Hart Family Crest

The Hart Family

Creator: Tinni
Owner: Tinni

Members: 30

In the long, dark winter months, it can be difficult to remember warmth and joy. Such was the case at the Keep one particularly bitter winter, when the Magi were trapped inside by a blizzard. They gathered in the main hall and began to mutter amongst themselves, until the buzz of their anger filled the room up to the rafters.
Just as the buzz was beginning to take on a violent tone, the fire in the hearth flared gold and white. When the dazzling light cleared, a great white elk festooned with chains stepped into the hall, followed by his delicate mate. Their very presence soothed the ruffled tempers of the Magi, and each Mage knew instinctively to return to their room.
When they did, they each found a tiny white elk calf awaiting them, lighting the room with its calm aura of peace and joy. And so each year elk calves are given to Magi to remind them of the joy of giving and to aid them through the darkness until summer's light returns.
Crest by RenePolumorfous
Story by Sochitelya


1st Generation (5)

2nd Generation (12)

3rd Generation (6)

4th Generation (4)

5th Generation (1)