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New Breeding List??

Posted: March 30th, 2024, 10:15:26 pm
by whitewolfjustice
I know recently there were a lot of critters that were given the option to breed that had recently been unable too.
Such as Sylphs and Savis Mouse, or Dragon Koi, and some that could only produce Hybrids such as Vernox Dragons x Dismont can now breed non-hybrids.
I keep strict track of my breeding pairs and am trying to update my keep with the new pairs I need to aquire so..

I am trying to see if there is a complete List of the Updated creatures, so I can figure out which ones I need without going through each and every one.

Re: New Breeding List??

Posted: March 30th, 2024, 11:27:15 pm
by Revan
As far as I can tell, nothing has changed in the shops. All Quest (like the Nimbus) and Pond critters are now breedable. Regarding the rest, all the events can breed now except for the following:

Keep Spider
Oblivion Pillagebeast
Pygmy Phoenix
Pet Rock
Plush Kraken
Roast Arkenian Goose
Bread Creature
Khadakhad Daant
Erebine Phoenix
Giant Pumpkin
Giant Jack-o-Lantern
Gallium/Porcelain/Marinevra/Plushie/Ferrofluid Crystalwings

Arkai are also still limited to 1 breeding.

Re: New Breeding List??

Posted: March 30th, 2024, 11:43:49 pm
by crazyflight
the bestiary lists whether creatures can breed or not. if you filter by "no," you can see the list of creatures that are still unable to breed — you can assume that all the rest of them can. you can also add other filters, like "obtained from," to narrow it down.

Re: New Breeding List??

Posted: March 31st, 2024, 12:56:30 am
by Rosehill
A complete list of what became breedable can be found here: ... #p23709991