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Army Creatures

Posted: November 23rd, 2023, 1:01:57 pm
by CinnaminDraconna
I know it's a bit late in the year, but I'm thinking of this as a long term project. A lot of us collect things that are considered 'Armies'.. a certain type of creature or creatures that we really like and want a lot of. I'm not thinking of small collections, but the really large ones like my army of 0% frozen Ashevor eggs; 4,456 total currently. The kind of creatures you look for more of and that other people gift to you because they know how much you like and want them.

So let's help each other out and make a Master List of who collects what. Must be creatures you are willing to gift to others, this isn't a buy/sell list; if you list a donation creature, don't get upset if no one gifts any. And remember, just the really big and important armies that you want to add to, let's say 250 creature minimums...

CinnaminDraconna collects:
1. 0% frozen ashevor eggs
2. ANY unicorn (parentless/bred, named/unnamed, any gender, any generation, lineaged or even frozen, hatchlings or adults, but not eggs.
Streamborn, Shopborn, Questborn, Eventborn, Hybrids, and Donation Unicorns)

3. Questborn and 1st gen Kollinus

Re: Army Creatures

Posted: November 23rd, 2023, 5:50:11 pm
by Kesstryl
For me it's pigmy crystalwings and pygmy gemdragons. I'm growing a massive tiny army, LOL

Re: Army Creatures

Posted: November 23rd, 2023, 8:21:52 pm
by sammythethief
I like this idea. It's definitely different from a wishlist. I might wish for a gendered pair of every creature on the site, but I certainly don't army them all. I'm very content to collect these for myself, but if you ever punt any of these my way, expect my eternal gratitude!

MadameRed collects the following...

Mist Stalkers
I've been obsessed with Mist Stalkers since they released - they're easily my favourite creature on this site! SB, bred, inbred, named, lineaged, hatchlings, and adults are all fine! I don't collect frozen eggs or frozen hatchlings, but just about any other Mistie is fair game!

Frozen Lakiran Seahorse Eggs
These things are gorgeous and I fell in love immediately! SB 0.00% frozen eggs only.

Red and Green Vasant Beetle Hatchlings
Look, have you seen them? They're the most adorable, happy little bugs ever. How could I resist? SB, unnamed, unfrozen hatchlings of either the Red or Green variety are what I collect.

Borean Wolf Hatchlings
I collect these for my boys Sora and Radar, and because I love dogs in general. I collect any SB, unnamed, unfrozen hatchling Borean Wolves of any colour. The male Faded and Black Borean Wolves will grow up and become the Mountains at my Back. All of the others will stay puppies and hang out in another tab.

Cyon Hatchlings
The Danaus and Peleides Cyon hatchlings are so stinkin' cute, they're going to hang out in my Puppies tab with the Borean Wolf hatchlings and be adorable forever. SB, unnamed, unfrozen hatchlings.

Asesina Orcae
Orcas have been my favourite animal since Free Willy came out when I was three; that's never changed, and to see them done the way they are is everything I ever wanted out of an orca creature here! SB, unnamed, unfrozen, unlineaged hatchlings or adults are what I collect.

I have no idea why I love these creatures so much, but I do. SB, unnamed, unfrozen, unlineaged hatchlings or adults.

Manticore Hatchlings
Their little paws! Up in the air! SB, unnamed, unfrozen hatchlings.

Chupacabra Hatchlings
The eeby sleeby chalupas! SB, unnamed, unfrozen hatchlings.

Any and all failbreeds! Were you trying for an albino direcore and got a manticore? Trying for a tidal capricorn and got an amethyst? Accidentally inbred your pegasi? I would love to take them all in and give them a home at the Failbreed Shelter!

Re: Army Creatures

Posted: November 24th, 2023, 12:23:20 am
by VilaWolf
Decessus. All of them. Per Dracula's promise to pay Renfield with a thousand rats.

Re: Army Creatures

Posted: November 24th, 2023, 1:14:59 am
by BBkat
*Cracks fingers*

Kelp/Coral/Trench Hippocampus (<- my cutest army)
-hatchling, stream born only, live

Winged Cats
-adult or hatchlings, stream born only, any colour, live preferred but i'll take frozen if they got a neat/low percent

Telvian Panthers (<-currently by biggest army)
adult or hatchlings, stream born only, live

-any and all

-if it's found in my Dragons Den or Dragons Nest tabs I will take it. Live or frozen. SB is preferred (esp for stream creatures), for others I'll take bred. NO Lineages.

Re: Army Creatures

Posted: November 24th, 2023, 1:43:21 pm
by Mathcat
Here are my armies.

Pygmy gemdragons and pygmy crystalwings - Hatchlings or adults, any variety
Kalistavri - Hatchlings or adults, any variety

Re: Army Creatures

Posted: November 24th, 2023, 2:33:36 pm
by Rainwater
Here are the critters that I army.

Lakiran Platypus

And while I don't have an army of over 250, I would love to army Nikollus.

Re: Army Creatures

Posted: November 25th, 2023, 12:11:55 am
by NKfloofiepoof
I have armies of Elephant Snails, Paervem, Koredanuki, Seahorses, Moss Snails, and Bread Creatures ^_^

Re: Army Creatures

Posted: November 25th, 2023, 12:13:33 am
by Ayakashi
There are far too many to list, but right now I need to expand my Silver Amagnae collection since they've appeared in the stream again.
If you want to know about anything else, just go into my Keep and click any of the tabs with families' names.

A few examples include, but are not limited to:
Trench Hippocampus (Bluesea)
Mist Stalker (Tor Malaes)
Silver Amagnae (Silver Amagnae Wing)
Light and Dark Minicorn (Camelot and Avalon)

Re: Army Creatures

Posted: November 25th, 2023, 5:06:39 am
by MothballMilkshake
Winged cats SB ANY COLOR
myrrokats also SB