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Chapter 4: Unpleasant Surprises

Post by freakazoid »

Yes, April thinks of Zach as just a friend, but you never know~ :t-X3:
Glad you liked it - you won't need to wait any longer. 'Cuz here's the next chapter. :3

Chapter 4: Unpleasant Surprises
Morning sunlight poured in through April's window as a warm feeling next to her foot moved. Looking down, the Magi noticed a white Winged Cat curled up into a ball near her toes, snoring softly as it slept. April smiled, stretching briefly and bending up and over to pet the Winged Cat. The creature looked up at her, yawning and showing off her sharp teeth, different-colored eyes blinking in the light.

"I think I'll visit the ocean today." April closed her blue eyes and opened her mouth in a gaping yawn. She got up and slipped into her regular clothing - it smelled wonderful. Deathdrop must've washed them in the pond after April went to sleep. Kiwon watched, tucking her paws under her belly and meowing in annoyance as the Magi strolled over and cradled her into her arms. Chuckling as the Winged Cat struggled in her arms before relaxing, April walked over to examine her Winged Cat egg. It had more cracks that the day before, and it looked as though it would hatch soon. Giggling at the thought of yet another kitten for Deathdrop to take care of, she strolled out the bedroom door and headed for the garden.

Alexander looked up from the Xand Bears and at April. While he looked after the creatures in the garden, he had agreed to leave his spear inside. A Xand Bear hatchling nipped at his hoof as the Centaur trotted over to April, whining as he approached the Magi.

"April," His voice was deep, "As Deathdrop most likely told you, there are some new herbs in your garden. I've been working to keep the bears away."

He gestured her over to a patch of mint and chamomile. April was delighted at the sight of both of the plants - Diablo loved mint, and the chamomile was enjoyed by Goddess, Alexander, Deathdrop, and April - it made excellent tea. Alexander scolded a young Xand Bear hatchling that had strayed a little too close to the precious herbs, making April laugh. He looked at her, blinking in confusion.

"What's so humorous?" The Centaur questioned, stamping his hoof impatiently as he waited for a reply.

"Nothing," April put a hand over her mouth as she giggled, trying to hide her laughter, "Thank you for informing me."

Nodding, Alexander turned and resumed his duties as April wandered over to the patch of daisies. She was searching for her Antelope Hare Jackalope - Daisy. She had recently given birth, and April wanted to see her child. Kiwon meowed from her arms, making the Magi forget about what she was doing and focus on the cat. It was looking up at the sky - a gold Gryphon was spiraling down towards them. As it landed, April could notice a letter attached to a string around the creature's neck. Another letter? April untied the string and opened the scroll.
Highest regards, April,
  • You have been invited to a party that celebrates the completion of Archamange Thane's current studies. Dress up as a creature - we cannot wait to see you there in two days!
    Creature companions are allowed to come to this party as long as they do not cause any destruction.
Master Belmos

"Wow, a celebration!" April exclaimed, "That's wonderful!"

Alexander trotted over and read the note.

"Sounds interesting. What are you going to dress as?"

"I don't know yet. Any ideas?" April looked at Kiwon, who had flown onto her shoulder.

"What about a white Winged Cat?" Alexander suggested. They both laughed, making the cat on April's shoulder look at them curiously.

"If I can find a costume, then sure." April giggled, stroking her cat's fur affectionately, "I'll probably fly to the Keep tomorrow and see if I can find anything."

A sea breeze wafted in front of April's nose, reminding her of her plans.Oh, right! I was going to go to the ocean. April waved goodbye to Alexander and walked over to her Gryphon herd that resided nearby. The soot Gryphons cawed and screeched in happiness as she walked towards them, smiling at the hatchlings. One Gryphon in particular stepped forward, a blue necklace hanging from his neck.

"Wanna go to the ocean?" April patted his neck and smiled as he cawed in approval, "Great. Let's go."

She mounted him, placing Kiwon between her legs as the Gryphon took off. He soared into the sky, flying above the trees and heading for the beach. However, whines, cries, and other various noises came from the forest below, and April told her Gryphon to head downward. As the landed on the grassy forest floor, April dismounted and carried Kiwon in her arms, heading towards the noise. When she reached it's source, she gasped at the horrible sight...
Last edited by freakazoid on May 27th, 2011, 12:54:08 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter Four up :)

Post by BluMajica »

ooooh you sure know when to cut it off and create suspense.

nice work!
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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter Four up :)

Post by Benevolent »

The suspense is killing me... I can't wait to see the next chapter about the "horrible sight"!

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Chapter 5: I didn't need to see that...

Post by freakazoid »

Glad that I made you guys suffer. :devil:
Just kidding. Here's the next chapter. :3

Chapter 5: I didn't need to see that...
In the distance ahead of April lay a Rewin Dragon hatchling, blood trickling from wounds on its body. The water Magi ran over and bent down, placing Kiwon between her knees to inspect the poor creature. The hatchling looked at her, pain glimmering in its eyes, whimpering softly as April stroked its head.

"Poor thing." April whispered. She glanced at the creature's leg, noticing a large gash on its back right foot. On its front left leg, there was another gash, where most of the blood was coming from. Who would do such a thing - and where is its mother? Almost as if to answer the Magi's question, Kiwon flew over to inspect a large blue lump in the brush. April hoped that it wouldn't be what she thought.

She was wrong.

Tears began to pool in her eyes as April pulled aside the brush to see a mother Rewin Dragon laying on the ground, body still. The creature's mouth was gaped open in a never-ending scream, eyes frozen in a look of terror. Dry blood gathered in clumps on the mother's body, but there were no signs of anything that the surrounding environment that could've caused this. A Magi had done this. A sick, horrible Magi that didn't have anything better to do than go around and kill innocent families. The tears in April's eyes streamed down her cheeks, dripping onto the mother Rewin. The Magi muttered a few words quietly, closing her eyes and running her hand over the creature's head before plucking a large leaf from a nearby tree to cover up the mother's face.

"Otter," She called for her Gryphon softly, "Would you mind digging a large hole?"

The Magi made a digging motion with her hands in case Otter didn't understand. Cocking his head, the soot Gryphon walked over and began digging a large hole while April walked back over to the hatchling.

"I'm so sorry," She whispered, "I'm so sorry."

The tears flowed down her face like a waterfall. Gentle screeches came from the Rewin as April picked it up. Cradling it in her arms, she walked back over to Kiwon and Otter, turning away from the mother so that the hatchling couldn't see it. Otter had dug a deep hole - large enough to fit the mother's body in. Setting the hatchling on the ground, April left Kiwon to keep it company as she began heaving the mother Rewin towards the hole. Otter flew over and helped, blinking as the body fell into the hole and sprayed dirt everywhere. The pair started putting dirt back to cover the hole, but April didn't feel right. Leaving Otter to cover the creature up, she walked around, looking for a small flower bush. Bright yellow in the corner of her eye caught her attention, and she walked over to see a medium-sized flower bush standing right in front of her. April grabbed a large stick and traced a circle around the plant, stabbing the stick into the ground.

Once she had successfully dug up the plant, April dropped the stick and pulled it out of the ground. She walked back to the burial site and set the flowers down, digging yet another small hole on top of the creature and placing the flowers in.

"Rest in peace, beautiful," April cried, "Rest in peace."

Wiping her tears, April walked back over to the hatchling and picked it up, listening closely to make sure that it was still breathing. As soon as she heard a breath, the Magi called for Kiwon and mounted her soot Gryphon. The Winged Cat flew to her, resting beneath the hatchling in April's lap as they made their way back to Herbal Keep - where Deathdrop could attend to the creature's wounds.

The flight back was quiet, save for the cries of pain from the hatchling. After they had reached the Keep, April dismounted Otter (leaving him to fly back to the herd) and ran inside.

"Hi April!" A voice called from the pond. It was Goddess of L'eau - Goddess for short - April's mermaid companion who kept the Koi company. Her bra-like shirt that Deathdrop had weaved for her (the Naga was sickened at the thought of a 'naked' Mermaid) was wet from being in the water so long. April ignored her greeting, rushing inside and pushing the door open. Deathdrop looked up from her current project and at April, gasping at the sight of the Rewin. The Naga immediately set her things aside and slithered over to see what was wrong. The Magi quickly hurried over to her oak table, where she set the hatchling and looked at her hands. They were bloody - a quick trip out to the pond wouldn't hurt.

"Watch him for me."

She dashed out to the pond and waved her hands in the water, startling a few Koi and making them dart in different directions. Goddess flinched at the sight of the blood, swimming over to the fish and calming them. Her chocolatey brown hair gleamed from being drenched in the sunlight, the green sea-star in her hair resting just above her right ear.

After washing her hands, April practically sprinted back into the building, going back over to the table where Kiwon and Deathdrop stared at the hatchling intently. Blood leaked onto the table, staining some of the beautiful tan wood a deep crimson red.

"I'll tell you the story later - right now we just need to heal him! Please fetch me some of the healing herbs." April's voice was hurried and hinted with fear. She couldn't let the hatchling die - it would break her heart. Deathdrop nodded and quickly slithered out into the garden, where she snatched a few herbs and ignored the dirty looks from the Xand Bears as she came back inside. Fixing a small little potion, she quickly handed it off to April - who lifted the Rewin's head up gently. It squealed in pain, its mouth wide open. April poured the potion in slowly, cursing as some of it splashed onto the table. The hatchling coughed in disgust - the potion was bitter.

"Please work, please work, please please work!"
Last edited by freakazoid on May 27th, 2011, 12:54:36 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter Five up :)

Post by jaja »

live, hatchling, live! D:
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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter Five up :)

Post by Phoenixwildfire »

UUUUGH I demand another chapter D:
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Chapter 6: Shop on the Corner

Post by freakazoid »

Your wish is my command. :angel:

Chapter 6: Shop on the Corner
April would've been crying if her eyes had any tears left. The hatchling lay still on the table, eyes glazed in confusion. Sniffling, the Magi gently prodded the Rewin, gasping as it moved. Thank goodness, it was just in shock!

The small dragon yelped, leaping up and flying around the room happily. Various Winged Cat hatchlings meowed in happiness, soaring through the air after the hatchling. It was an amusing sight - a Rewin hatchling being chased by a tiny herd of kittens. April couldn't help but giggle, bursting out into a laugh as one of the Winged Cats smacked Deathdrop with a furry tail. The Naga muttered under her breath, but April could see a grin creeping across her face. Calming herself down, the Magi turned to Deathdrop with a serious look on her face.

"So, what are we going to do with it? We can't just send it back out there - it's mother is..." April couldn't bear to finished the sentence - it pained her too much. Deathdrop looked at her, eyes filled with amusement.

"I'm not sure. However, Alexander told me about that party - you'd better get going to the Keep if you want to get that costume. I can figure out what to do with the thing."

Nodding a silent thanks, April cradled Kiwon in her lap once again and whispered to the Winged Cat. After a brief moment, the two set off for the gardens. Alexander looked up from the Xand Bears, waving in a friendly manner before realizing that the Magi was busy. Shrugging, he turned back to the bears and smiled as two hatchlings played.

Rushing into the soot Gryphon herd, April quickly looked around for Otter. She found him 'chatting' with a female Gryphon that was likely his mate. The blue necklace that hung from his neck swayed in the gentle breeze, ringing slightly as the wind ran though the hole in the gem. It was a sapphire - he had found it himself. Walking up to him, the Magi patted his rear and caught his attention.

"Would you like to fly me to the Keep?"

Nodding in response to April's question, the Magi mounted him and placed Kiwon between her legs yet again. The three set off into the sky, Otter's grey feathers shining in the strong afternoon sunlight.

When they reached the Keep, it was almost evening. Copper Wyrms darted about, carrying eggs of their kind in their strong claws. One even stopped in front of Otter and chirped, eyes gleaming in amusement as the Gryphon cocked his head in confusion. It dashed off like the rest, disappearing into the fog that flew just above the ground. Smiling, April dismounted Otter and walked beside him, Kiwon resting on her shoulder.

A familiar forest green cloak in the corner of the Magi's eye got her attention, and she turned to see Archamage Thane rushing through the meadow.

"Thane!" April's strong voice pierced the wind. The male looked her way and smiled as the female dashed towards him, "Do you know any place where I could find some costumes for tomorrow's celebration?"

Thane smiled, opening his mouth to speak.

"Yes," He pointed to the Keep, "If you go to the Merchant District, you'll find a small shop on the corner that will be selling them. The prices are fairly cheap, I'd say."

Smiling, April waved in goodbye as Otter trotted up to her, ducking under the Magi's legs and carrying them in the direction of the Keep. Once they reached the Merchant District, they began to wander the path which was teeming with other Magi. Jingles from the gold in their satchels rang in April's ears. Looking for the shop, April grinned as she found it. The building was wooden and large, with square openings to let air in. A Chupacabra was visible from inside - probably to help prevent shoplifting. April knew that the beasts had a sharp bite - her uncle Wapiti had been bitten by them numerous times.

Approaching the shop, April left Otter outside to mingle with the other creatures as she pushed open the oak door. The handles were shaped like Elephant Snails - you pushed the trunk to get it open. A flurry of colors stood before the Magi, other people picking out their own costumes. A familiar bright blue cloak stood out amongst the dark colors that surrounded it - April would recognize it everywhere. Zach!

Trotting up to her friend, she bent down and jumped up, slapping his shoulders gently. He flinched in surprise, making April giggle from behind him. Zach turned around, a Lunar Hippogryph mask covering the majority of his face. However, April could still see the chocolatey brown eyes that poked out, staring at her.

"You look good!" She laughed. Zach smiled and removed the mask, placing it back onto the shelf.

"Thanks," He smiled, "But it was too tight. What are you going as?"

"I'm not sure yet." April smiled as Zach reached his hand over to pat Kiwon, who purred affectionately and batted his hand as he pulled it away.

"You should go as a white Winged Cat." He laughed.

"Only if you go as a black." April's smile grew wider.

"Only if you'll go with me." Zach smiled at her, knowing the answer.

"Sure." April giggled. She knew that Zach was serious, but it was all in good fun. The two headed for the more feline sections, splitting up. Zach headed for the more masculine section, while April did the opposite and headed for the feminine.

After what seemed like forever, the two finally met back up again. April's blonde hair flew behind her as she walked, matching the creamy white of the costume perfectly. Zach was quite the opposite - his sandy brown hair greatly contrasted the black of the cat. Somehow, though, he managed to look quite attractive in it.

"You look great." The air Magi smiled from behind his mask.

"So do you." April was glad that her mask hid her face - her cheeks were rosy red. Zach's compliments were flattering.

White silk sweeped across the floor as April turned to remove the costume. She couldn't wear it until the next day - it'd be ruined if she did. Zach did the same, and they both met up outside of the shop. Only a small sliver of the golden sun peeked above the horizon, tinting April's hair the same golden color.

"Hey, you need a place to stay for the night?" Zach asked. April nodded - she definitely wouldn't make it back to her Keep before nightfall.

"That'd be great."

"Alright, let's go."

The two Magi both mounted their Gryphons and began riding towards Zach's Keep.
Last edited by freakazoid on May 27th, 2011, 12:54:56 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter 6 up :)

Post by BluMajica »

awww.. YAY the rewin was ok <3

and April is so... blind? Isnt it usually the men who are blind to such attentions lol.. Im sure she will be pleasantly surprised soon... :evil:
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Chapter 7: Sleepover! :D

Post by freakazoid »

Oh the thoughts that are running in April's mind... Image
Hm. Gives me an idea. ;D

Chapter 7: Sleepover! :D
It was a good thing that Zach's Keep wasn't too far away - Otter was exhausted. April could tell, his speed had noticeably decreased and his breathing was fast and heavy. The poor Gryphon had been flying all over the place! Kiwon sat in the Magi's lap, occasionally flying over to Zach for some new company.

The sky was now dark shades of blue and purple, with some streaks of black mixed in. A few stars had creeped onto the black canvas, shining brightly in the night. The moon boasted its beautiful pale white as it competed with the stars for space. April wished they could stop for a moment and listen, listen to the soft flow of the Stream nearby and the gentle blow of the breeze that tapped her hair lightly.

After a few more moments, a large building was visible in the dim light that outlined it. Slithering sounds alerted the Winged Cat, who looked down to see a grey Raza Cobra making its way towards Zach. He smiled and touched his arm to the ground so that the snake could crawl up him and curl around his shoulders. The Raza Cobra did just that, flicking its forked tongue into Zach's ear playfully. Laughing, Zach stroked a finger over the snake's smooth scales before leading the two Magi to the Keep door.

"We're here." His voice was somewhat carried away in the wind, but April heard him just enough to understand what he was saying. She nodded, dismounting Otter and following Zach inside the building.

The Magi marveled at the beautiful brick walls, even more so at the fireplace that sat on the far side of the room. Three creamy white sofas circled it, a small wooden table in the middle. April liked this place already. Crackling from the fire echoed softly in the room, but April didn't have any time to notice as Zach whisked her away.

"Otter can stay with Tawai in here, if that's alright." He offered.

"Yeah, that's fine."

The water Magi watched as the air Magi led the two Gryphons into a small enclosure outside, grinning as Tawai nipped Zach's cloak when he left.

"Now you," Zach gently pulled her towards a different room, "Can stay in here."

He opened the door to reveal a room that was more stunning than the entrance. Painted on the wall was a beautiful picture of the Jungle of Raza, Telvian Panthers lazily hanging from trees and Manticores flying through the air. Other various creatures were scattered about, but those were the first two that April noticed.

The bedspread was a deep emerald green, with gingerbread-colored pillows that looked soft as silk. A table in the left corner of the room was a dark brown, large enough for a guest to lay their belongings on. The room even had a small enclosure with an Anaugi in it. With a flick of its tail, the iguana spat fire in greeting to Zach as he entered the room.

"I hope it's big enough," He sighed, "Hope you like it."

"I love it," April's eyes were wide with amazement, "It's beautiful."

"Thanks," Zach chuckled, "I'm glad you do. Hefty price, but it was well worth it. If you need anything, just tell the Anaugi and let it out of the cage. Then just wait."

"Alright." April laughed as Kiwon flew onto the bed and curled up into a ball, falling asleep quickly. Loud snores came from her, making the two Magi giggle in amusement.

"You hungry?"

The water Magi turned to Zach and nodded slightly, following him as he left the room. The air Magi led April to a large kitchen-like area, with beautiful oak counters and Alpaca wool towels. A vase of gold roses sat in the corner - April had never seen flowers so beautiful. Dewdrops were sprinkled on them, gleaming in the moonlight that streamed through a window. Zach walked over to the window and poked his head out, shouting something that April couldn't hear.

When he pulled his head back in, he presented the water Magi with a handful of blackberries. Smiling, April held her hands out and squealed silently in delight as Zach poured some of the dark-colored berries into her hands. She immediately ate a few - April loved blackberries. The sour flavor exploded in her mouth, making her sigh in adoration. Zach laughed, eating his handful of berries and clapping his hands together.

"Well," He said, "I think I'm going to bed. I'm tired - hope you don't mind."

"Not a problem - I'm about to do that as well."

Smiling, Zach nodded and headed for his bedroom. April looked over as he opened the door - she wanted to see if his room had a neat design as well. However, she couldn't see from where she was standing. Pouting, April finished her berries and headed for her temporary room. Once she was inside, she left the door open a crack and made sure her costume was safely tucked on the table. The Anaugi made a strange noise as she entered, crawling to the bottom of his cage and eating his food.

April smiled at the lizard as she walked over to the bed and pulled up the covers. She would just have to sleep in her cloak and everything - she didn't think to pack sleepwear. Kiwon meowed in annoyance as April crawled in, but quickly groomed her puffy fur with her raspy tongue and walked up to April, leaping under her arm just as the Magi pulled the covers over herself.

"Okay, okay," April laughed quietly, "You can sleep with me tonight."

The water Magi was grateful for the feline's presence, but didn't think much of it before her eyes closed and she fell asleep.
Last edited by freakazoid on May 27th, 2011, 12:55:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter 7 up :)

Post by jaja »

that keep sounds beautiful. <3

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