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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter 7 up :)

Post by BluMajica »

hmm love the decor XD but the bedroom is a bit wild for me personally - though sounds marvelous...cant wait to see what happens.. hehe
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Chapter 8: An Old Friend

Post by freakazoid »

Thanks guys! <3
I agree, Mordeth, it'd be really hard to sleep in the bedroom with all of those eyes staring at you while you sleep... XD But Zach's proud of it. :3
Sorry for the short length. x3

Chapter 8: An Old Friend
Sunlight poured in through the windows that were in the bedroom, illuminating the walls and making the room look extravagant. April squinted as she opened her eyes, adjusting herself to the sudden light. Kiwon was already awake - the Winged Cat gazed at her owner from beside the Anaugi's cage. The lizard spat fire in sorrow as the feline flew away, retreating to a corner and curling up in a ball. The Magi couldn't help but laugh, but was quickly stopped as a bundle of creamy white fur flew at her. Kiwon landed daintily on April's shoulder, sitting up and giving herself a quick groom.

The water Magi stroked the cat's soft fur with her hand as she walked over to her costume. It looked as if it hadn't been disturbed all night - that was a good thing. If the dress was ruined, April wouldn't know what to do. Sure, she could just go back and purchase another one, but that would be a waste of gold. Sighing, April walked away from the dress and out into the entrance room.

Zach was seated at one of the sofas with a glass of tea - it smelled like chamomile. He stared at the fireplace, listening to it's crackling and watching the flames that bounced from the fire. The grey Raza Cobra that the water Magi had seen yesterday curled itself around his free hand, huddling close to his thighs for warmth. April smiled at the sight - Zach looked quite refined.

"Is that chamomile?" The water Magi perked up. Zach turned over and looked at her from the sofa and smiled.

"Yes," He responded, "It is. Would you like some?"

April nodded excitedly. She loved chamomile tea - Wapiti would always make some for her when she was upset to calm her down. Following her friend to the kitchen, the Magi stood back as Zach prepared the drink. He snatched a few chamomile leaves and put them into a cup of water. Turning around, he looked at April and held out the drink.

"I trust that you can heat this up yourself."

"Of course," April smiled and nodded, taking the glass from the air Magi's hands and holding it in her own. "Do you have any honey?"

Zach nodded, walking over to the golden roses and reaching behind them. He pulled out a fairly large-sized jar of honey that glinted golden in the pale morning sunlight. Taking off the lid and trotting back over to April, he poured some of the delicious substance into the tea, placing the lid back on after a few seconds. The water Magi closed her eyes and gripped the cup tightly, muttering a few words before stopping.

"Mmm." April smiled in delight as she took a drink of the warm tea. The honey seeped into her mouth slowly, resting on her tongue and sliding down her throat as she swallowed. Oh, I haven't had tea as delicious as this for a long time...

"I'm glad you like it." Zach chuckled. He took the cup from April when she was done, walking over and setting it onto the counter. "So, what do you want to do?"

"I'm not sure," April shrugged her shoulders. "What do you want to do?"

Zach smiled, rolling his eyes playfully and grabbing April's arm.

"Let's go to the Stream. I haven't been there in awhile - kinda want to grab a new egg."

Nodding, April walked behind the air Magi as he led her to the enclosure in which they kept their Gryphons for the night. He opened the door and walked outside, mounting Tawai and leaving his friend to mount Otter. After doing like Zach, the two dashed into the sky (with a surprised Kiwon in April's lap) and headed for the Stream. A few Pegasi rode along with the Magi, their coats blending in with the fluffy white clouds beside them. April flinched as she rode through a cloud, blinking as Zach looked back at her in amusement.

Once the pair reached the Stream, they dismounted and walked over to the cool water. That left Otter and Tawai to mingle. Suddenly, black and lava-orange/yellow feathers burst in front of the two Magi, followed by an irritated female Magi. She had emerald green eyes like Diablo, mixed with brunette hair and slightly tan skin. The Magi seemed to be running after the creature - which appeared to be an Amarth Alagos. April smiled.

She knew who this was.

"Thalia!" April rushed over to her friend and hugged her, avoiding the sharp beak of the Alagos. The earth Magi accepted the hug gratefully after catching her raven.

"April - I haven't seen you in forever!" Peeking over the water Magi's shoulder, she waved to Zach, "Hi Zach."

Zach waved back from the Stream before concentrating on the water again. Thalia chuckled and turned back to April and stared at her with emerald green eyes.

"So, how is AutumnSky?" April asked. The Autumn Kirin, as if in response, trotted up behind April and brushed the Magi with her tail. The water Magi smiled and patted the creature. "She's beautiful."

"Thanks." Thalia smiled. "Hey, can I get your opinion on something? I've been sketching my creatures lately, and I want to know what people think of my drawings."

The earth Magi pulled out a book and flipped to one of the pages. April gasped in amazement - it was a sketch of AutumnSky, a very nice one at that. The Kirin looked very realistic as it grazed upon the graphite grass. A Farir was perched on the Kirin's back, staring at the creature intently.


"Thanks," Thalia blushed. "I've been working on it for awhile. So, are you and him going to the dance?"

Thalia motioned toward Zach with her shoulder, winking. April simply rolled her eyes and opened her mouth to speak.

"Yes, but not like that. Just as friends."

"Oh, I see. Well, I'd better get going. Melanthia's getting pretty impatient with me." The earth Magi looked at the Alagos as if she were scolding it, but the creature simply stared back at her with beady eyes.

"Alright," April chuckled, "'Twas nice seeing you again."

Thalia waved goodbye as she mounted AutumnSky, riding off towards the Alasre Mountains on her steed. The water Magi watched them leave for a brief moment before turning to Zach and walking back over to the Stream. The air Magi looked at the churning water contently, his chocolatey brown eyes glittering with interest. He stooped forward and grabbed a Winged Cat egg, presenting it to his friend with pride.

"Here ya go." He smiled.
Last edited by freakazoid on May 27th, 2011, 12:56:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter 8 up :)

Post by Phoenixwildfire »

D'awww, Zach gave her a kitty o3o
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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter 8 up :)

Post by SeaCrest »


Zach and April sound like two of my friends XD And me and another friend :P
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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter 8 up :)

Post by BluMajica »


showering her with gifts... and her as blind as a bat in daylight about it... tehhehehe :splat:
Beetle by Cassowary

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Chapter 9: Dancing Fever

Post by freakazoid »

@SeaCrest & Phoenix: :lol:
@Mordeth: :smirk:

Chapter 9: Dancing Fever
April smiled and accepted the egg gratefully, turning to place it into her satchel. Wait - I forgot to bring it! How could I forget my satchel? The Magi frowned, not quite sure what to do with the egg as she held it in her hands helplessly. Zach looked at her, eyes filled with confusion as he noticed her expression.

"What's wrong?" His voice was hinted with a little bit of sorrow. "Do you not like it?"

"No, no," April felt a little guilty that she had made Zach upset. "I just forgot to bring my satchel from my Keep. That means I've nowhere to put the egg."

"Hmm." The air Magi stood up and gently took the egg from April's hands, looking inside of his cloak for something. After finding what he was searching for, Zach placed the egg out of the water Magi's sight, folding the right side of his cloak back over his chest. "There." He smiled.

"What did you do with it?" April was confused - did he put it in a pocket or something? Her friend nodded, confirming the Magi's prediction. "Oh, alright."

Grinning, Zach turned back towards the Stream and knelt next to it again, focusing on the churning water. April sat down next to him, scanning for anything else she could snatch. I've got the Winged Cat egg that Zach has in his pocket - as well as the one back at the Keep. So that leaves me with two open eggslots. She thought to herself. Is there anything I really need? Hm. Don't think so.

A sudden movement from the air Magi beside April startled her as Zach dashed forward and snatched an Axolotl egg. Tucking it into a different pocket, the air Magi stood up and looked at April.

"Do you think we could go back to the Keep? I'd like to drop my Axolotl off at one of the daycares."

"Sure." April was amazed that her human companion had caught the pink salamander - those were extremely rare and hard to find. The two Magi headed toward their Gryphons and mounted them, flying the short distance back to the Keep. April smiled at the young students scurrying about as they neared the large castle-like building - they looked like tiny little Sarvains that were popping out of their holes.

Zach led the way to the daycares, dismounting Tawai as they reached their outskirts. April sat on Otter as Zach placed his freshly-caught egg in one of the many daycares, waiting for his return. When he did come back, the two decided to walk around the Merchant District and see if anything caught their eyes.

Strolling through the dirt walkways, April gazed at the merchants as they yelled their wares out to the crowd, their voices piercing even the strongest winds. Nothing seemed to be of April's interest - but she did stop to smile at a Chupacabra hatchling that barked at her from it's new owner's arms. The air Magi, who was walking right beside her, glanced over at what she was looking at and grinned.


The next few hours were spent wandering the Keep grounds, gawking at beautiful creatures and laughing at the students as they hurried on their way. Before April knew it, the sun was hiding behind the horizon and tinting the grass a golden color. Zach suggested they go back to his Keep and put on their costumes - an idea which April agreed to. Once they arrived at his Keep, they quickly put on their feline outfits, tucked April's Winged Cat egg under the covers with Kiwon, and headed back for the dance.

The sky was painted brilliant hues of orange, pink, yellow, red, and purple as the Magi gathered around Master Belmos, who stood on a tall platform with an Alphyn hatchling at his side. It was quiet as the man opened his mouth to speak:

"Welcome, fellow Magi!" Applause and positive shouting from the crowd greeted April's ears. "I am very happy to see that so many of you have come to the dance to celebrate. Before we begin, however, I would like to call Thane up to the stage."

More applause from the audience burst from the group of Magi as the male in the forest green cloak stepped up next to Master Belmos. After giving a very inspiring speech - that neither Zach nor April seemed to pay much attention to - Thane cued the music. Sounds of different creature voices and other musical instruments echoed in the evening silence.

Zach and April both smiled before dancing to the beat of the music, using their magic to make them appear elegant. White swirls that had yellow sparkles mixed in them paired with the soft blues of streams of water caught most of the other Magi's attention. Soon, all of the other people were watching the two Magi dance, making April's cheeks blush a rosy red. Zach smiled at her embarrassment, lifting the two into the air and up towards the sky.

A yellow bolt from the sky split the two apart as screams and gasps came from the crowd...
Last edited by freakazoid on May 27th, 2011, 12:58:36 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter 9 up :)

Post by sammythethief »


Or not.

This is so great! Keep writing - can't wait to see what or who is crashing the party!
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Chapter 10: Race to Safety

Post by freakazoid »

omg Red. XD
I laughed so hard at that. xD

Chapter 10: Race to Safety
The sensation of falling followed the two Magi as they fell to the ground, their smiles and laughter gone. What had previously been a mixture of magic dances had become a storm, with lightning shooting from the sky in blue and yellow streaks.

Water Magi were very susceptible to electricity - and if the lightning were to be from a Raiju, it would drain their magical abilities completely for a few hours, rendering April helpless. Air Magi, on the other hand, were somewhat stronger against electricity than water Magi.

April’s thoughts were interrupted as a group of Raiju burst into the clearing. Their pelts were different colors - either black and yellow, or white and light blue, with the darker-colored dogs being stronger than their lighter counterparts. With eyes burning with hatred, the wolves ran over to Zach and April, sniffing their bodies and snarling loudly. What are they doing here? They should be up in Arkene or something - not down here at the Keep! There must be a reason behind this.

Master Belmos and Thane were firing their magic at the wild dogs, hoping to calm them down, as well as the remaining crowd. Zach watched them for a moment before getting up off the ground and fending off a light Raiju. Summoning what was left of his magic, the air Magi blasted the dog with a burst of wind, sending it tumbling back towards the others of its kind. Turning to April quickly, he pulled her up onto her feet and started walking back to the Gryphons. Tawai and Otter were hidden near a tree, hiding from the dogs that barked and howled from the clearing. Once they saw the Magi, they sat up quickly and waited to fly off.

April was silent as Zach helped her up onto Otter, making sure she was on safely before turning to Tawai and mounting him. Squeezing the black Gryphon’s sides gently, he tightened his grip as they soared into the sky. Otter did the same, spreading his wings and leaping off the ground.

“You okay?” The air Magi’s tone was hinted with worry as they headed for the daycares. He couldn’t leave his Axolotl behind - it wouldn’t feel right. Smiling a little as April nodded slightly, he focused on the ground below and aimed Tawai downward. “Stay here - I’m going to go get my egg.”

Without waiting for a response, Zach dismounted his Gryphon and dashed into the crowd of Magi. All were screaming, running for their Keeps and gathering their creatures. April watched as Zach disappeared into the blur of people, waiting in worry as he fetched his egg. When he returned, April could see how torn up his costume was - the mask was just barely hanging off of his face, the tail dragging loosely on the ground. Once he returned, he glanced at his human companion before taking off into the sky again.

“We can go to my Keep - they surely won’t find us there.” Her voice was hoarse and hard to understand, blood seeping into her mouth from her right eye.

Zach nodded in agreement. “Alright - let’s get back to my Keep first and get your creatures. Then we can head to the Callisto Islands.”

When they reached Zach’s Keep, he told Tawai to stay with April and Otter as he dashed in. He said that he would also take his creatures - he didn’t have very many, as he spent much of his time at home instead of outdoors taming creatures. The water Magi leaned forward and rested her head on Otter, who cawed worriedly and glanced at Tawai with pale yellow eyes.

It seemed to take forever for Zach to get his creatures, but he finally came back out with Kiwon flying behind him, a grey Raza Cobra wrapped around his arm, and an Anaugi settled on his shoulders. For a moment, April couldn’t see the Xand Bear hatchlings poking their heads out of a sack from his side - she also didn’t notice her Winged Cat egg until he handed it to her. Kiwon flew to her Magi’s lap, eyes shivering with fear. Something must have happened here - or she must have figured out what happened at the Keep.

“My Xand Bears aren’t fully grown yet, and I’ve got three. That’s how I obtained the blackberries for us to eat the other night.” Zach explained as he mounted Tawai. April nodded in understanding, cradling the Winged Cat egg in her arms and making sure Kiwon was tucked safely between her legs as the two lept off into the sky, heading for the Callisto Islands.

Once they finally reached April’s Keep, the pair could see the sun rising over the horizon in the east skies. Both Magi were exhausted - their Gryphons even more so. They landed right next the large oaken door, watching as Otter led Tawai to the herd of soot Gryphons out back.

Zach was kind enough to lend April his shoulder as they opened the door, the water Magi limping into the room and heading for her bedroom. Blue and green eyes looked at them from various places - the Winged Cats greeted Zach warmly as he sat down on the floor, leaning against the wall and placing his sack beside him. His Anaugi crawled off his shoulders and down into his lap - where she curled up into a ball and fell asleep. The Raza Cobra on his hand slithered up to Zach’s shoulders, wrapping itself firmly before licking his Magi.

“Oh dear - what happened?” Deathdrop slithered over in confusion, eyes glittering with worry.

“I’ll tell you later...” Zach’s voice faded away as he closed his eyes, mind going blank.
Last edited by freakazoid on May 27th, 2011, 12:59:18 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter 10 up :)

Post by sammythethief »

...amirite? XD

Srsly tho, I wonder who sent them. They can't be a terribly nice person!

Mores, yees? ^_^
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Re: Herbal Grace Keep Stories - Chapter 10 up :)

Post by jaja »

ouch, hope april's okay. that definitely doesn't sound good - bleeding from her eye. D:

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