What I would like for Christmas Wish List

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Re: What I would like for Christmas Wish List

Post by TNHawke »

First, thank you aethelwhyne for doing the masterlist thing. That is SO helpful!

As always, SKWIDDIES! I can never have enough frozen hatchling krakens! Hatchie ice octopus and ice krakens are also beloved. Any %, any generation, lineaged, named, whatever! Give to me your baby tentacles and they shall be loved.

Then, I'm hoping I might get some 1.5 (normally bred, not special parentless hybrid parent) gen green and bronze gem dragons.


and these guys, lowest gens, please.
Reef Leviathan
Atoll Leviathan
Abyssal Seahorse
Etainian Serpaen
Silvian Serpaen

Did I mention Skwiddies yet?
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Re: What I would like for Christmas Wish List

Post by HopingFaith »

My wishlist:
- any doni really (especially those on my profile wishlist). It doesn't matter if it is bred or not.
- Tinsel Wyrm (male or female, any gen).
- White Ornamental Penguin (male or female, any gen).
Thank you so much. <3

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Re: What I would like for Christmas Wish List

Post by NyxNoire »

Got poked about posting here, so here goes. :haha:

Coati hatchlings
Winged Cat hatchlings, both colours
Telvian Panther hatchlings
Paervem hatchlings
Osath hatchlings
Kordaetis elephant hatchlings, both colours

Atoll/Reef/Silt Leviathan hybrids

Shopborn or 1st gens:
Serendins, Herbalist and Water, as I have access to the Dark myself.
Arkenian Kitsunes

Thank you! <3

Edit - wow.. my tree is full already. O.o Thank you very much! <3
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Re: What I would like for Christmas Wish List

Post by Idrill »


I wish to get any bred doni <3


Snow Dragon!!!

any Crystalwing

any Jackalope

any creature from Water Shop

Thanks in advance! I can't wait to start gifting too!!!! :woo:
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Re: What I would like for Christmas Wish List

Post by s0yya »

My Wishes~

Any donis (any at all, doesn't have to be on my profile list)
Pygmy Crystalwings
Pygmy Gemdragons
Silt Leviathans
Water Serendin
Seahorses (Abyssal, Volcanic, Trench, Reef etc - any)
Rekantum (Forest, Mountain, Desert etc - any)

I have a variety of creatures to gift out too, I'm super excited for this event!

Happy Holidays everyone <3
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Re: What I would like for Christmas Wish List

Post by Bioterror »

My wish list:
Doesn't matter what gen they are, I'm not picky.
I'll be happy to have these guys any way I can get them!

The * indicates what I would like more but I would love to receive any of these. o u o~

Tenabre Fox *
Mist Stalker
Black or white winged cats.
Direwolf (albino direwolf prefered but I would appreciate either)
Hallow Capricorn
Ruby Capricorn *
Ruby Koi **
Ice Octopus
Black Holly Jackalope **
Any Cervinus Deer
Direcore **
Any pygmy gemdragons ;;*************
Atoll Leviathan
Bell White Elk *******
Wikken Cat **************************ithinkiwoulddie
Tinsel Wyrm ********************
Coal Wyrm *******************
Chain White Elk **************
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Re: What I would like for Christmas Wish List

Post by duskfall »

I would like
a male northern light fox bred is fine I am not picky
Pygmy Gemdragons
Pygmy Crystalwings
ANYTHING Especially if it's something I dont already have. I took a hiatus since 2012 and just getting back into things so I missed alot.
anything k9 based especially dire wolves, boraen wolf's.
Any event creature realised after 2012 
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Re: What I would like for Christmas Wish List

Post by gotw3 »

Wish List:
-Any Donis (of course) Especially including: Alicantos, Sanus, Alagos, Male Cardinal Griffons, Raijus, Light Gemhogs, Bleeding Heart Gryphons, Araxies, Kamar Rabbits, Verikan, Northern Lights Foxes, Krusos, Atrox Dragons, Rykeir, and Wormwood.
-Silt, Reef, and Atoll Leviathans
-Pygmy Gemdragons and Crystalwings
-Tarax (Taraxes? Taraxim? Whatever the plural of Tarax is)
-Desert Rekantum
-Black, White, and Piebald Cervinus Deer

Any and all of these gifts would fill me up with joy, but if you want to give a gift that isn't on this list, it's totally fine. <3 Every single gift makes me happy, and I know my wish list is high, so anything's fine really! :D Thank you so much!
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Re: What I would like for Christmas Wish List

Post by Brynmala »

I have 25 presents - thank you so much everyone :)

Sure I typed out a wishlist, but seems to have got lost somewhere in the ether!

I would be quite happy with anything any kind soul is prepared to give me, but I would be particularly pleased to get the following:

winged cats

Anything :)

Hybrid (lowest gen preferred):
Silt, Reef, and Atoll Leviathans
Pygmy Gemdragons and Crystalwings

Other stuff:
I have several 'needing mates' tabs in my keep, if anyone would care to provide potential mates for any of those creatures I'd be overjoyed!

Female domestic turkeys? I've got a pile of males...
Last edited by Brynmala on December 21st, 2013, 5:14:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: What I would like for Christmas Wish List

Post by WolfDart »

Feel free to check the tabs in my Keep if you're not sure what I like! Aside from the 'For Sale, of course. And SB or bred is all good to me!
My List
Any Donation pets, my dream pet being an Elder Crystalwing!
Any Crystalwings
Pygmy Crystalwings
Pygmy Gemdragons
Any Dragons
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