What I would like for Christmas Wish List

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Re: What I would like for Christmas Wish List

Post by Aerical »

Would love the new stopborn!!! Also can't go wrong with anything canine... hope i won't get any lineages or 2nd+ gen creatures...
Hmmm Ze list!
-Vetus (Most wanted XD)
-Wolves (if there are any not donation, a donation one would be mind blowing)
-New creas, (i.e the new like 10-15 recent creatures to the stream)
-Any creature (hopefully I'll get a m/f pair from you peeps) that I don't have yet
-Anything from the dark shop...
-Noctis Enox

Sorry for being so demanding... :t-weep:
Last edited by Aerical on December 19th, 2013, 4:03:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Click Click Hooray!
For kind ninjas and pirates... (to hatchling?)

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Re: What I would like for Christmas Wish List

Post by CellaFane »

My tree is full! Thanks everyone and Merry Christmas! :D
Last edited by CellaFane on December 19th, 2013, 9:38:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What I would like for Christmas Wish List

Post by Ruffian75 »

I would like...just about anything!

OK, so you need a bit more guidance? I have some suggestions:

1.) Lineaged creatures, any generation;

2.) Bred Donation Pets--especially Temple Cats--any generation;

3.) If you can afford them, parentless (SB) Donis and/or Shop Breds (especially Water (Society of the Trident) and/or Herbalist Guild shop creatures);

4.) Coal and Tinsel Wyrms with breedings left, any generation;

5.) Any newer Stream Creature (stream borns);

6.) Please NO frozen eggs or hatchlings. (I want creatures I will be able to raise to adult should I wish to do so.)
Happy Summertime! Image *****************************************************************************************

To Hatchling: ImageImageImageImageImageImageImage

To Adult:

Daily Adoptable Nursery, Ruffian75.
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Re: What I would like for Christmas Wish List

Post by Zs99 »

Edit: Wow, full already?! Thanks a bunch guys 8D!!

One of the main things that I've wanted is a Temple Cat, but I'd feel stupid for asking for that XD *whispers* If anyone has a pair to breed, please let me know, I'll gladly pay if I can X3

Anyways, onto what I want o3o I want...

Anything really c: Every present I get, I'm happy with. Someone actually took the time to send me something, and that in itself is a lovely gift ^.^
Last edited by Zs99 on December 19th, 2013, 11:55:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Buying Phoenix Arkai, not sure what amount of gold to offer for them
Feel free to offer on creatures in my 'For Sale' tab.
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Re: What I would like for Christmas Wish List

Post by ElementalNovel »

I always feel guilty posting a wishlist, but I do have a list of creatures I haven't managed to get so far if people need ideas. Literally any gift would make me happy, though! :wave:

Edit: 25/25! Thank you, everyone!
Bronze Crystalwing
Gold Farir
Orange Farir
Male and Female White, Piebald, and Black Cervinus Deer
Male and Female Purple Pygmy Crystalwings
Male and Female Golden Pygmy Crystalwings
Green Pygmy Crystalwing
Bronze Pygmy Crystalwing
Saerulis Pygmy Crystalwing
Blue Pygmy Crystalwing
Male and Female Purple Pygmy Gemdragons
Male and Female Golden Pygmy Gemdragons
Green Pygmy Gemdragon
Blue Hybrid Pygmy Crystalwing
Atoll Leviathan

Male Light Narwhal
Tenera Dog
Male and Female Ebbene Shark
Ice Octopus
Southern Alasre Alpaca
Male and Female Western Alasre Alpaca
Male Blue Talvar
Snow Vevex Ray
Male and Female White Tundra Tylluan
Male Black Tundra Tylluan
Male and Female Raiti Seal
Praluven Seal
Green Lunestre Dragon
Black Yale
Silvian Serpaen
Etainian Serpaen
Male Pine Nulorn
Arkenian Sunbeast
Female Dark Serendin
Male and Female Earth Serendins
Male and Female Water Serendins
Volcanic Seahorse
Abyssal Seahorse
Male and Female Vetus

Female Black Pearl Wyrm
Female Forest Rekantum

Rewin Ancient
Yellow and Red Rose Imps Thanks, HannaLan!
Male and Female Namista Spiders

Coal Wyrm
Tinsel Wyrm
Male and Female 2010 Arkai
Female Antelope Hare
Blue Crystalwing
Female Green Ornamental Penguin
Male White Ornamental Penguin
Female GB Gold Crystalwing
Female GB Purple Crystalwing
Male Calidaes Reindeer
Male and Female Frigaes Reindeer
Golden Sonerus Dragon
Female Chocolate Viyasant
Male Domestic Amagnae


And most importantly!!! Have a merry Christmas. :t-hugs:
Last edited by ElementalNovel on December 22nd, 2013, 11:09:22 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: What I would like for Christmas Wish List

Post by AssassinsCreed »

Anything is welcome,shopborn,donationpets or stream pets :D And breed too :wave:

Fav pets:

*griffns :D
*winged cats
* raijus
*skeleton based evil beings >D
* peggys
* anything else I forgot to mention o.o

Im not picky,Im happy with whatever you decide to send to me :wave:
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Re: What I would like for Christmas Wish List

Post by aloobah »

Woop! I'm going to be gifting like mad this christmas! ^_^

- I would love, love, love an Illabor.
- I would also love a White Nivalis Bear.
I hate asking for donis. v.v

I would love to have any shop born creatures too, from any shop. :)

Any gifts would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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Re: What I would like for Christmas Wish List

Post by chaunchaun »

-Fire/Ice gryphons
-Ocean Leviathan
-Pygmy Gemdragon/Crystalwing
Stream Born (Can be bred):
-Pegasus (any)
-Minicorn (any)
-Forest Rekantum
-Mountain Rekantum

Non-frozen, please!
You guys are awesome! 18/25 :woo:
Last edited by chaunchaun on December 21st, 2013, 8:18:09 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: What I would like for Christmas Wish List

Post by Sarah745 »

I have all 25 Presents! Thanks everyone. I hope I can find people to gift.

How do we gift others?
I have 5/25 Gifts

Keep in mind when gifting, I love all birds/bats and unique creatures, such as the Jerdas Creature :haha:
I'll take anything that is purebred and unlineaged.
If you do however need some guidence Help, here are the creatures that interest me best. :t-hugme: From top to bottom, top=Most Wanted, Bottom=Least wanted, I'll also list top 5 per group, though there might be more.
Just because something is listed here, remember, does not mean that is all I will accept, this is just my wishlist, there are many more things I would love, but these made it to the top.
Normal Creatures=Stream/Hybrids/Shops
1.I :t-swoon: Calidim Image
Raiti and Praluvean Seals ImageImage
I need two Minicorn Hatchlings, one of each color, unfrozen
Male Blacks, Female Whites = TylluanImageImage
I also love Trench Seahorses, Hallow Capricorns, Ruby Capricorns, Ash Gryphons, Sand Gryphons, Ice Gryphons, ETC.

Donation Creatures, if you have spares or are leaving or just want to be nice/need to gift more, these ones are my favorite. I don't have any Donation Creatures, or even near the gold, and my snaplinks aren't working. So I thank each and everyone of you who gift me something like this, something very special.

1.Jerdas Creatures ImageImage
Swans White/Black ImageImage
Illabor Image
Amarth AlagosImage

Specials -
1.I love Dismots, all of them are beautiful and remind me of my own flock, these are the ones I love most in orderImageImageImage
Umber Arkai-Image

Army Things
I decided I would make an army of small birds such as Hummingbirds, and Talvar

I also want to make an Army of Farir, All Green Streamborn Hopefully
(Of course that is only for greens, for the other colors, I would love if they are purebred and unlineaged.)
Last edited by Sarah745 on December 20th, 2013, 4:12:14 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: What I would like for Christmas Wish List

Post by Bagheera »

Oh How I would love some of the new December Donis! I LOVE Bears!!!! But I can't donate :(

I also wish I had a shopborn unnamed male temple cat to make my temple cat family complete.
Thanks to all who gifted!! Merry Christmas!
ImageImage Thanks to all who gifted!! Merry Christmas!

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