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Living Ink

Posted: January 6th, 2016, 10:59:37 pm
by reptilliandreams
I have no idea whether pens actually exist or not in Magistream so I might change it to a quill and ink (or something else :derp:) later. Name is also subject to change. Just wanted to get the idea out there.

Had fun adding a little story(?) part but you don't really need to read it.

Laying on the simple oak table lay a ghostly looking pen that seemed to be made of white marble with ghostly grey tendrils enveloping and a tough piece of parchment. “Go try it out.” A girl urges you nervously as you sit down in the rickety old chair. Picking up the pen you expect it to feel as cold as it looks but it instead feels warm and natural in your hand. Looking at it again you notice it changed to your favorite color, “It’ll change as you urge it to change colors, and the ink will be the same color. Try drawing something.” You do as she instructed anyways, and sketch a simple koi fish. As soon as the pen leaves the paper you are surprised to see that the creature has come to life, swimming about on the parchment like it would have in real life. “How did you-“ You begin before the girl quickly cuts you off. “Not telling.”

Name: Living Ink

Item appearance: A white fountain pen with blue markings similar cracks you might see in concrete, or as described above like white marble but with blue lines instead of the typical grey.

What it does: Changes a creature (Or creates a copy of the creature) into an ink drawing version of itself, perhaps with a few inkblots or something(ok, a design that resembles an ink version of itself most likely).
A description change/addition to/of something along the lines of:
“Your new creation requires no food or affection, only a safe spot where you’re creatures can’t tear up it’s paper habitat which it seems to be unable to leave. It does; however, seem to appreciate when you draw it in a toy. It’s behaviors seem to mimic its real life counterpart in the way it acts moves, but thankfully it can’t cause much mischief. The creature seems to be able to interact with you to some degree and you find that you can play small games with it.”

Re: Living Ink

Posted: January 27th, 2016, 7:18:43 am
by Revan014
Sounds really cool, draw all the dragons and Direwolves!