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The Cycles of Imbalance

Posted: May 27th, 2021, 12:54:01 pm
by sparkpaw
Hello Everyone, and Welcome! Please pull up a chair, I have some fresh tea brewing and scones in the oven.

I truly hope you will all enjoy my tail, erm, tale* and feel free to PM me with any ideas, suggestions or edits! Feedback (especially excited feedback) is VERY appreciated and motivational!

This first post will probably stay as a welcome and intro post, with updates below:

The first update (May.27.2021): I began writing this story for a university fiction writing class and have kind of fallen off it due to focusing on work and mental health, but I want to get back into it and I think having an audience might help. Here goes!

Synopsis: (To Be Added)

Re: The Cycles of Imbalance

Posted: May 27th, 2021, 12:56:06 pm
by sparkpaw
-Saving This Post for related Art Work-