Phobias.. we all have one.

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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by ElmoBluey »

I have Arachnophobia
I hate spiders sooooo much
they're disgusting ;-;
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by eggboy »

socialphobia and dentalphobia ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by BradTheMad »

Please note that this is the HoS subsection on the forum and the following rule applies:

4. Literacy
A higher level thought is expected out of most posts in this section. Discussion means not only stating your point, but also giving the reasons behind it.

Let's make certain this thread does not devolve into merely stating your phobia so we get a MS phobia-list from members rather than an interesting thread to read through.
Write a little more about it.
What does your phobia mean? Any idea where it comes from? etc. etc.

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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by eggboy »

ah, sorry. I'm a new forum user and I'm used to keeping text short. but enough excuses;

Personally I have a lot of dentist horror stories from my childhood, none I really remember clearly only bits and pieces (also my english dentist vocabulary is very limited, oops).

Dentist visits are just so bisarre imo, its a weird interaction and it also kinda ties into my socialphobia, just lying in a chair in a room with someone i dont know poking in my mouth.

2 years ago I freaked out and hid in the restroom in the waitroom and when they got me out i cried thru all of it, and at the end i could barely talk. very unpleasant.
but last year i was in a hurry so i got to go in right away, so I didn't have time to work myself up in the waitroom, so it went rly smootly. I think it helped that they had moved to another building, so the enviroment didn't have any bad memories attatched to it.
Human emotions are weird.

it's annoying bcus i know its silly but in the moment im like "this is the end im gonna die here", tho i guess that's just the general feeling a lot of people have with phobias. knowing that it's silly.
that's why it's so important to take ppls fears seriously, be respectful even if you "dont get it". I've had everyone around me atleast once make fun of me for my dental fear and it's just such an awful feeling. be nice.

To follow up on Elmos arachnophobia, a youtuber once said he felt humans where almost designed to fear spiders. jittery, fast, either too small or too big and very unpredictable, all things we don't like. I thought it was an interesting thought.
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by BradTheMad »

@eggboy; no worries that's what Mods are for after all.
eggboy wrote:To follow up on Elmos arachnophobia, a youtuber once said he felt humans where almost designed to fear spiders. jittery, fast, either too small or too big and very unpredictable, all things we don't like. I thought it was an interesting thought.
I've heard this before and I wonder about that. What I personally believe is that people who are afraid of certain animals either had a negative encounter with them or picked up on the behavior of an adult. Most children who are afraid of dogs for instance kind of inherit it from their siblings and/or parents.

I myself have never been phobic of any animal. My love for animals was installed when really young. I have a healthy respect for most of them because hey, some critters out there are far from cuddly!

As for my own phobias; I had a few but got rid of most of them through therapy as they were quite bothersome. Lots of people confuse regular fear of repulsion with phobia. A phobia really interferes with a normal, healthy life.
I had a ridiculous fear of crowds. If there were more than ten people present anywhere I had to get out fast. Normal things like shopping etc. became a literal hell. I'm still anxious among large crowds but it's manageable. Heck, I even attend concerts again so it's all good. I might have to take a 'bathroom break' for a few minutes but I always return rather than running away.
Most of my phobias trickled down from my PTSD and though the trauma behind the events that caused it were worked on the way I reacted to certain triggers evolved into serious phobias/avoidance behavior. PTSD and phobias can go hand in hand and it's hard to work on.

Still have a few silly thing but I would not call them phobias. They are manageable.
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by ImNotOkay »

well for me i have strange phobias of things
since phobia are our fears might as well talk about it since we all have more then 1 and some that we dont know about.

I have a hard time trusting people so easily, for my friend it took around 7 days to get my trust of 20% till i know that she is a great person.

A phobia i majorly have is being social to people besides my friends.Online i would just be shut and not be very my self around people who i dont know well or i am very "careful" around to some.
One of my other phobia is falling in love,i know its strange but with so much drama, my trust problem, and many even ts in my life it just scares me to love some one that much besides the being my friend.
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by cchrispy »

Every once in a while i will become lucid in a dream and be unable to wake up and sometimes i think i woke up then realize its just another dream so that kinda brought on a fear of being 'locked-in' into my own head being unable to communicate.

another fear is asphyxiation. there isnt a particular phobia for it (yet there is for specifically smothering). I used to have really bad asthma and had to have my tonsils removed and just spent way too much time as a kid in the hospital for breathing issues. even seeing it on tv will fill me with panic. which sucks cus i love medical shows. but yeah, being rendered unable to breathe in any way really freaks me out.
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by Kastilla »

Revan014 wrote:The creepy fantasy creatures my imagination creates. I can't stand some of them because I know EVERYTHING about them and what they do. Some are 'cool' creepy others are just downright terrifying.
thissssss ^^^^^^^^
even though i don't mind them and actually take pride in being able to come up with such a thing, they can get a bit obnoxious because they like to linger in nightmares. *grumble*

another phobia i have is hydrophobia. i can drink it, and bathe in it but the thought of swimming without a float aid is just disgusting. chlorine makes me gag and sneeze, swimming at the ocean or beach causes paranoia, putting my face against the stream in the shower(it feels like i'm drowning or legitimately breathing water), the thought of a death by drowning is absolutely terrifying. i just hate, hate, HATE water! it's either too hot, too cold, or in horrid room temperature and it can make me gag. ughh. however, i find bubble baths relaxing or even in a nice mildly hot spring. probably because it's not real deep.

i have lots of phobias, but most of them are just general fears that most people have. sometimes it's just a memory that triggers the fear for me, or it's just because of dreams that I have involving such fear. spiders, snakes, and some other reptiles are those type of fears. even prehistoric creatures, the ones that have lots of teeth or are rather hideous/horrifying looking can scare the beejeebs outta me. despite those fears, i actually have an affinity for those ravenous-looking creatures. ha ha.

i also have the fear of public places, crowds, talking to strangers, and all that fun anxiety stuff. o_o'
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by ShootingStar »

I have anxiety, which manifests as a mild case of OCD.
I'm a scrubber, I hate germs and grease and overall filth.

I used to be so bad about it that I would change my sheets EVERY morning, and waste water washing them almost every day. I also used to shower every day, exfoliating, washing my hair and scrubbing my nails to the point where almost every inch of skin on my body was so dry it would crack open and scab up. I would also pick at those scabs until the wound would heal smooth, creating scars, because somehow scabs seemed dirty to me rather than the bodies natural healing process.

At my very worst was in Jr High when there was a lice outbreak. I was 13, and my underage teen brain thought that lice liked dirty hair based on old wives tales that flew around out of gossiping mouths. I was washing my hair twice a day, faked sick for two days, and when my Mom finally made me go? A girl who was already treated for her lice, touched my arm and I flipped out on the poor girl.

As I got older I got better, and through education and counselling, I can now live with my germaphobia. I change my sheets once a week, shower every other day, and wash my hair every three days.

I'm still not perfect, just a few summers ago I had an anxiety attack because I was surrounded by sweaty strangers on a bus so packed I was literally squeezed between two people on the hottest day of the year. I had to get off the bus, made my friends get off with me, and we walked for an hour to get to our destination after that. However, instances like this are delightfully rare, and I can function normally.
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Re: Phobias.. we all have one.

Post by AnyaWaltz »

I have micophobia (fear of mushrooms). People think i'm really odd because at the sight of a mushroom, I will literrally go screaming and running down the street. Not joking. Oddly, I love to eat mushrooms, and I'm not afraid of cartoon ones.

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