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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter 25 up :)

Post by Moonpool »

Lovin' it!
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Chapter 26 - Why, hello Marina!

Post by freakazoid »

Moonpool wrote:Lovin' it!
What's so ironic about this is that the first thing that came to my head was:
"ba da ba ba ba - I'M LOVIN' IT"
and I'm eating McDonald's. xD

@Orange: XD
I'm going to be throwing a bunch of other people's characters (with permission, of course) in here, Thalia will probably be one of the Magi thrown in. :smirk:

Chapter 26 - Why, hello Marina!

If it weren't so snowy outside, it would have probably been a very pleasant morning for the four Magi. After everyone got dressed and bathed, they had all met down in the restaurant part of the inn for breakfast.

"So, how far do we need to get today?" Zach asked as he swallowed a mouthful of bacon.

"At least to Synara, if not, farther." April looked at the air Magi, who was finishing off a slice of bacon furiously. "Jeez, hungry much?" She teased playfully.

"Mrph, shupsh.."

April smiled and looked at Pheona, who was looking down at her empty plate guiltily. Rynu looked at his cousin and grinned.

"Hey, Pheona? Avalon is just east of Synara, right?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, couldn't we grab Amy and Lir or something? We'd get to Voltar a lot faster that way."

"Sure, sounds good."

"'Kay, let's get goin' then."

Finishing their breakfast, they all paid the bill for the first meal of the day and continued on their trek. Keema lead the way to Avalon, recognizing the scent of fire and unicorns from Pheona. It took them until mid-afternoon to reach the building, and at least another hour or so to get the required mounts.

As they walked out with Lir, Amalthea, Thiazi and another random earth unicorn, Zach looked at the earth unicorn warily. April noticed the air Magi's reaction and spoke worriedly. "Is something wrong?"

"N-No. I'm just being a baby."

"Are you sure? I'm sure Thiazi, Lir, or Amalthea wouldn't mind carrying two Magi." Pheona offered, patting Lir gently. The unicorn neighed, looking at Pheona with wide gold eyes. "Lir, be quiet. He's a nice guy."

"Yeah, I'm sure."

Just as the four were about to leave, Keisin walked out of the building holding a small sack close to his chest. One he spotted Pheona, the sorcerer gasped, spitting cookie crumbs everywhere and trying to run for cover. But Russet thought it was a game, and chirped happily.

"Keisin?" Pheona looked at the sorcerer. "Are those...COOKIES?"

Keisin looked down at his sack and back up to the fire Magi. "Y-Yes..." He made a pouting face, sticking his bottom lip out, eyes wide as a tylluan's. "Please...?"

Pheona chuckled and sighed. "Alright, fine. But Alabast better not catch you - he likes the cookies, too."

Lir whinnied happily at the smell of cookies and trotted over to Keisin, sticking his snout in the sack without a second thought. "Lir! LIR! Hey! Those are my cookies! What are you-?"

Lir pulled his head out of the sack and puffed at the sorcerer, his face cluttered with cookie crumbs. Keisin gave the unicorn a grumpy look before he stalked off. "But those were MY cookies..."


It hadn't taken long for the four to reach the Keep at the speed they were going. Rynu dismounted Amalthea and quickly looked around, brushing his black hair out of his face and looking around.

"What are you doing?" April slowed Thiazi to a halt and looked at the earth Magi.

"I swear I saw Marina run by just a second ago..."

Before April could protest, Rynu had disappeared into the crowd. Soon, he arrived back empty-handed to the group, muttering under his breath about how he had mistaken a white-haired elder for the young Marina. Pheona tried to control her snickering as they continued.

"Hey guys!" Marina walked out from behind a building, a black tienko in her arms. "What are you doing?"

Rynu's jaw gaped open at the sight of the water Magi, but he quickly pushed it back up and looked away.

"We're going to Voltar." He grumbled.

"Why?" Marina stroked the cat gently, looking at Rynu with gentle cyan eyes.

"We'll explain to you on the way - say, Rynu, why don't you let Marina ride with you?" Zach chuckled, looking back at the earth Magi. Marina blushed and walked over to the dark unicorn, mounting her and sliding her arms around Rynu's waist so she wouldn't fall off as they rode to Voltar.
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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter 26 up :)

Post by Phoenixwildfire »

Rynu: *looks around for Marina* mmmmmph. She was just here I SWEAR SHE WAS. *can't find her* :tard: crap.
*Marina appears*
<_< Why were you behind that building?! doing sneaky things...

lol I love how Pheona smells like unicorns and fire :lol:

pretty much sums me up :facepalm:
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Chapter 27 - Desert Dome

Post by freakazoid »


Chapter 27 - Desert Dome

It was night as the group neared the Etain Desert, cool breezes blowing across the land. "We should probably be finding a place to sleep." April said as she stopped Thiazi.

"But where? It's all desert for miles. There's no shelter anywhere!" Zach complained, wiping a bead of sweat off his face.

"Couldn't we use our magic to make shelter?" Marina spoke up, releasing her arms from around Rynu's waist.

"That's a good idea." April commented, dismounting Thiazi. The group of Magi all stood silent for a moment, thinking.

"Okay, let's do this!"


April and Marina were busy wetting the soil for Rynu as he grew vines up from the sand to form a dome. Zach and Pheona were out in the desert collecting firewood for a future fire. After a few moments, the vines needed for the dome were constructed, and April and Marina were now busy creating a pure pool of water in the den in case any of them got thirsty. Rynu shaped a plant to hold a 'bowl' of water, watching as the two water Magi filled it up.

Zach and Pheona arrived back shortly after the dome was constructed, dropping firewood into the middle of the 'plant house' and looking upward. Rynu glanced at them and nodded, using a little more of his magic to create a hole in the vine roof for the smoke to flow out. Pheona smiled in satisfaction and looked at the pile of sticks, summoning a ball of fire and tossing it at the wood. Zach infused the burning fire with oxygen as April and Marina gathered stones and pebbles to keep the fire from spreading to unwanted places.

The process took about an hour, but it was well worth it when they finished. The unicorns mingled in a far corner of the dome, neighing and whinnying unheard words to one another. April sighed and plopped down next to the fire, calling Keema over and stroking the panther's head.

"What about food?" Marina sat down beside April, holding the tienko in her arms.

It was silent.

Everyone was so worked up about getting down to Voltar in good time that they had forgotten to pack something to eat. April looked at Rynu with pleading ocean blue eyes and opened her mouth to speak. "Can you grow any fruits or vegetables for us to eat?"

Rynu shook his head. "I could, but I don't know how."

April sighed and glanced over at Zach. "Wanna come with me to find something to eat?"



The two Magi walked for what seemed like forever until they found an oasis shimmering into the distance. They picked up their pace until they were right next to the water, bending down and wetting their faces. April was tempted to jump into the water, but she knew better than to startle any creatures nearby.

"Hey, April! Look!"

The water Magi looked at Zach to see him at the top of a tree, collecting dates. "Catch!"

He threw them down to April, trying to throw them in bunches so she could catch them easier. A couple of them landed in the sand, but it wouldn't be too hard to wash them off so they were safe to eat. As she bent down to pick a date up, she felt a slight bump hit her head, followed by a few more. April looked up to see Zach throwing rotten fruits at her, snickering to himself as he slid down.

The water Magi grinned and pushed the air Magi playfully, making her way back to the dome. "C'mon, we need to get there soon if we want to go to sleep early."

"Um, April...hold on..."

"What?" April turned to face Zach as he stared into an angry mother nandi bear's eyes.
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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter 27 up :)

Post by sammythethief »

Yay! Reunion!

Poor April. She always runs into angry mother creatures.
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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter 27 up :)

Post by freakazoid »

April can't help it - she's just too lovable. Everybody wants a piece of her. :derr:
how else would she have met Zach?
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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter 27 up :)

Post by sammythethief »

Yellowfang wrote:April can't help it - she's just too lovable. Everybody wants a piece of her. :derr:
how else would she have met Zach?
Moooore now? :haha:
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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter 27 up :)

Post by freakazoid »

Can't, sleepytiemz. D:
Tomorrow. Promise at least two chappies. :yarly:
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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter 27 up :)

Post by Inspirit »

An angry nandi bear D: Everyone runs!

I wonder what would happen next. :D

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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter 27 up :)

Post by Phoenixwildfire »

lol poor Rynu

....*doesn't know how to grow fruit*

.........*proceeds to feel utterly incompetent*



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