Unscripted Backstage

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Re: Unscripted Backstage

Post by SapphireHeart »

Yeah, that makes a lot more sense. How common are demigods? Like, how much of a priority is catchin our characters?
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Re: Unscripted Backstage

Post by Duragi »


They're pretty common. However, active ones are extremely rare, like our characters. The active age differs, but is commonly 16.
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Re: Unscripted Backstage

Post by Duragi »

There'll be two *checkpoints* on the journey to the Oracles.

One is a standard enemy encounter(The details I shall keep to myself.), the other is a town along the way, undergoing a festival.

The point of the first, show the seriousness of the situation, among other things.

The point of the second is to allow for character interaction, but also allow a display of talents. Non Combat talents, that is.
Walker's instrument talent, Safs singing, even Ella's pickpocketing are things I'd like to see, though those are just suggestions, from reading your forms.

Choose to discuss it here, or pm me if you want to surprise everyone.

Reasoning for the second: What's the point of talents if they are not used? Haha!
As well as an overall boost to the closeness of the group.
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Re: Unscripted Backstage

Post by Saria »

Um, I think there was some confusion with my post...again. Sorry, I guess I must write in a really unclear manner. It's not like I'm surprised, I write exactly how I think. Probably makes it hard to follow, I'm so sorry.
Anyway, it seems like there seems to be the thought that it was thorns for kindling I was talking about? But it was thorn for fuel. Thorn and thorns are different, because thorn is just the short way of referring to blackthorn, which is also called a sloe tree. It's a relatively small tree since it's only around 5ft at most, though like all plants it can grow beyond that. But typically that's the highest. Some people call smaller ones scrubs since they're one of those scrubby looking trees. But yeah, thorn wood is used as more as fuel, not kindling. And it burns hot and with very little smoke. The twigs would (or should I say wood? *shot*) be possible kindling, but I was referring to the main wood.
Sorry. :derp:

Also, Sapphire, I think you completely misinterpreted Kolya's reaction. He didn't glare or snarl or anything like that at her, so I'd appreciate it if you didn't change his reactions. I know it probably wasn't intentional, in fact it's probably the way I wrote it again. Sorry. Man I need to learn how to write clearly and coherently. But yeah, the fake but bright smile he gave her is more of a being pleasantly annoying thing. Like when you just act nice to people and smile but everyone knows you're not actually being nice. Like you're patronising them. Or something. I'm probably not making any sense, sorry.
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Re: Unscripted Backstage

Post by ThroughFireandBlood »

I knew what you were talking about n.n being a pyromaniac has its perks lol.
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Re: Unscripted Backstage

Post by SapphireHeart »

I knew exactly what you were talking about - I go backpacking a lot and there isn't any blackthorn I've read about it somewhere. However, the character (Ella) has no clue about the thorn/thorns distinction, and I'm actually going to have her bring back three different types of thorny plant (including blackthorn). However, I still don't think ThroughFireandBlood (do you have a nickname? I might start calling you Khaleesi) is wrong - I've always been taught that if you want a smokeless fire it needs to burn clean, dry, and hot.

Your post was fine - it just seemed, from the way of his reaction, that he was suppressing anger. Hence, 'snarling smile' rather than just 'snarl'. Also, I don't know what else to call an annoyed, unfriendly, and generally hostile look - even one that's masked under something else - other than a 'glare.' But I'll go mess around with the wording a little bit. I think it was my wording, if anything.

By the way, I know my character is annoying and smug, and I promise I'm not really like that. XD

EDIT: And also, your character mentioned deciduous wood being best, but I think deciduous wood tends to be heavier than evergreen wood, and therefore burn slower and less cleanly. :derp:
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Re: Unscripted Backstage

Post by ThroughFireandBlood »

If you nicknamed me Khaleesi I would love you forever! Lol. But Ecergreens tend to stay wet and burn dark smoke. So deciduous trees are best for smokeless.
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Re: Unscripted Backstage

Post by Saria »

Wait, do you mean actual pyromaniac or just someone who likes fire? Because the two are very different.

I wondered about Ella doing that, but it was more in the other post where it said he mentioned it for kindling. Illiad is supposed to have good survival skills and he said feel, so where the kindling idea was coming from I'm not sure.
As for smokeless fires, it also depends on the wood. Certain woods are smokey, and certain ones burn nice and hot. Personally, I prefer ash but it'd be harder to cut, so I figured suggesting blackthorn since it would be second best.

I do see where you're coming from, but snarling hints to aggressive hostility. More feral and animalistic, which isn't the case. Just that really annoying smiles that look bright but you just know the other person isn't being sweet and cheerful.

Don't worry, I know that. It's like I'm not like Kolya, either. I actually really like Ella as well, but I can't say Kolya is too impressed at the moment. On the other hand, at least she has made an impression.

Conifers tend to have more sap, so they usually spit and smoke more. They're good for signalling though. Smell nice too. A lot of wood have gorgeous smells when burning, but unfortunately those would attract attention, especially of dire wolves, so I had to avoid picking one of those. A all woods have certain scents, but some are easier to pick up than others.

EDIT: FireBlood/Kahleesi/Kahl (Kahleesi still seems long but if you don't like Kahl that's okay) ninja'd me. Oh well.
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Re: Unscripted Backstage

Post by umbreon241 »

Kolya's never impressed. :derr:
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Re: Unscripted Backstage

Post by SapphireHeart »

Yes. I love the smell of wood fires. Anyway, you two can decide whatever you want about the wood, since my character doesn't know anything about that anyway. I'll go fix that part of my post.
I really like Kolya, as well. Actually, I like almost all of the characters - they managed to be so different, I really like it will be fun to watch them interact.
Also, 'Khaleesi' is a reference to Game of Thrones - it means 'queen' in Dothraki (kind of), which is a language from the books. 'Khal' is the masculine form of 'Khaleesi,' so calling her Khal wouldn't make as much sense. :derp:

I have some questions about the oracles, and about the village festival, and about the gods. And the kingdom.
[questionoverload=true] What are the oracles? Are they people? Are they, like, crystal balls? Are they some sort of scrying pool? Why are they all in the north? Who's going to know about them/how to find them (*coughKolyaprobablymakesthemostsensecough*) Are the oracles going to make everything easy and tell the demigods exactly what to do, or are they going to be mysterious and shady and just give the characters enough information to find out what they need on their own?

How exactly do you kill a god? Are gods located on a higher plane of existence/alternate dimension, or are they hidden inside temples/loci/holy vessels/other? Or are they part of the world itself? Are there certain components you need to kill a god, or special weapons? Or do gods have video game weakspots? Or are there perhaps several objects/places/whatever that tie in to Author's strength and need to be destroyed first? Or maybe a combination of any of these...?

Is anything useful to the plot going to happen in the village, or is it just a chance for everyone to show off their fancy powers? Are they just there to get supplies/food? Are they going to have problems hiding their demigod powers? Are they going to run in to soldiers/other demigods/bounty hunters/servant of Author? Is this a harvest festival, a religious festival, or what?

How are the gods honored/worshiped? Do they have temples? Priest(esses)? Acolytes? How organized is religion in this kingdom? Are there different factions that support different gods? Do the gods care about what author is doing? How is this country run? What is it called? Who is the king/leader? What does the king/leader think of Author's destruction of the demigods? How do religion and state interact? Do the gods have holidays? Are there any non-god-related holidays in this kingdom? How big is the kingdom? Does it interact with outside states at all? What do the people think of the king? What do the people think of their gods?[/questionoverload]

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