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New Creature: Seer Butterfly

Posted: August 19th, 2018, 12:14:21 am
by Pok
It's found in the dark shop for 4150g.

You think you see an eye staring back at you, but upon closer inspection there is no eye, only a plain dark egg with light golden sparkles.

When they first hatch, these caterpillars are tiny and translucent, making them hard to spot. However, as they eat and grow, they slowly turn a dark grey. Once they reach the size of a magis finger, they are ready to form into a chrysalis. As hatchlings, these caterpillars are nothing special as all they do is eat during this time. Rarely, a magi may have a vision while handling a little hatchling, but these visions will be extremely broken, blurred and hard to understand.
Morning - Day - Night
Adult seer butterflies, because of their eyes, creep a lot of magis out - especially when one climbs out of a bath only to see a seer butterfly watching you - but once you get past the staring eyes and the constant feeling of being watched, they are truly beautiful creatures. Keeping a seer butterfly as a companion is not hard as long as you have an ninque ifyos plant, which produces skull shaped flowers and is extremely toxic except to seer butterflies. Because they drink nectar exclusively from this plant, this makes them highly toxic, so it is unwise to eat one. Many legends surround seer butterflies, from magis being able to travel through time, mind control and even being able to spy on other magi, none of which is true.
General Description
Seer butterflies are easily recognizable by the life like eyes on their wings; these eyes move, blink, and can even show emotion, and it is these eyes that are the source of their power. Magis who gaze into the eyes can sometimes see visions from their future, however those who have knowledge of divination can experience these visions almost every time and can even watch entire days that have yet to happen. Some magis claim to have seen the eyes cry golden tears after an exceptionally emotional vision. These visions can be addictive to some, many magis have wasted away watching their future unfold. Because of that, many have wondered if these visions are real or if the butterflies are only showing us one outcome from our possible future. Those that try and abuse the butterflies powers - those who wish to see the future so they can change it for their own benefit - will go mad by what they see in the vision. No one knows what these people see, but it is enough to leave them broken and no cure has been found to restore them.
Sprite art: Jrap17 | Description: Jrap17

Re: New Creature: Seer Butterfly

Posted: August 19th, 2018, 12:15:26 am
by Jrap17
:woo: I’m excited! Haha

Re: New Creature: Seer Butterfly

Posted: August 19th, 2018, 12:17:10 am
by darksouls
I was going to change to access the Dark Shop, forgot it costs 100k gold to change a faction or whatever they're called.


Re: New Creature: Seer Butterfly

Posted: August 19th, 2018, 12:28:08 am
by Nekoi
Rather unfair to release a new critter in the midst of the current competition...*sigh* Can't wait to see what comes from this egg though! <3

>^_^< V

Re: New Creature: Seer Butterfly

Posted: August 19th, 2018, 12:55:38 am
by Magics
:woo: :woo: :woo:

Okay, time to stop putting off getting the Noctis eggs I need for the shop quest, lol.

Re: New Creature: Seer Butterfly

Posted: August 19th, 2018, 2:45:45 am
by Chimera
That egg is absolutely f***ing terrifying, but I'd be lying if I wasn't completely enthralled by the gorgeous details that makes you think it really is looking at you

Re: New Creature: Seer Butterfly

Posted: August 19th, 2018, 3:45:52 am
by Danafox
Got the new eggies, lets see what comes outta these....

Re: New Creature: Seer Butterfly

Posted: August 19th, 2018, 4:31:18 am
by Zoa
oh jeeeee!!!
get new butterfly... collect potootoes!!!

Re: New Creature: Seer Butterfly

Posted: August 19th, 2018, 4:49:04 am
by Enchanteddil
Hoping to buy a family of this. Not in DBH D: D:

Re: New Creature: Seer Butterfly

Posted: August 19th, 2018, 6:18:04 am
by leica
Hatchling :)