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The eyes that follows

Posted: May 15th, 2018, 5:10:18 am
by ElvenElf
Just a small story of Nolan before him now:)
Feel free to give feedback!

Chapter I
Chapter II

Chapter I

Posted: May 15th, 2018, 5:43:39 am
by ElvenElf
Chapter I
-Simple love-

"Madre, where are you off to again this time?" The young boy asked as he looked up from his hands, in which laid a worn out, dusty teddy bear that was given to him by his older sister on his 7th birthday, which he was playing imaginary games with.
His ashy, curly brown hair hung around his sooty face from the dust, his beautiful mismatched eyes with the colors of blue and brown looking into his mother's dull brown ones, sunken from the lack of sleep as he noticed that her arms were wrapped around a basket, trembling just ever so slightly.

"To the market, Nolan." She gave a weak smile before turning to his sister, who was just sitting by the little hole that they had built into the wall of their stone hut, trying to light a fire in preparation for dinner, "Lanora, take care of him whilst I'm gone please."
"Got it ma!"

She closed the door, the little boy listening to her footsteps as it gradually faded away into the distance.

"Lani?" Nolan called out, his attention reverting back to the bear as he examined it's crisscrossed eyes.
"Don't call me that."

She sounds annoyed.

"Where's Fin?"He asked, giving a slight sigh.
"Your older brother is busy training for the arena." She shot, taken aback when a fire shot up from within the timber.
"What arena?"
"You'll know when you get older, it's just a thing grown guys do."

She nodded, now sitting on the rocky floor as she placed her hands down behind her, letting the heat of the fire warm her up, though the weather was already scalding.
"Fighting?" He asked again,
"I know how to fight."

She snorted, rolling her eyes, "Sure you do, one spanking from ma and you're already bawling your eyes out."
He snorted back.

"This is just...different. Feanor might not..return" Within her voice came a gulp, as if fear suddenly took her voice away.
Nolan stayed silent, unaware of his surroundings as he made the bear dance. Imagining a clearing where he could move about freely, becoming the spotlight, dancing like he had seen the elders do during the celebrations.
He hummed a soft tune.

He looked up, his sister had rarely used that nickname unless she wanted to say something serious or just to catch his attention, his eyes widened.
"You're still young...and one day, you'll join in the arena too."

He nodded slowly, unsure of her words.
"And who knows when will be the last time madre and I might see you."

Her eyes, which was usually so bright and full of colors, now sank slightly in worry and with a hint of sadness, her lips turned down as she swallowed a breath of air before giving herself a shake, standing up and grabbing a plate of skinned fish, her eyebrows creased.
"Forget it." She muttered, putting the plate onto a metal wiring above the fire and letting the fish slowly cook, "I said nothing."

Chapter II -wip-

Posted: May 15th, 2018, 8:01:34 am
by ElvenElf
Chapter II
-We'll stay close-

Night was falling, and the chirping of the birds gradually died down as people returned to their homes, joining their own families for the night before the whole cycle repeats when dawn hits again.

Sitting just outside by a stream, Nolan looked up into the sky before feeling a hand stroke his hair.
"What are you doing? Dinner's ready." Lanora asked, settling down beside him.
"When is Fin coming home?"
Lanora shrugged her shoulders, "It depends, same with madre."

He let out a distraught sigh.
"You want them to come home?"
Nolan nodded, his gaze shifting to the fishes in the crystal clear water.
"Funny, I don't"

She stayed silent, maybe it was their brother's attitude, or maybe madre's lack of care for the both of them, whatever it was Lanora just didn't like the calming atmosphere they invade in when they were home. Furthermore, Feanor was a rather..short tempered person. And it wasn't a secret that he was rather abusive to anyone when he couldn't get what he wanted.

"You know what Nolan, come on, time for dinner." Lanora said, hauling him onto his feet.