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Of the Flames

Posted: July 26th, 2009, 12:07:42 pm
by Firepaw
One day, long ago a baby bird was born, the start of a new race though unknown to him. He was a bright beautiful bird living in the thick tropical forest for most all of his early life. He had many friends and was the leader of them all, he never even listened to was the old elders, the wisest of all the animals living in the forest.
But one day his home was torn apart, there had been a slight drought but not many took any notice, that is until it started. The elders said it was dangerous and not to play with it. The huge no-feathers left it behind, the small red sun they called it, because of its glow in the night, and the heat it gave off. Of course, he never paid any attention, but usually left it alone because of other matters. But one day he decided the elders said never to tough it, but that must be because they fear it will give me too much power. So he went over and stuck his wing in it, it felt cool and he stuck his other wing in it, only then did he feel its heat engulfing him, consuming him. He ran back to the center of the forest, to try and stop the pain, the heat. Little did he know he was bringing the whole fiery mass to the middle of the dry forest.
When he got there, every bird stared at him in alarm, he was on fire the elders said, then they asked why he was not dead, he simply replied he wanted it off, NOW. But the elders said it was his punishment for trying to become better than he was, for not trying but just expecting power. They then banished him away. So he left.
He flew for days on end, day after day, night after night without eating because he no longer became hungry. Then one day he arrived at an island, and a bird came up to him, a bird so hot and fiery, just like him but this bird scared him, for she was only fire. He wondered why she was flying towards him, but then she turned around as if beckoning him to follow, he did. When she landed she burned and killed all the grass underneath her feet, like a bird of destruction, but as soon as she started walking the grass became alive once again, like magic. Finally when he looked around he was at a large lake, she beckoned him to look down, so he did he saw that he looked just like her, hot and fiery.
Then he looked around to see other strange beasts, beasts like he had never seen before. He realized this must be the place the elders were talking about, this is where he fit in.

Later he had babies, babies of fire with the she-pheonix and from then on they were considered the mother and father of fire
sorry, but its only a few minutes late, right?