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Giant Thelyph #1167


Thelyphs are small creatures found throughout the world under leaf litter, but one of their number stands out for its unusual characteristics. The giant thelyph grows many times larger than its miniscule cousins, reaching the size of a large sheep. Instead of springtails and fleas, the giant thelyph hunts birds and mammals, terrorizing rabbits and jackalopes in the southern deserts by ambushing them from under the sand and spitting noxious acid at them. The thelyphs bury themselves during the day, and at night, if nothing has wandered by, they will emerge and stalk the dunes, looking out for any creatures large enough to sate their hunger. Desert travelers know to give these arthropods their distance, for they are not picky about their prey, but lack the speed to chase down anything wise enough not to come too close.


This egg is hard and smells faintly of vinegar.


A thelyph nymph is small and fragile for their first few days of life, living off of fat reserves they hatch with. However, once their exoskeleton hardens, they become much like small versions of the adults, able to hunt for themselves by instinct. They are surprisingly gentle when they're small, and can be acclimated to magi with enough patience and attention. They will let a magi hold them, and some magi have even been known to feed their giant thelyph hatchlings by hand. However, one has to be attentive, especially around larger thelyphs, as their acid grows stronger with age.


The beautiful iridescent shell of a giant theylph seems to contrast starkly with the frightening appearance of these creatures. They resemble enormous scorpions superficially, though they lack a stinger. Their whip-like tail may seem harmless, but it exudes noxious acid that the animal can flick at predators and prey alike. The acid blinds, burns, and otherwise overwhelms the thelyph's victims. While humans are usually not on the menu, especially large thelyphs have been known to attack traveling caravans that come too close, so magi that raise these creatures must be especially cautious. The best practices for thelyph care include ensuring they are fat and comfortable, and given plenty of sand to hide in.


Obtained from: Event, Halloween, Retired
Breeding: Yes
Renaming cost: 200 gold
Release date: October 25th 2020

Element: Neutral An icon depicting the element Neutral

Breeds with the following:
Giant Thelyph + Giant Thelyph = Giant Thelyph (Normal)

Sprite art: Mysfytt | Description: PKGriffin

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