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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter 17 up :)

Post by Ceres »

More! More! More! I just LOVE your story
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Chapter 18: Encounter

Post by freakazoid »

Thanks, guys. <3

Chapter 18: Encounter
April walked around the Keep grounds as Master Belmos dismissed the students to their first classes, eventually driving herself back to the Stream. She walked over to an area that was rarely visited by other Magi and plopped herself down on the grass, leaving Buttercream and Pookie to explore. The water Magi leaned against a tree and closed her eyes, thinking of what had happened in the past few days before blinking and staring at the water. Different eggs bobbed in it - a puvia, phoenix, gryphon, raza cobra, minicorn, and a sarvain egg floated away in the Stream, dipping under the water's surface every once in awhile.

Buttercream stared at a koi in the water curiously, batting her hand at the fish and jumping back as it darted away. April chuckled and called for her winged cat, smiling and stroking the feline's soft creamy fur as it landed in her lap. The winged cat purred loudly, closing her eyes and resting her head on her Magi's leg. Pookie looked over from a patch of flowers and cawed in interest at a puvia who had taken to the skies. April looked up and watched as the rainbow bird fluttered out of view, amazed at its grace and beauty. Smiling, the water Magi sighed in content and leaned her head against the tree again, listening to the soft hum of the Stream and the gentle breeze that rustled the leaves.

"April? Hey - it's you! C'mere!"

A voice pierced the peace, and April looked up to see Thalia riding to her on Kalidrus. The chestnut kirin neighed as he approached April, stopping and letting his Magi dismount. The earth Magi held something on the inside of her cloak, and the water Magi couldn't help but wonder what it was.

"Found this for ya." She pulled her arms out to reveal a calico tienko resting in her arms peacefully. Thalia handed it to April, grinning as the water Magi gasped in excitement.

"Thalia!" April cradled the tienko in her arms as she spoke. "Oh my - thank you so much! What do you want for him?"

"Nothing. He's free - found him wandering around my Keep and figured he'd have a safe home with you rather than roaming around in the Silva Forest." The earth Magi's emerald green eyes glittered in amusement. "Or, you could give me one gold for him."

April laughed - Thalia was so sarcastic sometimes. Reaching into her pocket and pulling out one gold coin, she handed it to her friend. Thalia took it and began to laugh as well, seating herself on the grass next to April. Kalidrus tilted his head in confusion at his Magi before whinnying and trotting over to Pookie, bending down to graze on the flowers. The gryphon seemed to frown as if saying those were her flowers, but the kirin ignored her glare and continued to eat the plants. Huffing a sigh, Pookie pranced away to another patch of wildflowers and rolled around in the grass. The two Magi laughed at the sight, their eyes shining. Buttercream sniffed the newcomer cautiously, batting a gentle paw at the tienko's tail.

"I think I'll name him Buttercup." The tienko looked up and blinked drowsily for a moment before resting in April's arms again. Thalia nodded and reached a hand over to pat the cat, stroking his multi-colored fur. "So, what are you doing out here?" She asked, looking up at the water Magi.

"I came out to the Keep earlier in the morning just for fun. Ended up strolling here, and now I'm hangin' with you." April grinned. "You?"

"Same." Thalia shrugged, looking over at her kirin. "Um, wanna come back to Gaia and help me do something?"

"Sure, what? As long as we can run back to Herbal Grace, that is."

"Well, you see, there's been a problem with the silvian alphyns lately. They've been acting pretty strange, and I've no idea why." Thalia's eyes were now full of worry, and April couldn't possibly say no.

"Alright, let's run back to Herbal Grace real quick and drop off my creatures and pick up some more."

Nodding, Thalia turned to her Kirin and mentally spoke to him, dashing over and mounting him. April walked over to Pookie with Kiwon flying close behind and mounted her gryphon as well. Buttercup shifted in her arms as they took to the skies, the earth Magi following from the ground. It's good that kirins can walk on water. April thought to herself as they neared the ocean. And it's good that we're here already.

It had only taken an hour or so for the Magi and their creatures to arrive at the ocean from the Stream, and it wouldn't take very long for them to reach April's keep - at least, at the speed that they were going. Within the next half-hour or so, Herbal Grace was in sight. Thalia waited outside as April rushed into the building and left Pookie to rejoin the rest of the gryphons. Buttercream flew over to a small group of winged cats and began to mingle, while Buttercup leaped out of her arms and rested on a chair nearby. Grabbing her satchel, the water Magi rushed out, not even noticing as one of her decessi crawled up her arm and into her hood.

A black gryphon was waiting for April to mount him as she rushed outside. Shadow cawed impatiently, his black feathers swaying in the breeze. The water Magi mounted her gryphon quickly, nodding to Thalia as they took off for the Silva Forest. It would take them at least until the dark evening to get there, so they went at a faster pace than before.
Last edited by freakazoid on May 27th, 2011, 1:04:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter 18 up :)

Post by freakazoid »

Any comments/crit.? <3
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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter 18 up :)

Post by SeaCrest »


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Chapter 19: A Healer's Wish

Post by freakazoid »

lol SeaCrest XD

Chapter 19: A Healer's Wish
The two Magi quickened their pace as the sun slipped behind the horizon, stopping only for a brief moment to catch their breath.

"So...tired..." April leapt off of Shadow and sprawled out on the grass, grateful for the cool feeling of the blades in between her fingers and hair. Skele squeaked from the water Magi's hood and leaped out, nibbling on April's hair and looking around curiously. "Skele! How'd you get here?"

April looked at the decessus before smiling and shaking her head. Thalia looked at April and grinned weakly before sighing in exhaustion and resting her head against Kalidrus. The kirin neighed and flicked his tail drowsily, bending down and stomping his hoof.

"Well, we'd better get going." Thalia blinked and sat up, patting Kalidrus' rump with her hand gently. April nodded and mounted Shadow again, making sure Skele was safely tucked away in her hood before they set off again. Stars twinkled in the sky as they rode, nearing the Silva Forest within a few hours. As they reached the outskirts of the Alasre Mountains, the two Magi looked around warily and surveyed the area. The mountains were a dangerous place to travel at night - predators lurked around every corner, hidden in the shadows. After a few moments, they set off again, tearing through the mountains as quickly as they could. Once the two were almost out of the mountains, a strange roar filled the air.

"What? What was that?" April stopped Shadow and looked around, calling Skele into her hands and protecting her decessus. Kalidrus slowed to a gentle trot until he was beside April and her creatures, looking up at his Magi in confusion. Thalia gave her water Magi friend the same look, question in her emerald green eyes.

"It was probably just a gryphon, why?"

"I've never heard a roar like that before. I'm gonna go investigate." Thalia opened her mouth to argue, but closed it as the water Magi stalked into the undergrowth with her decessus. Sighing, she dismounted Kalidrus and told him to stay with Shadow before dashing after her friend. The earth Magi held her hand over her mouth in a gasp as April stood before a male imperial liyan, a creature that had only been discovered a few days earlier.

"A-April...that's a liyan..." Thalia inched over to April under the liyan's watchful gaze.

"I know...what's she doing out here all by herself? They're supposed to live up in Raza. She looks injured."

The water Magi's eyes filled with worry before she took a step towards the large cat, cooing carefully and muttering soft words to the creature. The liyan growled deeply as April approached it, snapping at her hand and missing only by a few centimeters. April pulled her hand back in surprise, staring down at the female cat with ocean blue eyes. "Just...hold still..."

It was quiet for a moment as April summoned a ball of water and threw it at the liyan's head, encasing it in the watery orb as it thrashed about inside. Sticking her hand near the orb, she smiled in satisfaction as the liyan snapped at her from the air bubble inside but couldn't penetrate the water. "Good."

Bending down next to the liyan, the water Magi examined the creature's leg carefully - she saw crimson blood trickling out from the purple fur. "Here, hold on a minute."

It took a few moments for April to heal the liyan, and she barely had enough time to back away before the water orb popped and the liyan growled and lunged into the undergrowth. Thalia looked at her friend before shaking her head and walking back to her kirin. "C'mon, let's go."

April nodded and followed the earth Magi, mounting Shadow as they approached their creatures and taking off toward the Silva Forest. The trees zoomed past them as the two Magi raced into the forest, ignoring the glares from resident owls and squirrels as they made their way to Gaia Keep. Once they reached the massive Keep's grounds, the water Magi gasped.

"What's wrong?"

April pointed to the female liyan from earlier as it stalked out from some bushes, a glittering violet egg in its mouth. The large beast dropped the sphere at April's feet before running off into the moonlight, the crystals on her back glittering. April looked down and scooped up the egg - it was almost ready to hatch! As if it had heard her thoughts, a small paw poked out of the egg, followed by a small head with shimmering purple crystals. Within a few moments, a liyan hatchling had emerged from the now-eggshells and was making itself comfortable in April's arms. Skele peered down at it curiously from April's shoulder, her rat tail flicking back and forth.

"Thalia...this is a liyan..."
Last edited by freakazoid on May 27th, 2011, 1:04:32 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter 19 up :)

Post by Ceres »

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Chapter 20 - Midnight Walk

Post by freakazoid »

Chapter 20
Midnight Walk

The liyan hatchling gazed up at the two Magi as they paced around the clearing, licking his paws daintily and flicking his tail. He pounced on a flower that swayed in the gentle breeze and ripped off one of its petals with his teeth, munching on it while murmuring a soft growl. April looked at the hatchling and smiled before looking back at Thalia. "What am I supposed to do with it?"

"I dunno - only thing I'm sure of is that it's yours. That liyan momma obviously gave it to you..." Thalia looked at the water Magi - she knew that she couldn't possibly care for such a rambunctious hatchling like a liyan while the native silvian alphyns were suffering. "Well, you can stay here for the night and figure out what to do with it. We'll take care of the alphyns in the morning - it's far too late to do it now."

April nodded and scooped the hatchling up into her arms, making sure that Skele was safely on her shoulder before following Thalia into her Keep. The earth Magi prepared a small dinner for the two before heading off to bed for the night, leaving April to do as she pleased. Sighing, April looked at the liyan hatchling that was resting on her feet and smiled. "I need to name you."

The liyan looked up curiously, tilting his head to one side before wagging his tail and growling playfully. He leapt up onto April's lap and stood up on his hind legs, batting at strands of her blonde hair that strayed from her shoulders. The water Magi laughed and tickled his belly, making the hatchling roll over and put her finger in his mouth. After waiting for a few seconds, April swiftly pulled it out and wiped the drool on her pants before chuckling and gazing down at the hatchling with ocean blue eyes.

"I think I'll call you Dragonfly."


The water Magi tossed and turned in her sleep as she dreamed, sending the blankets on her bed flying everywhere. April sighed and opened her eyes, blinking in the darkness of the room. Rubbing her eyes, she sat up and looked around. Dragonfly was curled up with Skele at the foot of the bed, the two sleeping peacefully. I think I'll take a walk. I can't sleep at all.

April stepped out of the bed quietly and put on her cloak and shoes, let Skele crawl up her arm and scooped up Dragonfly. She tip-toed outside and looked around for Shadow, making sure he was safely tucked away with Thalia's gryphons before trotting off into the forest.

"Ugh, you're heavy, chunky boy." April reached behind her and put Dragonfly into her hood, making sure Skele was comfortable with the space invasion before continuing her walk. Pale moonlight shed onto the trees, tinting the forest a silver color. The gentle trickle of a stream nearby caught the water Magi's attention, and she turned to face a beautiful sight.

A large group of koi gathered in the water, purple, dark blue, and minty green glows emitting from their scaly bodies. They all surrounded an injured adremeri hatchling, who looked up at April with wide eyes as it lay on the riverbed. After a few moments, the glow faded away and the adremeri swam away, its injury healed. The koi floated in the water in satisfaction, swimming away as a group and ignoring April's presence. April stared at the water before her in awe, suddenly glad she had decided to take a walk.

A cry from nearby alerted April of a baby chupacabra, lying in the brush helplessly as it waited for its mother to return. April smiled, but she knew that she should stay away from the hatchling because mother chupacabras were very protective of their young. Sighing in content, the water Magi turned to walk in a different direction, only to meet the angry glare of a stressed mother chupacabra.
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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter 20 up :)

Post by Orange »

This is probably my favourite Keep Story, it flows really well and very descriptive. Keep up the great work :3

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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter 20 up :)

Post by Ceres »

Chapters are going rather fast! I hop the next one comes FAST!!!
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Chapter 21 - Mysterious Water

Post by freakazoid »

Aw, thanks guys. :t-blush:
I'm gonna stop doing the fancy chapter header thingy - it gets to be a pain in the butt. xD;

Chapter 21 - Mysterious Water

The forest zoomed past April as she ran, where to she did not know. The water Magi could hear the pounding footsteps of the mother chupacabra behind her, forcing her to keep a quick pace. Dragonfly winced as Skele hid underneath his belly in fear, the liyan hatchling staring wide-eyed at the beast that pursued them. April swiftly grabbed the liyan out of her hood, slipping the decessus into a pocket that was in her cloak and cradling Dragonfly in her arms. The liyan buried his head into April's chest, murmuring soft mews as they ran.

Soon, April could hear the familiar trickle of the same stream that she was at earlier, only it was farther downstream. The water Magi headed in the stream's direction, stopping for a brief second before leaping into the stream and swimming away. She knew that the chupacabra couldn't follow her in the water. Summoning an air bubble, April used her fingers to shift it so that it was around Skele, Dragonfly, and herself.

She swam for a few minutes, popping up and breaking the bubble to look around. The chupacabra was nowhere in sight, so April leaped out of the stream and let her creatures rest on the grass for a few moments while she figured out where she was. Hugging herself, the water Magi soaked off all of the moisture that was on her body and quickly did the same to her creatures - it'd come in handy later, the water. Taking a deep breath, April closed her eyes and flicked out her forked tongue to see if she could scent Thalia's keep.


Reeling her tongue in, the water Magi scooped up Skele and Dragonfly, murmuring soft words to them. She could tell that they were in shock from the sudden running, and April did her best to try and soothe the creatures. April started to walk in a random direction and came across a horrid sight.

Wild silvian alphyns lay scattered around a pond that smelled of poison, their long tongues lolling out of their mouths in an effort to suck up any water they could. April frowned sadly at a mother alphyn and her pup that was trying to suckle. Making a soft whistle-like noise, the water Magi called the alphyns to her and sat on the ground, waiting. Once they gathered around her, they plopped down on the grass weakly, their normally peppy and happy eyes dull and grey. It pained April to see these creatures so miserable like this, but she needed to give them fresh water.

One by one, April streamed water into their thirsty mouths, whispering good luck to the hounds as they scampered off. The last alphyns to receive a drink were the mother and her pup - their tongues were so dry that they could practically crumble and fall out of their mouths. April gave them a little more water than the others, knowing that mother alphyns had a hard time producing milk for their young without it.

As they dashed off into the brush, April crawled over to the water and examined it. A disgusting green tint shadowed the muddy blue water underneath - a clear sign that this wasn't nature's intention. Dipping her finger in the water, April immediately pulled it back out and investigated it. Nothing seemed to have changed. Looking at the pond again, the water Magi knew that something had contaminated it.

Footsteps behind her caught April's attention, and she turned to hear a voice speaking in the night.

"What are you doing here?"
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