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Jubilant Cockatoo #973


In the southern lands from Taggelisk to the Ixan Jungle, the harsh terrain can be deadly in any season, isolating and threatening small communities and travellers. To combat this, call towers and waystations riddle the area, manned by keepers of trained, magical cockatoos. While no louder than any other cockatoo at the source, the enhanced calls of these birds can carry far beyond the range of their unenhanced kin, passing messages via complex patterns of shrieks, wails, and some words. Originally created by magi, over the years enough birds have escaped and bred with their wild counterparts that messages can be disrupted by wild flocks, so they are repeated, with brief pauses, until a response signal is received three times.


The fragrant leaves that nestle this egg are so pungent you can't possibly miss it.


When a jubilant cockatoo hatchling is hungry, everybody knows it. While their power is nowhere near as strong as it will be when grown, their raucous cries can be heard from several yards away. A dilligent owner will first and foremost teach their hatchlings to only use their powers on command. Until they learn this, it is recommended that those raising these birds work in teams, taking shifts to make sure the hatchlings are quickly tended without driving the owners - or neighbors - to frustrated exhaustion.


With their bright plumage and quick manner, jubilant cockatoos always seem to be excited about something, and eager to share that excitement with the world. It's this happy demeanor that earned them their name; fortunately they are usually as cheerful as they seem, and love to socialize with any person or creature who will pay attention to them. Given that they can disrupt whole neighborhoods if upset or ignored, many areas require would-be owners to get special training and permits to own one, while others have banned the birds entirely. Some magi have tried to make talismans that can suppress the cockatoo's magic, but so far no one's managed to make one that will also survive the bird's crushing beak.


Obtained from: Donation (Mar)
Breeding: Yes
Renaming cost: 2000 gold
Release date: March 1st 2019

Element: Neutral An icon depicting the element Neutral

Breeds with the following:
Jubilant Cockatoo + Jubilant Cockatoo = Jubilant Cockatoo (Guaranteed) Cost: 3 shards
Jubilant Cockatoo + Wailing Cockatoo = Jubilant Cockatoo (Guaranteed) Cost: 3 shards
Jubilant Cockatoo + Wailing Cockatoo = Wailing Cockatoo (Guaranteed) Cost: 3 shards

March 2019 3-shard Donation Pet

Sprite art: Mysfytt | Description: Myrin

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