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Rebalin #933


Few magi have ever encountered a rebalin, for they tend to stay hidden and secluded. Folk tales describe these creatures as ill omens who lurk in the dark and hide near houses where death will soon occur. Other cultures, on the other hand, praise these creatures as benevolent species who bring life and joy to their surroundings. Rebalins tend to avoid people either way, and are thought to be common deep in forests where few traverse.


A tuft of hair is poking from this egg, and ripples of energy criss-cross on its surface.


Your egg has hatched into a tiny ball of fluff with big ears and bushy tail. It enjoys playing with other rebalin hatchlings and on occasion likes to bring you a token of its affection. Quite often these tokens appear to be lifeless rodents or other small animals that the rebalin has found on its adventures. The constant energy of the hatchling seems to wear you out, though oddly your weariness seems to increase during the night when the hatchling is happily sleeping curled next to you.


An adult rebalin is a sly creature that adapts well to its surroundings. They can remain still for long periods of time and seemingly dissolve into their surroundings. Rebalins hunt during the night, sucking life force from their prey, an ability that some believe results in their unusually long lifespans. On the other hand, in daylight the rebalin may use excess energy to spark life in something recently deceased. Some dark magi have attempted to seek rebalins out specifically for this necromancy-like ability, although disaster has thus far been averted as their efforts to work with rebalins to truly revive the dead have been unsuccessful.


Obtained from: Donation (Oct)
Breeding: Yes
Renaming cost: 2000 gold
Release date: October 15th 2018

Element: Life An icon depicting the element Life

Breeds with the following:
Rebalin + Rebalin = Rebalin (Guaranteed) Cost: 3 shards

October 2018 Midmonth Donation Pet

Sprite rotates based on time of day.

Sprite art: Tekla | Description: Rosehill

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