Cyprinus the Koi

MagiStream's legend competition. Winners have their writing as part of the world.
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Joined: May 14th, 2009, 7:00:05 pm

Cyprinus the Koi

Post by panda0920 »

*A note, all of the characters are in the form of a human, or all anthropized. They're supposed to represent the main creatures in the stream. This is based off of the popular legend that a koi gets through Dragon Gates, it becomes a dragon.*

Cyprinus the Koi

Years before the Magi Stream was littered with spawns of creature eggs, a Spirit lived. Roaming along the sandy shores of lakes and oceans alike night and day, a thought came to his troubled mind one evening as he sat at the water's edge.

What if it's impossible for the Magi to live here?

He shuddered at such thoughts, yet the possibility was true. Years passed and still he remained alone. For a while, he mulled in silence, tossing ideas around and working out the odds.

The night grew long and dark and the sun rose into another day, and finally, the Spirit had reached a conclusion.

It was a wonderful--no perfect idea! A contest was to be held, inviting everyone of the farthest reaches to participate. The news spread like wildfire and the day of the compeition rolled in.

Along the lake's edge, the participants lined up: There was Megap with his pastel crests that ran head to toe along his two-toned freckled body. Entiro followed with her roving legs that tangled about, catching things here and there with furling suction cups, and finally, Accipt who danced and flapped his flame engulfed arms in a fiery, bold display.

In return, the Spirit examined them with narrowed eyes, stopping at each individual, then drifting to the next in line. He finished by clasping his hands and strolling to the front of the line of creatures, and turned his back to them.

"I have thought long and hard over this," he started. "I finally have devised a plan with all of my worrisome thoughts. For a while, I wondered, how would the Magi get along in this world? When so many dangers lurk among the shadows waiting to trip a person up and eat them alive. That is why I am holding this request in the form of a test. For all of you," here he turned to them and spread his hands out, palms skyward. "To help me succeed. This world is young and full of hope, I want to keep it that way."

A grin stole over his sullen features and his brow smoothed out, and he entered the soft rolling currents of the calm lake.

"Your task is to show me how you would protect a Magi--your Magi--to get to the other side, keeping in mind they cannot breathe underwater. I want to see everything that can be done to keep them safe." He pointed to the other side of the lake, where two gates stood in a stoic stance and forlorn, seen with the moonlight's guidance.

"We'll begin with..." His finger stopped. "..Accipt. What makes you useful? Show me."

Accipt, with long arms reaching before taking a great hurdle that cast him into the starry sky. His body was illuminated by plumes of scarlett-orange. Then he dropped low over the water's surface, skimming it lightly with a pointed foot, before cutting up and over the gates.

All was still.

Then a magnificent burst ignited the sky with a reverberating clap and flares fell to the waters around like shooting stars.

The Spirit chuckled.

"I see. Accipt, you offer the comfort of fire in a deep winter. You are mighty and gorgeous, to the point of being conceited, as well as your greatest gift is rebirth."

He stooped low in the chilly water, scooping a handful, together with it something new.

An egg that blazed with seared embers.

"His gift is the Phoenix; Bird of Fire." The miniature egg was placed on the warm sand. "We have one Guardian. Now, who's next?

"You, Megap? Prove it."

The frill that lined Megap's backside trembled as excitement jolted his lithe body. With a spring, he nose-dived into the lake using only his hands and vanished in a nimble blue-green blur. A moment more and he was seen skimming the surface as he peddled to the gates, whereupon reaching, he shimmied through the bars with his sleek, waterproof hide and joined Accipt.

Another egg accompanied the Phoenix.

"Crested Serpent of the Abyss. Leviathan."

Entiro followed behind and flaunted her crafty wit as she navigated the water, consistently holding her head up, and body concealed let alone the odd limb that would tread and for a short period would break the surface. At the gates, her limbs drew her up gracefully. They tangled around the irons bars and hauled the bars open with creaking protests.

"Tentacled Terror. Kracken." When he received the egg, it was hopping and shaking so much a tentacle broke the smooth shell and hung free, fluttering in the soft breeze.

With all of the contestants gone beyond the gates, a eased sigh whooshed from his chest.

It's all over. They passed.

He smiled. Now it was his turn to go over.

He clutched the three eggs to his chest and began to pursue the shore's brim to reach the gates.

A shiver coursed his spine and he halted.

He glanced back.

"Is someone there?" He called.

Without an answer, he started with hesitation.

The feeling of being watched followed.

He whirled...

..and came face-to-face with a swimming creature.

"Oh?" He asked. "Who are you?"

It was only the fish, Cyprinus.

"Good evening to you. I'm going through to deliver these--" he showed the eggs "--Into the stream, so that the Magi can exist in harmony with allies."

Cyprinus bobbed and splashed.

"You want to come along? Well, it's a little late for that, and besides what do you have to offer? You're only a gaudy fish."

Cyprinus' vibrant amethystine frill sunk into the depths.

The Spirit maintained his lengthy hike.

The water beside him radiated with a warm glow and Cyprinus poked a webbed hand out of the water, grasping around near the Spirit's feet..

"Fine, how are you going to help?" He demanded, his patience growing shorter as his body grew heavier.

A unexpected wet SMACK and Spirit tumbled headfirst with a yelp into the water. He kicked and struggled to grab onto the land, his hand fumbling over the spruce grass that grew there, until he dug his fingernails into the soft sod and pulled himself up part way.

As he caught his breath, realization sunk in:

The eggs were missing!

He twisted around and looked everywhere, but Cyprinus had vanished.

Feeling cross and badly shaken, and to make it worse, his teeth were starting to chatter.

So it was surprising, in a nice way, when warmth flooded his chilled body and overtook him and his strength returned as Cyprinus surfaced along side him and wrapped one of his violet arms around him, and towed him from the security of land and into the depths of the lake.

But never once did the Spirit's head duck under the cold water and never once did he feel frightened, as long as the fish kept a firm hold on him.

Nearing the gates, he noticed the eggs lined up; all four.


"Ah, four," he whispered, "The fourth is a Determined Fish. The Koi."

*Author's Note: This is a very twisted version, in my own words, of the Japanese Koi Legend, as mentioned above. I spent a lot of time, hours, examining Magi's versions of the mythical creatures I used and what they're actually based off. This story isn't my best work, since it was sudden and all that, but I did spend over 12 hours on it. I respect all critique, but not flames. So play nice. Thanks.


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