Master of Desaster Family Crest

The Master of Desaster Family

Creator: Rhia
Owner: Rhia

Members: 27

You can give your family member any name you want. (As long as the name doesn't violate the magistream rules, of course.)

You can breed them as much as you want or can. But be careful, they are the Masters of Disaster and do a lot of nonsense. So think carefully about how many of them you want to have around you. If you want, just give them away to everyone who you think deserves one of these creatures... or just to anyone who want one of these creatures. ^^
Otherwise just send them back to me. ;-)
Thank you. :-)

Family rules

No egg freezing
No releasing


1st Generation (9)

2nd Generation (10)

3rd Generation (5)

4th Generation (1)