Dreams..Had any? Share here.

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Re: Dreams..Had any? Share here.

Post by peachybby »

Here are some of my more crazy ones I’ve had through my lifetime:

Riding a rollercoaster and sitting beside a giant hamster with a voice as deep and rich as honey telling me “Hey”, then the ride begins.

Riding in a truck with my family over a bridge when it suddenly collapses. I swim to the top of the river for air after escaping the vehicle and see my brother drowning a few meters away. I swim over and save him, helping him to the shore then just breaking down. I woke up crying after this.

When I was really young I had a reoccurring nightmare that Wiley coyote was hiding in my closet and would come out and try to eat me.

Going back to school and never being able to graduate. I would be stuck in an endless loop of high school even though I was over 18.

Waking up in my childhood home with spiders raining down from the ceiling. I run to open the door but the hallway is filled with venomous snakes. Either way I’m either getting bitten by a spider or a snake and all the bites felt so real.

I’ve had vivid dreams all my life but these are ones I remember the most.
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Re: Dreams..Had any? Share here.

Post by Hollowshield »

A dream I tend to have very frequently... when I do dream at all, is of flying. Not on a plane or with wings. Just running around with a big smile on my face with either my arms outstretched to my sides still, or even flapping them like a bird.

Then I would fly up into the air, do circles around... mainly I wake up before I land but my last one I can remember I landed. It felt like I was really truely flying. I could feel the way the wind went through my hair and around my body... all of it.

Waking up I felt.. empty for some reason.

A more comical one of mine was running through a massive hay field next to a fence. I think me and my mystery friend were going to a tractor party? Well we ran in front of a cow, it lifted its head and made a terrifying noise and I woke up. Heart racing and everything. It was funny and scary wrapped all into one heh.
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Re: Dreams..Had any? Share here.

Post by gummiphrog »

Guh I have dreams every night, sometimes theyre fun.. sometimes theyre just.. guh..

had a chill dream last night but then it just became an anxiety filled grieving mess.. so uhh TW heavy subjects? Including death
it was fun at first, I had this group of friends and a girlfriend.. well i think the whole group was dating her?? idk but it still was a serious relationship with everyone?? idk was a big confusing
but we were hanging out in the winter, and the roads were frozen over in a way where cars couldn't drive on it and you could ice skate on it. So we were ice skating down the high way having fun heheh, we were going to the next town over and ice skating in the dream was so effortless... and we were skating like professional performers.. it was fun

But then the scene changes really really fast(but they're in the same "life" will explain later)..
I'm in this frozen over court house, it was a mock trial class I was in. I over heard some students in whispering about some event that happened a few yrs before and I have some traumatic flash back to it as the students were retelling it, like I was reliving it. During a trial the teacher of the class was one of the head lawyers and I'm the head lawyer on the opposite side (cant remember which side either, he might've been defense.) everyone is rlly focused, taking this seriously.. but as the teacher was up speaking, probably in the middle of questioning a witness, from the direction of the jury.. a student starts shooting the teacher... and I'm hit with so much shock I can't move. Just processing all the details of watching someone be fucking filled with lead and blood and bits going everywhere...
But bc it was some kinda flashback when I look around to the people around me, everyones rlly confused by me breaking down rlly hard, I turn around to the students talking about it like "I WAS THERE" and said some other shit i forgot. there was no way I was gonna be able to function enough to actually be part of the trial so like i got switched out for a different lawyer on the team so I could leave...

The scenes are kinda switching back and forth between the court room and the ice skating, and ig i'm like reminiscing on those memories, and I'm reminded how my girlfriend/fiancé/wife is in the hospital. She was really sick with smth but she seemed to have been getting better and we were hoping she would be able to come home soon... the friend's were still in their own romantic relationships with her as well so we were like comforting each other as a group...
one of them suggests we meet up at this icy park or smth, and she breaks the news that our partner died in her sleep the night before out of no where.. insanely devastating dream.. grieving both a teacher that was loved by the school and a close romantic partner...

Thankfully it was just a dream idk..
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Re: Dreams..Had any? Share here.

Post by audrei9 »

I had a really weird dream involving Murder Drones. I was Doll and I was... doing stuff?? Mostly involving the sentinel bots, and at one point I told Tessa to ask J to bring helmets back to all the other drones so they wouldn't affected by the weird sentinel drones. The story was all different too, which is why Doll was acting so out of character that she would help Tessa. It was weird.

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Re: Dreams..Had any? Share here.

Post by audrei9 »

I had a harry potter themed dream this time, which is weird because I don't really like it or JK Rowling. It was about a first year student to Hogwarts who only had a 10% success rate with their spells, for unknown reasons. Many of their classes consisted of them breaking down in tears due to not being able to cast spells. The student would then learn to use other ways to use their magic, such as through drawing runes on paper and tearing them to cast a spell, or making their own wands that had spell cartridges.

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Re: Dreams..Had any? Share here.

Post by blockEdragon »

I had a dream a while back that really stuck with me. I defeated a wizard (yes, a wizard) threatening America and the president made me secretary of defense like our country is the College of Winterhold or something.

I was not qualified to be SoD but he insisted. I ended up being put in front of a mic and was told to lie about there being no illegal objects in the White House when there, in fact, were illegal objects found hidden in the White House. I woke up feeling genuinely, horribly, guilty about being peer pressured into lying to the public.

I'm not cut out to be a politician.
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Re: Dreams..Had any? Share here.

Post by EstherGamer »

Let's just say my dreams get crazy. I have one where I've been working on a summary of the story from the dream itself + my work on the plot since, and the document has already reached 4 pages. Another one has a ColorNote document on my phone for a detailed character list and which characters are doing what. And I have a different ColorNote document for tracking things from other dreams on my phone.
The one I had last night/this morning (I decided to sleep for as long as possible, I needed sleep) has quite a few notes on my phone, but due to not being logged in on that I'll just summarize while trying my best to explain needed things:
Text Wall-y, I talk too much
First thing I remember from it was me completely wiping the floor with someone in a DS game... that I actually own and know is not even a multiplayer game. Or at least, if it does turn out to have multiplayer (I haven't played it in a while), it's not based on its (admittedly really fun) combat mechanics.
Afterwards my character/dream self (She's often implied to be a character of mine, and in some dreams she's confirmed to be that character, this being one of them actually) had to get out of a really large facility thing that was mostly underwater, which she got out of with help from Princess Peach (I'm not sure why she was there, she was mentioned by name though... (And I just checked a similar thread and realized this is the second time Peach has been in one of my dreams, what even.)) before finding someone to help the two hide.
A different character of mine was in it as well, but was implied to have powers he doesn't actually have and wasn't even the correct form (He's a Dusk Lycanroc but was shown as a Midday one instead... in my mind's defense he was initially a Midday one before I changed it).

And I'll give an honorable mention to this super timid Porygon who showed up for a single scene, because it sounded absolutely adorable and despite barely being visible in the darkness of that room, I want to hug and protect the poor thing.

There were a few other things I noted down, but those things require a lot more context and I lack the time to try to explain the things I'd need to explain.

I'll end this off by saying that dream I mentioned where I already have 4 pages of summary (sure, it's being written in a super casual "I'm trying to keep it quick so I'm pressing enter a lot" style, but still) has a lot, and I mean a lot, of dark yet interesting themes that all make sense put together, and just working on it further has always felt great. I'm still discovering things about that dream, too, usually to my concern (Every time I think it can't get darker in the early part of the plot, I realize something and go "nevermind, it can definitely get darker in the early part of the plot.")
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Re: Dreams..Had any? Share here.

Post by audrei9 »

I had a dream about a bunch of historical authors going to macdonalds in this town so barren and foggy it looked like silent hill. And there was a ghost lady in a blue dress in the distance.

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Re: Dreams..Had any? Share here.

Post by Rainwater »

I had a dream last night where I was watching Unsolved Mysteries. It was about a girl that disappeared, and I know they showed the last picture known of her. I started freaking out because they never figured out what happened to her.

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Re: Dreams..Had any? Share here.

Post by audrei9 »

I dreamed of an angel named Oscar, and how he was sent to protect a rural countryside from some kind of great old one. When the great old one had been sealed into the earth, there had been a prophecy that had said that the 3 year old baby of the family would come across a drain cover with the word 'destruction' written on it, prompting her to read it and summon the great old one. Her family didn't take the threat particularly seriously, because she didn't know how to read, and they could just move her away from any drain pipes they found.

Oscar had more experience with great old ones than the girl's family, and he knew how much danger they were in. He raced across many fields to try and get her to leave the drain cover alone, but due to the luck altering nature of great old ones, he ended up carrying her to another drain cover with the exact words written on it.
She didn't just read it out, she screamed it at the top of her lungs in perfect English, and followed up with a lot of other words; the entire incantation. She was never taught, and she certainly didn't speak of her own volition. A great leviathan rose from the ground and split apart the earth and skies, with all the world swirling towards its open jaws as if caught in a vicious whirlpool.

On the opposite side of the world, an otherwise festive but peaceful beach was terrorized by great slabs of rock that would detach themselves from the cliffs and hurl anyone walking near them into the sea, and trap swimmers under them, dragging everyone to their deaths. But the people were seemingly in a trance, unaware of the danger, still going out and holding contests in the clearly deadly riptides and torrents of the deep blue. There was a prize that you would get if you swam out a certain distance, and I saw children trying to grab at toys held in the prize nets even as they were clearly drowning. There was a brief, but very noticeable, flash of Oscar holding the little girl he failed to stop and looking utterly devastated. It was like a vision or a warning to the beachgoers to leave.

I woke up and wasn't sure what to think. But as I was waking up, I had visions of the extraordinarily complicated prophecies that others would write to prevent the great old ones from manipulating luck and ascending their slumber.

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