Happy MagiVersary!!! (CW 1225, 1226, 1227, 1228 & 1229!)

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Which is your favourite Crystalwing?

Poll ended at May 24th, 2021, 10:40:52 am

This is to decide which one is top CW and which will be runner-up. You can mention in a post if there is another that beats out this year's Crystalwings, if you wish. :)
Total votes: 226

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Happy MagiVersary!!! (CW 1225, 1226, 1227, 1228 & 1229!)

Post by Windi1 »

Ahh... in a few more days, another year older, eh, Magistream? This makes you 12 years old... or is it 12 years young? :)

One of the few times of the year I love to celebrate is an anniversary and it just so happens to be Magistream's birthday. Each year, we have seen tiny gems come slipping into the midst of things. Some are as "plain" as this one... Image while others have left us drooling and wanting more throughout the whole year such as this one... Image What we do know is that none have been dubbed as "mundane". Each has left a "mark" that has wanted us to desire more. As far as I know, there has been 1 year where we were able to get past Crystalwings and now that I think of it... we've had more than 1 year that has rewarded us more of them. Soon after, the previous year's Crystalwings have made it known that their tiny cousins wish to make an appearance. They usually tend to come a wee bit later as they're awfully shy. Image

Remy's Shop tends to have a delicious drink for us to legally imbibe, so we don't need to worry about driving and drinking. :P I believe this is also when we get past treasures as well of older Crystalwings (one year we had a glitch where it gave us donation Crystalwings, but was soon remedied).

As always, our new arrivals will be talked about here and images/descriptions will be placed once they arrive! Please feel free to speculate what ones you think may be coming. My thoughts? I'd like to see birthstone Crystalwings this time around.

Happy Magiversary, Magistream!


They are here!!! Their arrival at midnight was so wonderful, but... how oddly fascinating they look! At 11:01pm on the 9th, they arrived! Here they are, basking in all their jewel-crusted glory... welcome the Crystalwings!

Gallium Crystalwing
This egg constantly changes shape when held.

M/F (No dimorphism)
If kept in a warm environment, a gallium crystalwing hatchling will act like any other crystalwing of its age. It will explore tirelessly, not a single thing left unturned in its path. Those who have experience with young crystalwings would expect these creatures to be rather slow and maybe a little clumsy, however, gallium hatchlings are not as heavy, which makes them twice as fast in their daily explorations. If one considers a gallium hatchling has had enough adventures for the day, the temperature around it should be simply lowered, and the crystalwing will slowly solidify and take a nap. This has no negative effects on them. They will come back to life and be as cheerful as ever once the temperature has risen again.

With a penchant for stealing and gnawing on shiny stones, adult gallium crystalwings can easily be mistaken for their live counterparts. The shards these creatures sometimes accidentally ingest become part of them, perfectly blending in with their silvery bodies. Always changing shape when kept warm, these crystalwings are notorious for perching on hard-to-reach surfaces, leaving droplets of gallium behind them. If for some reason the temperature drops while they are perched somewhere high, they will remain immobile, watching over a room like gargoyles. Playful by nature, the gallium crystalwings like to wrestle with other creatures, sometimes grappling their playmate with their ever-changing bodies, covering their unfortunate friend in gallium. However, the metal they are made of is not toxic, and they can easily be handled without the risk of getting poisoned.

Artificers have always been fascinated by the famed crystalwings, something that fueled their desire to create one of their own. One such crystalwing was made out of enchanted gallium, an element that proved to be susceptible to magic. Silver in color and very malleable, this metal is perfect for the ever-changing crystalwings as it gives them the ability to rearrange on their bodies some of the crystal shards they consume. Influenced by room temperature, the colder it gets they become less active to the point of being immobile. If the temperature rises, their bodies melt and start to change shape and they become more and more energetic. Just like the other crystalwings, the gallium ones love to collect shiny objects; sometimes to decorate their homes or to simply chew on them.

Porcelain Crystalwing
This porcelain egg is very fragile.

M/F (Dimorphism)
Porcelain crystalwing hatchlings are shy creatures, often preferring to stick with others of their kind than to explore. As they are small in size and unable to carry people around just yet, many magis take turns socializing with them lest they would become feral. They are very fragile as younglings, though, and only those with experience are allowed to handle them. If by chance one of them breaks there are small chances of getting it back together to its initial state. Fortunately, this does not happen often. The porcelain they are made of hardens in time and soon enough small, peaceful creatures are allowed to climb on them for short rides as a form of training.

Adult porcelain crystalwings are more than just sentient statues. They will happily float around and pick up people for rides in the sky. They especially like to do this during festivities, silently letting their riders enjoy the party. As they do not need to sleep or rest, they are always sought out for nightly trips during celebrations. Aside from festivity times, they are the perfect companions when it comes to lazy trips. With endless patience, the porcelain crystalwings will wait for as longs as needed, until their riders are done admiring the scenery. Although they do not require anything in return, many of those who ride on their backs reward them with shiny trinkets. Necklaces of colorful pearls or polished stones are the most common gift and the porcelain crystalwings never refuse them.

Porcelain crystalwings are very popular among magis during celebrations. They are often dubbed as the merry-go-round crystalwings because of their appearance and sweet nature. These creatures were created by the artificers with the intention of carrying people around on festivities and they act accordingly. They will let anyone climb on them and float around, sometimes in circles, especially if there is music played. Made of hard porcelain, these crystalwings have the ability to float, moving up and down as they walk forward. They never touch the ground, not even when resting. Just like statues, the porcelain crystalwings are immobile and if it weren't for their ability to float they could easily be mistaken as beautifully crafted decorations. Not having the need to feed or the desire to collect shiny stones, the porcelain crystalwings are the happiest when they can fulfill their purpose. However, they do tend to move to places that have gleaming objects when not carrying people around. One could swear these statuesque-like creatures have a content expression on their faces when it happens.

Marinevra Crystalwing
Is this an egg or just a pile of junk someone left lying around?

M/F (No dimorphism)
Hatchling marinevra crystalwings grow by splitting apart their egg and rearranging the pieces to form their bodies. These hatchlings are inevitably tangled in their own strings, resembling a terribly made puppet. Kind magi may want to help untangle them, but it's best to just leave small bits of wood, string, and fabric nearby so the hatchling can use them to help itself grow. Though hatchlings spend most of their early days stationary and at risk of accidentally being tossed out in the garbage, they will eventually sort themselves out and become much more active as they transition into adults.

Adult marinevra crystalwings are only about a foot tall, and move in wobbly, jerky movements that make them look quite adorably goofy. Their strings are held stiffly above their heads, as though someone is holding them up; if a magi were to take hold of the control bar, they would relax, but it's considered rude to manipulate a marinevra against their will. Even as adults, marinevra often seek attention, clambering onto tables and wobbling onto whatever their magi is working on - or eating - until their magi agrees to play.

Technically marinevra crystalwings are not alive, but that doesn't mean they don't have personality. They seem to enjoy pretending to be broken, collapsing in awkward heaps until someone comes to check on them, at which point they leap up in joy. Some magi even claim that the rattle when they do this sounds distinctly like a giggle. Marinevra are delicate enough that magi should be careful not to get too rough with them, but fortunately a gift of wood or string is enough for the marinevra both to forgive and to repair itself.

Plushie Crystalwing
Fluffy bits of stuffing are escaping from the seams of this plushie egg.

M/F (Dimorphism)
Plushie crystalwings hatch when the cloth shell of the egg reshapes itself into a form with eyes and limbs to contain the increasing amount of stuffing inside. The hatchlings are floppy and limp and are generally content to lie still, though they follow the comings and goings of magi with their heads, watching with their bright, glassy eyes. They enjoy cuddles, making soft chirps of contentment when picked up and held, though care must be taken as they are still growing and their messy seams can’t hold in all their stuffing properly yet. While not strictly necessary, hatchlings appreciate being fed bits of cloth, thread, and shiny beads.

Adult plushie crystalwings have strong, neat seams that hold in their stuffing properly and have more structure than their hatchling counterparts. They will move around of their own volition and even sometimes fly, but are content to sit still for hours, fixing their magi companion with their large, shiny eyes until their magi gives in and cuddles with them.

One of the more placid creatures that the artificers have invented, plushie crystalwings are soft, easygoing companions that require little care and love nothing more than being cuddled. They closely resemble the creatures they are modeled after, but in place of hard scales have soft, fuzzy cloth, and they do not shed the gems sewn onto their bodies. While they are content to sit still most of the time, just like a non-magical toy, sometimes the fancy strikes them to run around or even fly, though they never go far from their magi companion. In fact, they most often move in order to crawl or fly onto their companion’s shoulders or lap to demand snuggles.

Ferrofluid Crystalwing (No Dimorphism)
This "egg" is a glass bottle half filled with oddly viscous liquid.


After days of absorbing everything made of iron within a foot of it until the fluid within threatens to overflow, ferrofluid crystalwing eggs hatch. That is to say, the lid slowly expands into a lovely gem, a strange claw arm grows out to clasp the gem, and the remainder of the bottle folds open like a flower blooming, the liquid pointing in regular spikes towards the gem like leaves toward sunlight. All this happens in a few minutes and is a fascinating sight to behold. The gem strongly resembles a piece of amber that has been rubbed, attracting whatever small floating bits are nearby and causing creatures' fur to stand on end near it.

The strange apparatus that is a ferrofluid crystalwing hatchling keeps attracting iron and small floating bits, growing and growing, until one day their magi companion wakes up to find it has reassembled itself again, into a distinctly crystalwing shape. Bands of the spiky black liquid hold more of the strange charged gems all along a body made of smooth, silvery liquid, though the two materials seem to shift and change into each other at will. A ferrofluid crystalwing's liquid body allows it to explore crevices that look far smaller than it should be able to fit into, and it can manipulate the shape of its spikes to match most textures. Curious and mischievous by nature, these skills are often used to startle the ferrofluid crystalwing's magi companion, usually much to the crystalwing's amusement and its magi's chagrin.

Created by the artificers as proof they can make creatures out of any medium, even liquid, ferrofluid crystalwings are beautiful but slightly unsettling. Their bodies are almost always in motion, one moment covered completely in spikes, one moment almost fully smooth, and they create and absorb limbs constantly. The gems on their bodies, their one solid, unchanging component, attract iron, and they break down and absorb any pieces they catch into their liquid bodies. Despite this constant intake of material, they don't ever grow larger than a small dog. This is because they usually prefer to walk (or ooze) rather than fly, and always leave behind an oily, gritty liquid residue wherever they touch something.

Remy also has thrown us quite a drink as well! Thank you, BBkat and PrincessOfVampires for your help!


PrincessOfVampires wrote:Remy's Drink

Emerald Isle Image - 105 Image

Stuff falling down your screen:
Image Image Image Image Image Image

Normal text:
You take a tentative sip out of the uniquely shaped bottle Remy offers you, and are pleasantly surprised of the fresh and festive taste of the liquid.

Token/Hatchie text:
A-ha! You wondered if there was something suspicious about the tiny twitch on the corner of Remy's mouth when he served the drink to you, and now you have proof, as something very much not consumable clinks on the table from your vial! Why would anyone put these kind of artificial flavours in a drink!

*The tokens are the same as the stuff falling down your screen.
*I purchased 30 drinks got all 6 tokens and 6 hatchlings.
*I got only this year hatchies. Anybody got something else from the drink?


The Crystalwings have come and gone and thanks to the Artificers, we have some wonderful babes with which to cuddle or watch change shape! The Ferrofluid CW's look to be winning the race with the Porcelains in 2nd place.

The number of egg slots has now gone back down to the normal 5, but we are not left without! Keep an eye out for the Pygmy gem and crystal buds to come. I'm pretty excited to see what they'll look like!
Last edited by Windi1 on May 24th, 2021, 10:27:35 am, edited 9 times in total.
My Wish list?
Looking for the following: Event pets!
agaori, all dragon breeds,
gryphons, hippogryphs
wolves, koi, spiders, Serendin, all Amagnaes Alvean Yale, All Wraithes
direcores, capricorns, jackalopes,
Vahti, Wallatrice
All khirin, event pets, shop pets and past donis

Image Big need: All Event pets, Wugu Amagnae Hoarding:ImageImage 25/25 gifts
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Re: Happy MagiVersary!!! (Crystalwings)

Post by Rijolt »


Happy Magiversary, all. <3
We've come a long way.~
I'm glad to see my babies thrive every year, I love my crystalwings, every last one of them.
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Re: Happy MagiVersary!!! (Crystalwings)

Post by Windi1 »

Rijolt wrote:Image

Happy Magiversary, all. <3
We've come a long way.~
I'm glad to see my babies thrive every year, I love my crystalwings, every last one of them.

Lol... None of them are plain. All are fantastic in their own way. I can't wait to see how this year's gems look!
My Wish list?
Looking for the following: Event pets!
agaori, all dragon breeds,
gryphons, hippogryphs
wolves, koi, spiders, Serendin, all Amagnaes Alvean Yale, All Wraithes
direcores, capricorns, jackalopes,
Vahti, Wallatrice
All khirin, event pets, shop pets and past donis

Image Big need: All Event pets, Wugu Amagnae Hoarding:ImageImage 25/25 gifts
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Re: Happy MagiVersary!!! (Crystalwings)

Post by Butter »

:lol: @Plain ... but must agree, I love the Drooling ones. HaHa
Tickled I will be here this year and Yes, Can't wait to see either!
I Snap Click Everything On The ENTIRE Page!
~ Happy New Year 2024 ~

1 of 25 Gifts

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Re: Happy MagiVersary!!! (Crystalwings)

Post by Seabra »

Rijolt wrote:Image
I'm dying hahaha this is hilarious :')
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Re: Happy MagiVersary!!! (Crystalwings)

Post by Windi1 »

I have forgotten... When did Magistream come to us?
My Wish list?
Looking for the following: Event pets!
agaori, all dragon breeds,
gryphons, hippogryphs
wolves, koi, spiders, Serendin, all Amagnaes Alvean Yale, All Wraithes
direcores, capricorns, jackalopes,
Vahti, Wallatrice
All khirin, event pets, shop pets and past donis

Image Big need: All Event pets, Wugu Amagnae Hoarding:ImageImage 25/25 gifts
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Re: Happy MagiVersary!!! (Crystalwings)

Post by pegasi1978 »

Rosehill answer's that in her newest thread: Magistream's 12th birthday, May 10th ->
2024 Crystalwings, Diamond Koi, horse-y things and Cypheles Crystalwings please!| Wishlist in profile | Avatar by Munin!
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Re: Happy MagiVersary!!! (Crystalwings)

Post by Atlantica »

pegasi1978 wrote:Rosehill answer's that in her newest thread: Magistream's 12th birthday, May 10th ->

why not just tell answer? easier to just answer than send person to look on their own :sweat:

may 10 that was 12 years ago is may 10, 2009
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Re: Happy MagiVersary!!! (Crystalwings)

Post by Aneira »

Atlantica wrote:
pegasi1978 wrote:Rosehill answer's that in her newest thread: Magistream's 12th birthday, May 10th ->

why not just tell answer? easier to just answer than send person to look on their own :sweat:

may 10 that was 12 years ago is may 10, 2009

If May 10th was the release date, it's in the thread title, which is probably why they linked it. ^.^

Hard to believe it's been so long! Glad that the site is still active and updating, even after so much time!
Image❖ Malo mori quam fodari ❖ Image
❄ ❄
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Re: Happy MagiVersary!!! (Crystalwings)

Post by pegasi1978 »

Aneira wrote:
Atlantica wrote:
pegasi1978 wrote:Rosehill answer's that in her newest thread: Magistream's 12th birthday, May 10th ->
why not just tell answer? easier to just answer than send person to look on their own :sweat:

may 10 that was 12 years ago is may 10, 2009

If May 10th was the release date, it's in the thread title, which is probably why they linked it. ^.^

Hard to believe it's been so long! Glad that the site is still active and updating, even after so much time!
That's why I linked it. The date was in the thread title. I also linked it in case they hadn't seen Rosehill's post with what to expect.
2024 Crystalwings, Diamond Koi, horse-y things and Cypheles Crystalwings please!| Wishlist in profile | Avatar by Munin!

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