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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter 21 up :)

Post by Ceres »

Forked tongue XD
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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter 21 up :)

Post by sammythethief »

The more I do my giveaway the more I love the Apples <3 -snuggles alphyns-
Who would do such a horrible thing to them? D:
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Chapter 22 - Long Story

Post by freakazoid »


Chapter 22 - Long Story

April turned to face a silhouette against the moonlit forest background. She could see a pair of eyes looking down at her from behind the silhouette as it reached a hand out to help her up. The water Magi then made out the figures of a dark minicorn and a man.

"I'm April. Who are you?" She said warily, holding Dragonfly tighter to her chest. The liyan hatchling glanced up, his eyes full of confusion. April mouthed an apology to her hatchling quickly before focusing on the man again.

"Rynn." The man smiled, pushing his barely-visible blonde hair out of his face, revealing bright green eyes. Rynn looked at April for a moment before opening his mouth to speak again. "So, miss April, what are you doing out in the Silva Forest so late at night?"

"I could ask you the same thing, Rynn." April grinned, shifting Dragonfly back into her hood. Skele crawled up and cuddled with the liyan for warmth - the water Magi could see her rat tail shivering as the decessus slipped behind her hair. "Anyways, I came from a friend's keep for a midnight walk, and I lost myself in the forest."

"Well, you're welcome to come back to my Keep, if you'd like." Rynn brushed past April and put his hands on his hips, staring at the moon. "Of course, you don't have to." He looked back over his shoulders and smirked at the water Magi.

"Nah, I'm good." April chuckled, walking over beside Rynn and standing next to him. "So what kind of Magi are you?"


"No way! I'm a water Magi."

The two laughed and stared into each other's eyes for a moment before Rynn grabbed April's waist and leapt into some undergrowth, covering her mouth with his hand. April screeched in surprise, squirming in the ice Magi's grip and kicking out with her legs.

"Shutup! They're coming." Rynn scolded quietly, calling for his minicorn gently. He let go of April's mouth and peered over the bush to see a group of Magi walking past the clearing. A hellhound stopped and sniffed the air for a moment, bending its head down and snarling. One of the Magi stopped and looked at the dog, turning to where the hellhound was facing.

"Shit, they saw us! Run!" Rynn leapt up and dashed over to his minicorn, mounting it and swinging April up with him. Skele and Dragonfly murmured in her hood as they dashed through the forest, being pursued by a group of strangers. April had just met the man, and they were already running away in a forest?

The water Magi sighed and slipped her arms around the ice Magi's waist so that she could hold on. Rynn ignored the new feeling and encouraged the minicorn to go faster. Barks from behind the group alerted April to a fairly small group of people following them.

In her haste, April fell off of the minicorn and landed sharply on her back. She screamed in pain, but luckily landed in a soft patch of grass - and the minicorn hadn't fully grown yet. But that didn't mean that it didn't hurt. Rynn looked back over his shoulder as he rode off, his green eyes twinkling as if to say something.

It only took a few seconds for the group to catch up to the injured Magi, who was lying on the ground in shock. Dragonfly had slithered out of his hood with Skele on his back and was looking at his Magi worriedly. As the group approached the three, a man with black hair and deep brown eyes looked down at April and snarled.

"Where is he going?" April was silent. "I said where is he going!"

"I don't know!" April winced as the man kicked her, grimacing in pain as she saw blood trickling from her ankle.

"You should know! You're probably lovers taking a midnight stroll!"

April's eyes flared with anger as soon as the man had finished that sentence, turning them an icy blue. She could feel the water rushing up and down her arms as she forced herself to get up.

"He's not my lover!" April blasted the men with water that was infused with dark magic from her decessus. A few screams sounded in the air before the water Magi collapsed, looking at the bodies in front of her. Their skin was darkened from the evil magic that Skele had pitched in, a sign that they were dead.


April woke up where she had collapsed, the strong mid-morning sunlight pouring onto her cloak. Dragonfly and Skele slept nearby, curled up next to a flower patch. The water Magi yawned and stretched, sitting up to investigate her ankle. There was dry blood everywhere, but it had stopped bleeding. She'd clean the wound off later.

Standing up, April looked in front of her to see that the bodies had mysteriously disappeared. Where's Rynn? She thought to herself. Whatever. He left me, anyways. Why should I care?

The sound of flapping wings overhead alerted the water Magi's attention, and she looked up to see a familiar black gryphon flying.

"Zach! Tawai!"

In the next few moments, the two had landed and were looking at April in confusion. "What are you doing out here?"

"Long story - don't ask."

Zach shrugged his shoulders and left Tawai to play with Dragonfly and Skele as he walked over to April. The air Magi turned back to his gryphon to shout something, only to feel the tingle of grass sliding down his shirt and the sound of April laughing behind him. He grinned and bent down, ripping grass up from the earth and throwing it at the water Magi.

April laughed and threw some dry leaves at him, and before long the two were chasing each other around the clearing. As Zach turned a corner to avoid April's grip, April slid and fell onto her butt. "Aw, dammit!" She snickered and got back up, scrambling back over to Zach and leaping on him. The air Magi fell from the sudden weight and onto the ground. April sat on top of him triumphantly, looking down at him and smirking. "I win."


Zach pushed April off and used a gust of wind to push her back. April laughed and threw a ball of water at the air Magi, grinning as it hit his chest and soaked through his shirt.
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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter 22 up :)

Post by sammythethief »

Mmm, competition for Zach!
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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter 22 up :)

Post by freakazoid »

Hehehe, you don't know what's going on. Everyone thinks that...nah. Unless you wanna know April's secret, I'm not telling. >:3
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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter 22 up :)

Post by Ceres »

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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter 22 up :)

Post by Inspirit »

So far i have read 2 chapters. Gotta get going if i want to finish up to the current one
I like the story but poor April on chapter 2. However Zach is always there to turn the world upside down(cheer her up). I am aching to continue but have go out soon around 2.30 and only be back at night :t--.-: . Guess i will continue by then.

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Chapter 23 - A New Journey

Post by freakazoid »

Aww, thanks Hanako. ^^

Chapter 23 - A New Journey

April had completely forgotten about Gaia, and was safely back home in the Callisto Islands in her own Keep. Spring had arrived in the islands, and a new sheep-like creature had begun to frolic the grassy clearings and meadows. Three of the sheep had fancied Herbal Grace's grounds - an adult female, a female hatchling, and a male hatchling. Goddess had been keeping a close eye on them from the pond, gawking at their beautiful flowers.

It was morning, pale sunlight streaming through the windows of the castle-like building. Gentle snores from winged kittens scattered about floated in the tranquil air, only the occasional twitch of a wing, ear, or tail disturbing the still moments. April had occupied herself with reading a book about 'Father Earth', an Alasre Mountains legend. It didn't take her long to finish the tale, but she had enjoyed the time spent reading it. Closing the book, the water Magi sighed for a moment and closed her eyes, taking in the peaceful morning before placing the book gently back onto the shelf.

A gentle screech sounded from outside, and April looked out the window to see a gold gryphon soaring down to the ground. It was one of hers - she could tell by the scent of the creature. All of Herbal Grace's residents smelled of rain and cats, no matter their species. The water Magi smiled and sat back in her chair for a moment until a skioros peered in from the window. April smiled and extended her hand, but the squirrel quickly ran off, the berries in its paws shining in the sunlight.

Smiling, April rose from her seat and stretched silently, careful not to wake any of the sleeping kittens. They were a pain to deal with once they had woken up for the day - that's why April tried to leave before they did. The water Magi tip-toed over to the door and walked outside, shutting it gently and looking around. Splashes of different colors in the tall grass indicated flowers, a marking of spring. April even swore that she could see a glimpse of the sheep wandering around in the distance, grazing on the lush plant life that grew around Herbal Grace.

A roc spiraled down from the sky and dropped a letter into April's hands, flying off without waiting for any sort of reply or response. Confused, the water Magi opened the letter - it wasn't even signed! After reading through it a couple of times, April folded it up and put it in her cloak pocket.
Dear April,
  • I am in need of some urgent help in Arkene. Please come quickly.

Black fur rubbed against April, and she looked down to see a telvian panther purring loudly. "Hey Keema." April grinned and patted the girl fondly, grateful for her presence. "Wanna come to Arkene with me?"

The telvian panther nodded excitedly, her tail flicking back and forth in delight.

"Cool, let's get going."


It took almost the entire day for the pair just to get to the Keep, but they knew that they had to continue if they wanted to get to Arkene as soon as possible. However, hours upon hours of endless walking had taken its toll on April, and she knew that they had to find somewhere to stay for the night. Wandering through the merchant district, the water Magi was forced to ignore offers of creatures as she clumsily strolled to find Thane. Just as she was about to leave the merchant district, a clothing store caught her eye - the one that she and Zach had purchased their costumes from.

April and Keema walked into the store - chirps from a welcoming puvia greeted their ears as soon as they passed through the entrance door. It took a moment for April to register where the cloaks were, but as soon as she found them, one had already caught her eye.

"What do you think of this, Keema?" April held up a snowy white cloak that was soft to the touch. The telvian panther nodded excitedly and snatched a light blue shirt with her teeth. "That's perfect!"

April had soon created a new outfit for herself - a snowy white cloak paired with a light icy blue shirt, black boots that reached just below her knees, and loose dark blue jeans that fell just above her ankles. Of course, a black scarf was paired with all this to give the water Magi an elegant look. After purchasing her new gear, April quickly changed into it and arrived back at the register.

"Would it be possible to ship this to Herbal Grace in the Callisto Islands?" April set her old clothing on the counter. The clerk nodded and smiled, piling the clothes into a box. "Great, thanks!"

April and Keema set out once more for Arkene, this time with newfound energy that lasted them for a long ways. They had made it to Synara City just as the moon settled itself in the middle of the sky. A room to stay in for the night was quickly paid for and the two were soon enjoying the warmth of a fire along with some dinner.

As April settled into her blankets, Keema leaped up onto the bed and curled up beside her Magi. The water Magi smiled and laid an arm over the telvian panther, stroking her fur and murmuring to the large feline quietly. "Thanks for coming, Keema..."

Those were the last words that managed to slip out of April's mouth before her eyes closed and she fell asleep.
Last edited by freakazoid on March 17th, 2011, 10:21:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter 23 up :)

Post by Inspirit »

Finally finished the chapters up to the current one. Phew..
I love the story and can't wait for more. <3

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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter 23 up :)

Post by Ceres »

Yay!! More!! :wee:

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