CrimsonHoof Family Crest

The CrimsonHoof Family

Creator: Dragon131
Owner: Dragon131

Members: 4

The CrimsonHoof family members are instantly reconizable by their their bright white fur and red fish tails. They are very playful family, and they love splashing in the water. CrimsonHoof family members are often seen at Lake Lakira playing playing various games in the water such as tag. They also love to take magi for long rides underwater, and invite magi to ride them by splashing them with water (usually much to the magi's irritation). Magi are able to take these underwater rides with them because the CrimsonHoof Capricorns have the unique ability to allow the magi riding them to breathe underwater. As much as they like to play however, CrimsonHoof Capricorns also know how to fight, and will protect each other and their magi very well.

Crest by Rosehill


1st Generation (2)