Wishlists All Around

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Re: Wishlists All Around

Post by Ryutana »

My Wishlist

Username: Ryutana
Birthday: October 3rd

*Please note I only update this maybe once a week on average. Please check this for most up-to-date info on my collection. I usually update it every evening (around 11 pm EST) {other notes at bottom}

Missing Critters, SB preference:

Male Needed:
Ash Gryphon, Onyx Gryphon, Ziraafa, Savannah Serpaen, Purple Celestial Butterfly, Daeodus
Dark Shop: Delroch
Herbalist Shop: Maza Iteiri
General Quest: Aurora Whale, Theia Alvean Wasp, Triathe Alvean Wasp, Candle Ayoti
Grass Forest: Imperial Fortis Beetle
Halloween: Rotting Cukurba
Winter Solstice/Christmas: Ornamental Blue Penguin, Calidaes Reindeer
Harvest Festival/Thanksgiving: Cibeus Crab
Spring/Easter: Antelope Hare Jackalope
Valentine's Day: Caramel Gryphon
Magiversary: Spectrum Crystalwing
Female Needed:
Gold Gryphon, Kelp Hippocampus, Savannah Alphyn, Lakiran Platypus, Caeralis, Cervinus Deer, Hill Yale, Sayos Vitriums, Razan Orchid, Tenabre Fox, Osath, Blue Celestial Butterfly, Trench Seahorse, Gamilara Phoenix, Laetolis Beast, Arkenian Sea Leopard, Black Borean Wolf, Spotted Borean Wolf, Alasre Krotalo
Remy's Inn: Melligaster, Roc
General Quest: Hellhound, Red Rose Imp
Grass Forest: Serf Fortis Beetle
Pond: Goldfish

Halloween: Chocolate Viyasant
Winter Solstice/Christmas: Wreath Confara Pegasus, Sleighbell Confara Pegasus
Spring/Easter: Snow Show Jackalope
Valentine's Day: Black Rose Imp
Both Genders Needed:
Coral Hippocampus, Trench Hippocampus, Northern Raza Cobra, Sunrise Talvar, Sun Vevex Ray, Nightcrawler, Xisitak, Cestoda, White Leopard Ammit, Green Celestial Butterfly, Sapphire Somniant, Ruby Somniant, Onrosus, Mountain Rekantum, Capellin, Osqual, Cardinal Phoenix, Karst Gemfrog, Tiexos Ixsu, Sibiran Bumblebat, Florina Bumblebat, Fiorellan Hedgehog
Remy's Inn: Direwolf, Storm Leviathan, Chupacabra, Silvian Alphyn, Noctis Enox, Niveus Enox, Tenera Dog, Elephant Snail, Western Alasre Alpaca, Southern Alasre Alpaca, Sunset Talvar, Birdwing Lunestre Dragon, Jaktus Dragon, Alpine Yale, Etainian Serpaen, Cariad Agaori, Labradorite Synaran Aericorn, Chocolate Earwig, Lunarcalia, Maraegian Stromeri, Stiptica Lichenthrope
Trading Post: Ice Phoenix, Light Narwhal, Arkenian Kitsune, Ice Octopus, Snow Vevex Ray, White Tundra Tylluan, Arkenian Sunbeast, Vetus, Rakkaus Agaori, Svetku Lynx, Asesina Orcae
Dark Shop: Ebbene Shark, Cehual Boar, Arcanum Serpaen, Dark Serendin, Volcanic Seahorse, Fia Puca, Abyssal Dunkleosteus
Water Shop: Raiti Seal, Preluven Seal, Ahuizotl, Abyssal Seahorse, Celestial Sea Star, Shika Mizu
Herbalist Shop: Silvian Serpean, Pine Nulorn, Earth Serendin, Numbul, Euphotic Dunkleosteus
Artificer Shop: Spider Light, Kamitori, Sora Kamitori, Platyplush
General Quest: Emerald Wyvern, Etainian Quetzalcoatl, Nareaun Quetzalcoatl, Raza Quetzalcoatl, Rewin Ancient, Pink Rose Imp, Yellow Rose Imp, Icist, Sunweaver Namista's Spider, Shadowspinner Namista's Spider, Calidis Dragon
Explore Taggelisk: Maraegian Nizari
Pond: Ruby Koi, Dragon Koi, Aurean Globefish

Halloween: Keep Spider, White Aceleus, Golden Aceleus, Chocolate Xocomel, Caramel Xocomel, Mohrior, Tidal Wraithe, Flint Citellan, Oaxacan Citellan, Tsaanguir
Winter Solstice/Christmas: Coal Wyrm, Tinsel Wyrm, Bell White Elk, Chain White Elk, Ornamental Rockhopper Penguin, Frigaes Reindeer, White Holly Jackalope, Prasinis Wyrm, Silver Krysos, Red Krysos, Purple Krysos, Blue Krysos, Green Krysos, Savis Mouse, Roast Arkenian Goose, Bell Squirrel
Harvest Festival/Thanksgiving: Pastel Wugu Amagnae, Chromatic Wugu Amagnae
New Year: original Arkai
Spring/Easter: Angora Jackalope, Cacao Jackalope, Blue Pygmy Phoenix, Green Pygmy Phoenix, Purple Pygmy Phoenix, Lavender Pygmy Phoenix, Tan Pygmy Phoenix, Yellow Pygmy Phoenix, Pekin Duckit, Chinchilla Duckit, Lop Duckit, Rex Duckit, Dutch Duckit, Mallard Duckit, Chantecler Dismot, Catalana Dismot, Welbar Dismot, Game Dismot, Bantam Dismot, Legbar Dismot, Medeor Jackalope, Flos Jackalope, Aetus Jackalope, Kursim Jackalope, Flecked Sceap, Painted Sceap
April Fools: Oblivian Pillagebeast, Snow Dragon, Luparies
Valentine's Day: Lucinis Bird, Cootie, Plush Kraken, Gold Horned Narwhal, Swirled Winged Cat, Red Rosa Dove, Pink Rosa Dove, Yellow Rosa Dove
Magiversary: Blue Crystalwing, Purple Pteira Crystalwing, Golden Pteira Crystalwing, Golden Sonerus Dragon, Bronze Sonerus Dragon, Varja Crystalwing, Akvo Crystalwing, Teiro Crystalwing, Jinglong Crystalwing, Fluorowing Crystalwing
Special Creatures: Birthday creatures! Doesn't matter if I already have it or not, if its birthday is October 3rd I will happily take it! PLEASE, if you are sending me a birthday critter lemme know in a note so I don't overlook it and shuffle it in with the rest of my critters.


Missing Critters, Bred acceptable:
All gen 1/lowest possible gen, pretty please!!!

Stream: <1% Hatchlings/0.00% eggs of several creatures. This Tab holds my current collection
Shop: Donec hatchies, mostly. <1% Hatchlings/0.00% eggs of several creatures. This Tab holds my current collection. Tab grouped by which shop they come from
Hybrid: <1% Hatchlings/0.00% eggs of several creatures. This Tab holds my current collection. Live creatures include
Males Needed:
Ice Gryphon, Hippogryph, White Cervinus Deer, Harpy Eagle Hippogryph, Chocolate Viridis Crab
Females Needed:
Chimera, Fog Vevex Ray, Citrine Gemstone Kirin, Alexandrite Gemstone Kirin, Spectrum Pygmy Crystalwing
Both Genders Needed:
Ocean Leviathan, Albino Direwolf, Lunar Hippogryph, Solar Hippogryph, Meridian Capricorn, Bronze Crystalwing, Ruby Capricorn, Pinto Pegasus, Golden Pearl Wyrm, Tevera Enox, Albino Nandi Bear, Ice Kraken, Orange Farir, Spotted Holly Jackalope, Piebald Cervinus Deer, Black Cervinus Deer, Direcore, Black Sarvain, Pink Mohlaris Elephant, Blue Pygmy Gemdragon/Crystalwing, Bronze Pygmy Gemdragon/Crystalwing, Green Pygmy Gemdragon/Crystalwing, Saerulis Pygmy Gemdragon/Crystalwing, Golden Pygmy Gemdragon/Crystalwing, Purple Pygmy Gemdragon/Crystalwing, Desert Rekantum, Silt Leviathan, Reef Leviathan, Atoll Leviathan, Pearlen Alvean Wasp, Opaline Synaran Aericorn, Golden Arkenian Goose, Armastus Dragoste Agaori, Cinta Agaori, Cockatrice, Light Lapis Pygmy Gemdragon/Crystalwing, Dark Lapis Pygmy Gemdragon/Crystalwing, Clostra Pygmy Gemdragon/Crystalwing, Tetzcotal Eagle Hippogryph, Varja Pygmy Gemdragon/Crystalwing, Akvo Pygmy Gemdragon, Teiro Pygmy Gemdragon, Os Raven, Jinglong Pygmy Gemdragon/Crystalwing, Spectrum Pygmy Gemdragon, Fluorowing Pygmy Gemdragon/Crystalwing, Aquamarine Gemstone Kirin, Ruby Gemstone Kirin, Peridot Gemstone Kirin, Tanzanite Gemstone Kirin
Pond: <1% Hatchlings/0.00% eggs of several creatures. This Tab holds my current collection
Quest: <1% Hatchlings/0.00% eggs of several creatures. This Tab holds my current collection. Tab is grouped by quest. Live creatures include -
Males Needed:
General Quest: Aurora Whale, Theia Alvean Wasp, Triathe Alvean Wasp, Candle Ayoti
Females Needed:
General Quest: Hellhound, Red Rose Imp
Grass Forest: Serf Fortis Beetle
Both Genders Needed:
General Quest: Emerald Wyvern, Etainian Quetzalcoatl, Nareaun Quetzalcoatl, Raza Quetzalcoatl, Rewin Ancient, Pink Rose Imp, Yellow Rose Imp, Icist, Sunweaver Namista's Spider, Shadowspinner Namista's Spider, Calidis Dragon
Explore Taggelisk: Ornyx, Maraegian Nizari
Event/Gift: <1% Hatchlings/0.00% eggs of several creatures. This Tab holds my current collection. Tab is grouped by type of event. Live creatures include-
Males Needed:
Winter Solstice/Christmas: Calidaes Reindeer, Ornamental Blue Penguin
Spring/Easter: Antelope Hare Jackalope
Females Needed:
Spring/Easter: Snow Show Jackalope
Valentine's Day: Black Rose Imp
Both Genders Needed:
Halloween: Tidal Wraithe, Flint Citellan, Oaxacan Citellan, Tsaanguir
Winter Solstice/Christmas: Coal Wyrm, Tinsel Wyrm, Bell White Elk, Chain White Elk, Ornamental Rockhopper Penguin, Frigaes Reindeer, White Holly Jackalope, Black Holly Jackalope, Prasinis Wyrm, Bell Squirrel
Spring/Easter: Angora Jackalope, Cacao Jackalope, Pekin Duckit, Chinchilla Duckit, Lop Duckit, Rex Duckit, Dutch Duckit, Mallard Duckit, Chantecler Dismot, Catalana Dismot, Welbar Dismot, Game Dismot, Bantam Dismot, Legbar Dismot, Medeor Jackalope, Flos Jackalope, Aetus Jackalope, Kursim Jackalope, Flecked Sceap, Painted Sceap
Valentine's Day: Lucinis Bird, Cootie, Plush Kraken, Gold Horned Narwhal, Swirled Winged Cat, Red Rosa Dove, Pink Rosa Dove, Yellow Rosa Dove
Special: Birthday creatures!!! I don't give a damn if I already have it if it was born October 3rd. (Hell, I don't care the generation in that regard either!) PLEASE, if you are sending me a birthday critter lemme know in a note so I don't overlook it and shuffle it in with the rest of my critters.



Gender is no issue, I'm looking for as many of these as people will give me~ Preferably as low gen as possible, but I'll take any.

If its a creature that can be used to complete quests, I would love to accept some (lineage length isn't an issue, inbreeding however I like to avoid) These get shuffled into my "Quest" tab in my keep, if you wish to check how many I have

Stream: Telvian Panthers, Mist Stalkers, Clyraffes, Thunderbirds and Borean Wolves
Shop: Donec hatchlings (unnamed, unfrozen, unlineaged. lineage length/inbreeding no concern)
Hybrid: Direcore, Albino Direcore, Yellow Fair, Golden Farir
Event/Gift: Sonerus Dragons (both colors)
Special: Anything with a birthday of October 3rd. PLEASE, if you are sending me a birthday critter lemme know in a note so I don't overlook it and shuffle it in with the rest of my critters.

Other/I Would Like:

I will ALWAYS accept Doni pets as gifts. Anything older than #814, the Serterix, would be loved (exceptions because I have them: Valcerian Dragons, Frost Unicorns, Earth Unicorns, Solar Foxes, a Male Dark Raiju, or a Male Lunar Fox). However, my preferences in regards to Donation Pets are as follows: anything that happens to be a cat, a dragon, a fox, a horse, or a wolf that I am missing would be my preference. For specifics, I hope to someday have a m/f pair of each unless otherwise stated: Timber wolves, either Storm Steed, either Spectral Wolf, either Cerberus, Stargazer Cat, Coatl, or Light Raiju. I would adore a female Dark Raiju or Lunar Fox to partner with my males (1st gen)
As long as it isn't inbred, I'll be happy no matter the generation when it comes to Donation pets.

Hatchlings frozen at <1%. As such, I prefer these just be sent as a normal trade, and the hatchlings frozen BEFORE being sent (I have the worst luck, low % hatchies come to me in trades, and they grow above 1% because trade is sent while I'm AFK. Check this Google Drive spreadsheet for exact critters needed

  • If something is bold, I need them for breeding projects. As such, I would prefer these creatures have visible parents if at all possible, and if you are sending me more than one I would prefer they have unrelated lineages
  • If something is underlined, that is something I would very much like.
  • For Gemdragons and Crystalwings, I listed them as sets (gemdragon/crystalwing) when I'm missing both kinds to try and make this a LITTLE shorter
  • I am an Artificer, Dark Brotherhood Mage, and have Black Market access. So, while I won't be disappointed with critters from those shops, my preference is for the Water/Herbalist shop critters where I don't have access
  • White I would, of course, always prefer parentless for quest critters, 1st gens are just fine as alternates
Last edited by Ryutana on January 4th, 2018, 7:04:08 pm, edited 18 times in total.
My Creatures
(Hatchling | Adult)
ImageImageImage | Image
More hatchlings are in my Grow Up tab
Shop Access: Image/Image: Shop Price + 200 gold | Image: Shop Price + 1k goldMy LTB Thread | Image | Link to my wishlist in profile
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Re: Wishlists All Around

Post by Cousino »

I just want a Lunarcalia #650
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Re: Wishlists All Around

Post by Counselor »

My Wishlist

Username: Counselor


Stream: Rhodophyte Dragon Turtle, Hyalus Rana
Shop: generally all creatures from Herbalist or Water Shop
Event: Trycorys/Pumpkin wyrms /current NEW Holiday creatures
by item: Agu/Eira/Etal Kelung


Hybrids/by breeding: Heartfire Gryphon, Psittarx Dragons, Pygmy Gemdragon/Crystalwing, Albino Eshmeri
Shop: Aestus Spicalx (Water), Aevum Spicalx (Herbalist)
Event: Golden Pteira Crystalwing, Trycorys, Pyoka Cabbit, Pumpkin wyrms

Thanks to all players who gift so generously at all events. :wave: <3
Last edited by Counselor on May 10th, 2023, 9:25:46 am, edited 33 times in total.
my wishlist

Thank you so much for all the beautiful gifts!
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Re: Wishlists All Around

Post by Yunyi »

My Wishlist

Username: Yunyi


I'd love anything released after Vernal Butterfly (#659 in the Bestiary) because I wasn't super active during this time!

The creatures listed here are just my favorite creatures in general.

Gemstone kirin
Borean wolf

Shop: Herbalist and water shop creatures
Glass phoenix

Eagle hippogryph
Gilded foxfire skulk
Os raven
Gemstone kirin
Pygmy crystalwings and gemdragons

Quest: Ice kitsune
Event: Confara pegasi
Donation: Kuras tiger, bird- and horse-type creatures


Last edited by Yunyi on December 19th, 2017, 11:57:49 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Re: Wishlists All Around

Post by spyder »

My Wishlist

Username: spyder
Birthday: July 4th


I will verify if I wish to have sb.
  • Stream: (SB please)
    • Southern raza cobra, northern raza cobra, koi, tetzcotal anaconda, mottled python, korez seal, ilikatal, white winged cat, black winged cat, silvan krotalo, voltarian krotalo, razan krotalo, etainian krotalo, alasre krotalo, telvian panther, xand bear, mist stalker, tropical triak, arkenian sea leopard, tenabre fox, kitsune, opal gemstone kirin, diamond gemstone kirin, common borean wolf, black borean wolf, spotted borean wolf, faded borean wolf, white borean wolf, dark narwhal, moray eel, manticore, corax raven, yatagarasu raven, alba meowl, tenebricosa meowl, paervem, coati, anaugi, laska agaori, liefde agaori, caeralis, elapsoides ophidian, pyromelana ophidian, getula ophidian, and nomura
  • Shop: (SB please)
    • Asesina orcae, lunarcalia, light narwhal, constellation hind, svetku lynx, arkenian sakeira, arkenian kitsune, tenera dog, white tundra tylluan, black tundra tylluan, cariad agaori, rakkaus agaori, fia puca, and any herbalist or water shop critter (esp. maza iteiri, dugong, praluven seal, raiti seal, shika mizu, and the limited crystalwings during the Magiversary event)
      • From the black market: Garm, white fenrir, alasre peryton, and bornean luteus owl
  • Hybrid:
    • Os raven, husky simurgh, golden pheasant simurgh, phoenix simurgh, cinta agaori, dragoste agaori, armastus agaori, ruby gemstone kirin, aquamarine gemstone kirin, tanzanite gemstone kirin, peridot gemstone kirin, citrine gemstone kirin, and alexandrite gemstone kirin
  • Pond: (SB please)
    • Ruby koi, amethyst koi, dragon koi, ouranian koi, solar koi, lunar koi
  • Quest:
    • Hellhound
  • Limited/Retired:
    • Tinsel wyrm, bell white elk, chain white elk, calidaes reindeer, frigaes reindeer, gold horned narwhal, swirled winged cat, wikken cat, ice kitsune, wolphyn, and satura
  • Donation:
    • Any doni would be great!!


I would like...
I'd appreciate anything and everything, so don't worry too much about what to gift me!
Last edited by spyder on April 15th, 2020, 7:36:34 pm, edited 13 times in total.

luciferian witch - july 4 - butch twink - demiomni
versandrogyne voidflux - hobbyist photographer

on click threads: be courteous and click !!

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Re: Wishlists All Around

Post by MistyoC »

I suppose I should make myself present-able and post a wishlist.
My Wishlist

Username:Misty o C
Birthday: a long time ago



Stream: Pegasus, Dark Pegasus, Light Minicorn, Dark Minicorn, Medonho Pesadelo, Silvan Narasad, Borean Narasad, Kelp Hippocampus, Coral Hippocampus, Trench Hippocampus, Lakiran Seahorse
Shop: Labradorite Synaran Aericorn, Noctis Enox, Niveus Enox, Temeroso Pesadelo
Hybrid: any parentless would be welcomed! but absolutely not expected
Pond: Solar and Lunar Koi
Quest: any
Event: Wreath Confara Pegasus, Sleighbell Confara Pegasus, Equilibrus Narasad
Donation: any



Hybrid: Pinto Pegasus, Tevera Enox, Opaline Synaran Aericorn, Pennant-Winged Pegasus, Harpy Eagle Hippogryph, Tetzcotal Eagle Hippogryph, Equilibrus Narasad, Tanzanite Gemstone Kirin, Citrine Gemstone Kirin, Alexandrite Gemstone Kirin, Me'chuan Rewana (no inbreds, please)
Donation: any



I would like...
Last edited by MistyoC on May 9th, 2020, 6:42:24 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Feel free to click my entire keep. Anything I don't want to grow is protected.

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Re: Wishlists All Around

Post by Rainwater »

My Wishlist

Username: Rainwater
Birthday: February 1

:look: Nikollus!!! <3 Kollinus!!! <3 All Arcus Feli <3

:look: ****Cornu Lutrinae, Cytrinae, Malachite Miu, Jasper Miu, Pumpkin Wyrms****

Stream – Top picks would be Lakiran Platypus, Osath, Cukurba, Meowls (any), Borean Wolf (any), Ravens (any), Winged Cats (any), Gemstone Kirin (either), Inferno Hounds, Tainted Hounds, Myrrokatts, Kelung

But I also greatly enjoy the following:
Pegasus, Dark Pegasus, Leviathans (any), Puvia, Kitsune, Minicorns (any), Cervinus Deer, Coati, Celestial Butterflies (any), Agaori (any), Hydra (any), Silvan Otter, Silsia/Cardinal/Gamilara Phoenix, Kalistavri, Bruje/Brujine Note, not big on spiders - I only get a few to have for the collection and then hide them.

Breeding - Any hybrids or color variants got by breeding, but especially Capricorns, White/Black/Piebald Cervinus Deer, Desert Rekantum, Opaline Synaran Aericorn, Silt/Reef/Atoll Levis, White Cukurba, Simurghs, Gemstone Kirin, Albino Wolpertinger, Albino Eshmeri, Butterfly Fish, Arkenian Minirrell, Psittarx Dragons, Sapphire Wyvern

Shop – Cornu Lutrinae, Cytrinae, Arkenian Sakeira, Any Dark/water shop critters, but I'd like some Donec, Asesina Orcae, Constellation Hinds, Galline's Sea Glass Turtle, Galline's Beach Glass Turtle, Svetku Lynx, Eshmeri, Labradorite Synaran Aericorn, Peridot Dorrian Basilisk, Onyx Dorrian Basilisk, Fogo Kelung, Agu Kelung

Pond – Solar Koi, Lunar Koi

Event/Gift – Any, but I'd really like Penguins, Elk, Reindeer, Prasinis Wyrm, Wikken Cats, Crystalwings, Rosa Doves, Pine Vosmari, Nadolig Corgerus, Sintervos, Krampen Beest, Holyhound

Quest/Forest – any, but I am most interested in Imps, Aurora Whale, Wasps, Candle Ayoti, Western Cyan Psittarx, Buckskin Foenaran Hipponox, Grulla Foenaran Hipponox

Donation - Never would turn down Dark Unicorns, Unicorns, Elder Crystalwings, the original Light/Dark Basilisks, female Dark Peacock Phoenix, Kaeran, female Alasre Nekomata, Ghost Leopard, Temple Cat, Filigree Cat ,Stargazer Cat, Suricata, Aaru Sphinx Cat, Amenthes Sphinx Cat, Sasrael Resurrection Horse, Valarn Resurrection Horse, Temple Runner (I really do love the cats, Pumpkin Wyrms, unicorns, etc)

*SB or Bred (but I prefer the lowest possible gen if bred)*


I would like... I wouldn't say no to more avatars or art to put in my sig/profile.
Last edited by Rainwater on June 23rd, 2024, 3:19:31 pm, edited 22 times in total.
Image <3 Image <3 Image <3 Image Eggs for clicking! :look:ImageImageImage
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Re: Wishlists All Around

Post by Lilitha »

My Wishlist

Username: Lilitha
Birthday: Dec. 11



Stream: Anything that I do not currently have
Shop: Anything I do not have
Hybrid: Anything I do not have
Pond: None
Quest: Hellhound, Candle Ayoti, and Calidis Dragon
Event: I love events that I do have missed out on
Gift: Any people willing to gift
Donation: Nox Hesten and Sol Hesten (I loved them and missed them), but anything I am happy to see.
Special: Again, any people willing to give but nothing I am pointing out here.
Extra: Please no frozen, I ask this because I like to get them to adults and if needed I will freeze if I have two or more of that gender. I am a 'collector' so I like having one of each adult gender and then only freeze one of each gender (then egg) after I get that.



Stream: None
Shop: None
Hybrid: Hybrid breeds that I am missing (1 gen perfer)
Pond: None
Quest: Candle Ayoti and Calidis Dragon
Event: Open to any events that I do not have other than 2017 Halloween
Gift: Any that people are willing to gift
Donation: Nox Hesten and Sol Hesten (Though anything)
Special: Any people are willing to gift
Extra: No frozen as for same reason as above.



I would like... To say nothing more other than to say thanks so, so much for people who even so much as read this.
Last edited by Lilitha on December 21st, 2017, 10:43:26 am, edited 6 times in total.
Shops Selling From (PM me orders)
Artificer Shop= Egg cost+100g
Black Market= Egg cost+400g

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It’s my birthday

Re: Wishlists All Around

Post by Roisty09 »

My Wishlist!

Diamond Kirin
Opal Kirin

Anything from Grass Forest
Donation Pets: 3 and 5 shard MISOC & 3 and 5 shard BONGO
.: ------- :.
^Clicks Appreciated ^
~A named Pet, is a Pet for Life~
My other Pets
Additional Info
Feel free to click on any Pets in my Main/Clicks Needed tab.
My Scroll (Dragon Cave)
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Re: Wishlists All Around

Post by LunatheDragoness »

Luna's Wishlist
Donation Pets
Not the offsprings. The real deal. :yarly:
Frost Unicorn (1 male adult or unfrozen hatchling)
Moonlight Spectral Wolf (1 female adult or unfrozen hatchling)
Blue Emperor Phoenix (1 male adult or unfrozen hatchling)
Golden Emperor Phoenix (1 female adult or unfrozen hatchling)
Black Nivalis Bear (Pair, 1 male and 1 female. adult or unfrozen hatchling)
Luteus Owl (1 male adult or unfrozen hatchling)
Falx Owl (1 female adult or unfrozen hatchling)
Auroras Velox (1 female adult or unfrozen hatchling)
Opulus Velox (1 female adult or unfrozen hatchling)
Light Voliton (Pair, 1 male and 1 female. adult or unfrozen hatchling)
Dark Voliton (Pair, 1 male and 1 female. adult or unfrozen hatchling)
Domestic Fox Chinchilla (Pair, 1 male and 1 female. adult or unfrozen hatchling)
Wild Fox Chinchilla (Pair, 1 male and 1 female. adult or unfrozen hatchling)
Dreamcatcher Amphithere (Pair, 1 male and 1 female. adult or unfrozen hatchling)
Daydreamer Amphithere (Pair, 1 male and 1 female. adult or unfrozen hatchling)
Eclipse Spectral Wolf (Pair, 1 male and 1 female. adult or unfrozen hatchling)

Holiday Creatures
Holiday born only. Not the offspring of them
Wikken Cat (1 male adult or unfrozen hatchling)
Calidaes Reindeer (Pair, 1 male and 1 female adult or unfrozen hatchlings)

Stream Borns
No limit on these! Just no frozens.
Feather Drake
Fire Hydra
Liefde Agaori
Laska Agaori
Mist Stalker

Shop Creatures
*= 1 pair **= 2 pair ***= 3 pair ****= 4 pair
No frozens, must be from shop, dont care about names or dates
**Asesina Orcae
**Constellation Hind
Svetku Lynx (UNLIMITED)
*White Tundra Tylluan
*Black Tundra Tylluan
**Birdwing Lunestre Dragon
***Arcanum Serpaen
****Dark Serendin
****Earth Serendin
****Water Serendin
***Volcanic Seahorse
***Abyssal Seahorse
***Cariad Agaori
***Rakkaus Agaori

Hybrid Creatures
Ocean Leviathan (Pair, 1 male and 1 female adult or unfrozen hatchlings)
White Cervinus Deer (2 Pair, 2 male and 2 female adult or unfrozen hatchlings)
Piebald Cervinus Deer (2 Pair, 2 male and 2 female adult or unfrozen hatchlings)
Atoll Leviathan (Pair, 1 male and 1 female adult or unfrozen hatchlings)
Atoll Leviathan (Pair, 1 male and 1 female adult or unfrozen hatchlings)

Meaning dont give me these!
Pearlen Wasp
Donec Fish
Alpine Yale
Sacred Scarab
Moss Snail
Taijitu Beetle
Sayos Vitriums
Jareen Vitriums
Carithas Fish
Ruby Somniant
Sapphire Somniant
Currently busy with college. Send PM if I haven't sent you an order from Donec Cove.
Donec Cove

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