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The ghost of the Alasre Mountains(2013 writing contest)

Posted: October 17th, 2013, 6:40:49 pm
by dransnake
Here is my story. It's not the best scary story, but I thought I'd give it a try. :t-:3:

Shade and her Mist Stalker, Aria, look up at the Alasre Mountains. They start to climb. They pass a Draconian nest. Aria looks at it.

"No Aria. I already have four eggs. Let's keep on climbing." Shade said.

Aria growled, and followed Shade.

After an hour of climbing, the pair finds a strange house. Shade is curious, but Aria just growls.

"Come on." Shade said.

Aria shook her head. "Meow." she said as if trying to tell Shade that it was a bad idea.

"Aria, don't be stubborn. Where's your sense of adventure?" Shade said. "Lets go."

Aria made a snort of frustration, but she followed Shade.

Shade opened the door. It was pitch black in there. Spiders and a few rats came out. A loud howl comes from the house. Aria just stares while Shade kill spiders.

"Well, come on." Shade said, nudging Aria to go in.

They are in the house, and the door shuts. A cackle comes from a corner. "Well, has dinner come to me?" a old sounding voice said.

"Let's get out of here!" Shade said. She tried opening the door, but it stayed shut.

"There's no use." The voice said. They heard a loud sniffing noise. "Well a young Magi and a Mist stalker. My lucky day." Then Shade and Aria fell through a trap door.

Falling in the darkness, they hear many squeaks of rats. They hit the ground hard.

"Aria?" Shade said "Are you okay?"

"Meow!" Aria said. Then they heard a coughing sound.

"More prisoners?" a scary sounding voice said "Why does that witch capture so many Magi?"

"Who's there?" Shade asked in fear.

"I'm Scar, the witch's draconian." the voice said "I'm to guard her prisoners. But I don't like it." then light filled the room. Scar stood tall with red scales and promising claws. Claws that promised death.

Shade stared at Scar. She didn't notice that Aria disappeared. Suddenly, Scar fell down with Aria on top of him. Aria ripped Scar's back open. Blood was spilled, and Aria's paws were covered in blood. Dark red blood.

"Aria!" Shade yelled "You didn't have to kill him!"

Aria glared. "Well I'm sorry for saving your life!" Aria snapped. Then shock filled her face. She could talk!

"Aria?" Shade said "You can talk?"

Before Aria could reply, a really old looking woman spoke. "She killed Scar, and his enchantment went into her. For that, I'm going to force her to be mine, and cook you in boiling oil!"

Shade stared at the witch blankly. She saw the witch do some magic on Aria. A black collar formed on her neck.

"So, shall I grab this prisoner?" Aria said.

"Yes Aria. Make sure she doesn't escape." The witch said.

Aria grabbed Shade, and dragged her. Shade saw many spiders, rats, and black pygmy dragons. She almost lost her nose twice. They got upstairs, and Aria stopped dragging Shade. But she kept her pinned down.

"I'll take care of the rest Aria. Go down to the prison." the witch said.

Aria nodded, and let Shade go. Shade then ran to the door, but she was held back. She felt like every bone a muscle was stiff. The witch dragged Shade over to a large pot with boiling hot olive oil. Shade was thrown in. Her heart was pounding, and she was feeling too hot. She was being cooked alive, while carrots and other vegetables were thrown in. She was about to die when suddenly Aria ran upstairs, and slashed open the witch. She knocked the pot over, grabbed Shade who was nearly cooked, and broke out. The house lit on fire.

Shade looked up at Aria. "Aria, go to the keep and release all of my creatures. I have more time left." Then Shade died. Aria ran to the keep in 3 days. She told all of the creatures that they were free, and carefully put the four eggs into a basket. She ran to the stream and put them all in there.

Now Shade haunts the Alasre Mountains. You can sometimes hear a loud screech at night.