Sage Family Crest

The Sage Family

Creator: Yunyi
Owner: Yunyi

Members: 20

Members of the Sage pack are known for their wise, gentle nature. Like other direwolves, most Sages prefer to live in the forests far from humans. However, the natural curiosity of these direwolves will sometimes lead them to seek out human contact in an effort to see more of the world beyond their home of the Silva Forest. Sage direwolves can be excellent companions to human magi, especially those who frequently journey through the wilds; the surefooted guidance of these creatures ensures that all magi find the paths that they seek.

Please keep the lineage dires and albino dires!

Family rules

No egg freezing
No releasing
No breeding with other lineages


1st Generation (12)

2nd Generation (5)

3rd Generation (1)