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Tacis Gryp #687


Gryps once had a peaceful alliance with humans. This alliance was shattered centuries ago, when a cowardly king betrayed the secret locations of the gryps to a rival king in return for his own kingdom being spared from the advancing army. What followed was a slaughter of the unsuspecting gryps for their feathers and the theft of many eggs, commodities the rival kingdom had greedily sought, until the gryps fled in terror and sorrow to rebuild somewhere else. Those that were human companions left as well, never to return. The eggs that were stolen never hatched, and the rival king was so angered he betrayed the first king and laid the kingdom to waste. The corus gryps, with their glittering feathers, lost the most and have never forgiven humanity for the betrayal, especially since nest raiding continues. Only in recent times have the tacis gryps felt it safe enough to reach out and attempt peacemaking.


The brown wings poking through this egg's shell rustle softly.


Tacis gryp hatchlings are wild like their cousins, the corus gryps, but over time they become more mellow. These hatchlings have a voracious appetite for knowledge and have excellent memories, especially of their surroundings, able to accurately and safely lead others out of very harsh terrain. They begin attempting to fly as soon as possible and once they are able to fly, tacis gryp hatchlings begin honing the skills they need to survive in their mountainous habitat through increasingly dangerous and serious battles with their siblings and parents.


The largest of two types of gryp, tacis gryps are known for silent ambush attacks from above. In the mountains, no creature is safe from the watchful, piercing gaze of a gryp, and tacis gryp adults have been known to attack stargazer cats and other large creatures. They do not keep particular home ranges, but rather they consider the entirety of the Alasre range to be theirs, despite rarely ever being sighted in much of the range. Tacis gryp pairs nest on rocky outcroppings as far removed from human dwellings as possible; however, a pair may bestow an egg upon those determined enough to reach them.


Obtained from: Donation (Jul)
Breeding: Yes
Renaming cost: 2000 gold
Release date: July 1st 2016

Element: Neutral An icon depicting the element Neutral

Breeds with the following:
Tacis Gryp + Tacis Gryp = Tacis Gryp (Guaranteed) Cost: 3 shards
Corus Gryp + Tacis Gryp = Corus Gryp (Guaranteed) Cost: 3 shards
Corus Gryp + Tacis Gryp = Tacis Gryp (Guaranteed) Cost: 3 shards

July 2016 5-shard Donation Pet

Sprite art: Tekla | Description: Tekla

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