DoUrden Family Crest

The DoUrden Family

Creator: Sylvan
Owner: Sylvan

Members: 11

House Do'Urden, also known as Daermon N'a'shezbaernon, is a deceased drow house ofMenzoberranzan.
In 1297 DR, On the day which Drizzt Do'Urden was born, House Do'Urden attacked House DeVir, which was Fourth House of Menzoberranzan at that time. Using the power of the birth of Drizzt Do'Urden, Malice Do'Urden was able to create a spell capable of defeating House DeVir. With this defeat House Do'Urden became Ninth House ofMenzoberranzan. After this however, the Do’Urden house was thrown into turmoil by Drizzt, losing the favor of Lolth and falling into chaos.

1. MUST be given a name. These names must be fantasy names, and Drow/Elf Names. Having trouble? PM me and we can figure one out for you!
2. DO NOT RELEASE or FREEZE any! If you don't want the creature send it to me.
3. Absolutely NO inbreeding!
4. Breed all offspring with SB Cobras!!
5. IF the cobra given to you is BROWN, give it an elven/fantasy human name.
6. IF the cobra given to you is GREY/DARK, give it a Drow name.


1st Generation (7)

2nd Generation (2)