Darwing Family Crest

The Darwing Family

Creator: kipwi
Owner: kipwi

Members: 5

Started March 3, 2014

A spinoff of my Darwin family.
Natural selection didn't hit the Darwing Family. Somehow, some way, they were able to evade the law of "Survival of the Fittest". The genetics in this family have run rampant - thus, the members of the Darwing Family aren't exactly the brightest birdies on the island.

- These do NOT follow the same breeding rules as the Darwin family! Breed as you please
- Inbreed these birdies if you like - I don't really mind for this lineage hehe
- Do not release - please send the creature right back to me OR give it away to another user
- You may gift but you may NOT sell
- You ARE allowed to freeze hatchlings (: I'd prefer if you didn't freeze eggs, but if you'd like to just ask
- Please PM me if you'd like a member!

Family rules

No egg freezing
No releasing
No breeding with other lineages


1st Generation (3)