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Which genre of books is the most interesting?

Posted: October 21st, 2016, 4:54:36 pm
by Daroganheart
I think it is action, because it has many scenes that makes your heart leap out of your ribcage. But maybe adventure because all of the wonderful lands introduced under that category. What is your opinion?

Re: What Type of Books is the Most Intresting?

Posted: October 29th, 2016, 3:12:49 pm
by ChicaChicken
I think my favorite is Harry Potter.

Re: What Type of Books is the Most Intresting?

Posted: December 24th, 2016, 3:08:29 pm
by ZhaaliQuartz
For me it is the Fantasy genre. Authors can form so many new and different worlds, races, magicks. etc. I am soon to dive into the Forgotten Realms books and and I just can't wait.

Re: What Type of Books is the Most Intresting?

Posted: December 25th, 2016, 7:10:33 pm
by Whibbletime
Fiction in general, narrowing down to fantasy and/or crime. Crime drama in fantasy worlds will always get me ever so slightly interested (;)).

That said my favourite book of all time is Duncton Wood,,, it has stood the test of time, holding its own like no other book has ever done.

Re: What Type of Books is the Most Intresting?

Posted: December 28th, 2016, 8:22:41 am
by Pumpkin676
I agree with fantasy because then the author can pull you into a strange new world.

Re: What Type of Books is the Most Intresting?

Posted: January 1st, 2017, 11:08:21 am
by Brynmala
Whibbletime wrote: That said my favourite book of all time is Duncton Wood,,, it has stood the test of time, holding its own like no other book has ever done.
Duncton Wood is great, such a shame the rest of the series were so dull in comparison.

I too would go for fantasy fiction, but I think that is quite reasonable for someone playing a game such as MS :) I like Mercedes Lackey's Valdemar stories - not marvellous literature, but good stories if she doesn't overdo the teenage angst too much. Guy Gavriel Kay is also one of my favourite authors (always a twist at the end), and Freda Warrington's earlier work, before she got into vampire stories.

Sadly since I've been studying (as well as working full time) I haven't had time to read for pleasure (the sedimentary record of sea level change, anyone?? a riveting volume) so I'm rather out of touch with current fantasy titles and newer authors

Re: What Type of Books is the Most Intresting?

Posted: January 2nd, 2017, 12:13:11 am
by shadowrose45
I love romantic suspense (where the bad guy isn't necessarily obvious)

And my second love is paranormal.

Re: What Type of Books is the Most Interesting?

Posted: January 6th, 2017, 12:10:34 pm
by Dinomyke
I believe fantasy or sci fi beacus the author or story teller has a lot of creative freedom if they want a half cyborg person they can or maybe a ancient superior life form to humans they can or really anything that the author can imagine they can put into written (or typed) word.

Re: What Type of Books is the Most Interesting?

Posted: January 12th, 2017, 12:27:41 pm
by BrotherZael
fiction in general

Re: What Type of Books is the Most Interesting?

Posted: January 17th, 2017, 9:23:49 pm
by Goldenwings
I definitely enjoy classic novels the most. I guess I'm kinda boring in that way.
Ayn Rand and Jules Verne are the bomb.