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Random Skit

Posted: September 11th, 2017, 3:47:48 am
by Monosomo
^Title says all :3^

*Bz! Bzz!* *Bzz! Bzzz!"


"Huh? Oh, it's Juju."

Shielding her eyes, the girl peeks at the message on the bright screen.

Juju: Hey Bro!

Me: Hi Juju.

​​​​​​​Juju: Wanna meet up at Clifford?

​​​​​​​Me: K. See ya at 5?

​​​​​​​Juju: Yep.


​​​​​​​Two Hours Later

​​​​​​​"Marco! Chips!" She waves at her friends.

"'Ello. Where 'ave you guys been lately? I 'aven't seen you two in days!" Marco shouts in her direction. Speeding from her walk to a run, the girl stops beside them.

"Well, school isn't exactly easy..." Juju mutters.

Hiding her smile, she recovers with a reply, "Oh well. Get over it." Sitting at a nearby table, they continue chatting.

"It's been pretty flow'n'go at Roslin," Marco rests his feet on the cold concrete table.

"Oh, that's right. Have you finished that project yet, Sayan?" Juju asks, moving his gaze to her.

"The English one? Nah. My brother doesn't exactly appreciate me asking him questions about his 'private life' 24/7" she laughs.

Face-palming, Juju adds. "I guess I'm alone then; I haven't even started."

Pulling a packet of berries from his backpack, Marco picks a strawberry and pops it in his mouth. "Can we talk about something I actually know about too?" He asks sarcastically.

"Hm... What about... Jake?" Juju wiggles his eyebrows.

"Oooo, yes, Sayanna?" Marco grins. He puts another berry in his mouth.

"No! No no no! Nopety nope nope nope! No!" Sayanna yells, blocking her ears. Pink spreads over her cheeks.

"Oh, I think she likey!" Marco laughs, nudging Juju.

Smiling, he begins singing. "Jake and Sayanna, sitting in a tree. K-I-"


​​​​​​​"Shut up Jujune Roblison!" Sayanna screams, holding a book in her hands.

Their mouths fall open. "Oh no she didn't!" Juju says in a diva-voice. A red mark was forming where the book had made contact.

"Oh, I think she just did!" Marco copies his tone.

Frowning, Sayanna huffs, blowing the chocolate-coloured hair from her face. "You two are crazy. I've got to go; it's almost 7."

"Fiiiine. But gurl, you owe me an apology," Juju folds his arms.

"Ok. I'm sorry." Sayanna apologises.

"For?" Marco adds.

"Party rocking!" She yells, throwing his book back at Marco. Sayanna sprints away from the two males.

"Hey!" Juju shouts back.

Pulling a kissy face, Marco licks his lips. "It's okay Juju, Aunty Marky is here." He spreads his arms, trying to pull him into a hug.

"Sayannaaaa!" Juju pushes out of Marco's grip and runs after her. "Help!" He shrieks.

"Come back, my little Juju-Pie" Aunty Marky/Marco chases after them.