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Phoe's cute critter design contest! Any skill level accepted

Posted: June 27th, 2012, 3:20:24 pm
by Phoenixwildfire

I'm looking for you to design cute critters for me! ANY ideas are accepted- any drawing level and skill.

(though please note that colored pictures do look better than just simple line art!)

The rules:

They must not be 'realistic'. Use basic shapes, mainly circles and ovals (think chibi)
They must not be a 'real' animal. You can base it on a real animal, but I do prefer that these be original ideas :)
They can be any species! Bug, lizard, amphibian, arachnid, mammal, fish, you name it!
If your picture does not work by the time the contest ends it won't be judged. If I can't see if I can't judge it!
You are allowed as many entries as you'd like! Just please make sure they're all unique!
THE BIGGEST RULE: NO COPYING. Please have all your ideas be your own!

Contest ends September 25th, 2012 (about 3 months from this post)

(please note- these creatures will be turned into patterns and SOLD as patterns inspired by your work. I will give you credit in the sales in my shop, so if you'd like your real name instead of your username, please send me a PM after you've won a prize :) By entering this contest you agree that you're fine with me using your work to sell patterns with.

The patterns will be made in crochet- and in a style called 'amigurumi'.)

Winner's prizes:

The first prize winner has their creation turned into a REAL stuffed animal- and you get a free pattern on how to make it once it's done! (the pattern is a PDF file)

You also get a cute bunny, to stay in theme with the contest!


second prize winner has their creation turned into a REAL stuffed animal as well- and you also get a pattern.

Second prize creature is-

a cute puppy!

Third prize creature gets a pattern as well, and the creature is...

a cute little imp for your keep!

HAVE FUN! Remember, the cutest and most unique entry wins!


Re: Phoe's cute critter design contest!

Posted: June 27th, 2012, 3:20:43 pm
by Phoenixwildfire

Lazuli- Winged cat Simplifiedshaped winged cat

MoonDust- Chin-chi
a 3 tailed Chin~chi. They are rare creatures with big ears for acute hearing, 3 tails, and all Chin~chi's have an obsession over almonds. They lure shop keepers out of their stores and then a group raids then store of all the almonds.
ScottfromMichigan- Lots of monsters

Re: Phoe's cute critter design contest! Any skill level acce

Posted: June 28th, 2012, 1:16:57 pm
by Phoenixwildfire
Alright, I'll start accepting submissions now! :3

Re: Phoe's cute critter design contest! Any skill level acce

Posted: July 2nd, 2012, 10:00:36 pm
by Foleo
Will the patterns be crochet or knitting pattern? Just asking. :lol:

I might enter. Traditional art is fine, yesh?

Re: Phoe's cute critter design contest! Any skill level acce

Posted: July 3rd, 2012, 12:39:25 am
by Tidebringer
I think I'll give it a go!

Re: Phoe's cute critter design contest! Any skill level acce

Posted: July 3rd, 2012, 1:19:20 am
by Phoenixwildfire
Crocheted. Knitting is the one craft I still don't know how to do! XD

Re: Phoe's cute critter design contest! Any skill level acce

Posted: July 3rd, 2012, 1:21:49 am
by Lazuli
Random quick entry. :derp: I hope I understood the contest correctly?
EDIT: Simpler shapes:

Re: Phoe's cute critter design contest! Any skill level acce

Posted: July 3rd, 2012, 1:31:24 am
by Foleo
Yes! The one yarn art I'm good at! :D I'll doodle something up tomorrow. :roll:

EDIT: Amigurumi, or "regular"? And may we have multiple entries?

Re: Phoe's cute critter design contest! Any skill level acce

Posted: July 3rd, 2012, 10:44:22 am
by Phoenixwildfire
amigurumi :P
You can have as many entries as you'd like

Thanks Lazuli, I'll put your entry in :)

Re: Phoe's cute critter design contest! Any skill level acce

Posted: July 3rd, 2012, 12:56:44 pm
by Feathers
Is it all right if we just describe critter ideas in words? <--haz no art talent XD