regular.

(Skipped 6-9, it doesn't apply to me since I'm a teenager and I already stated my sleeping patterns.)

10. What kind of bed do you sleep on? (i.e. brand, firm/softness, pillows or whatnot, ect)
I have no idea. But I do know it has a pillow-top on it.

11. Do you have to sleep in a certain position?
No. But I prefer on my side.

12. How well do you normally sleep?
Weekdays, not that great. Weekends, pretty great.

13. What things do you do when you get up after sleeping?
Feed animals, spend time with them, regular maintenance, etc.
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Re: Your Sleeping Habits

Post by ZezeDragon »

1. How often do you think you sleep every night/day?
About 6 hours.
2. What time do you usually try to go to sleep?
12:00 AM, most of the time. Sometimes earlier or later.
3. Do you sleep during the day or the night?
Night, I'm still in school, after all.
4. Do you have any things you absolutely need to do before going to sleep and when you wake up?
Use the bathroom, always.
5. How were your sleep patterns as a child before becoming a teenager?
6. How were your sleep patterns as a teenager?
Horrible. On school days, from 12:30 AM to 6:30 AM. On weekends, 1:00 AM-11:00 AM
7. How were your sleep patterns as a young adult?*
Not quite there
8. How were your sleep patterns as a middle aged adult?*
9. How are your sleep patterns now?
:P Blah.
10. What kind of bed do you sleep on? (i.e. brand, firm/softness, pillows or whatnot, ect)
Very old, creaky bed with flat pillows and a very nice mattress. At least, I think so.
11. Do you have to sleep in a certain position?
On my stomach, in a really weird way.
12. How well do you normally sleep?
13. What things do you do when you get up after sleeping?
Go back to sleep. :yarly:
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Re: Your Sleeping Habits

Post by missshadedlove »

I stay up late haha. I dont like going to bed early.

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