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~Pixel Pals~ Open!~ (Might be a bit inactive- sorry!)

Posted: October 17th, 2011, 4:46:59 am
by Ditzy
Pixel ♥ Pals
As you trud down the street, your eyes survey the shop windows- the various clothes and accessories making you stop in awe everytime. Although one shop stands out from the others and as you peer into it's window, you are surprised to find various pets staring up at you from inside, their wide eyes summoning you into the shop. Looking up, you see a sign hanging from the shop's roof- it spells two words, "Pixel Pals". Curious, you find yourself walking into the shop, a small bell whistling it's sweet melody as you enter. The shop owner, a teenager with dark blonde hair tied in a messy bun, looks up from the book she was reading and examines you with wide blue eyes. "Hi, how may I help you?" She says, whilst a herd of small animals licks and tug at your shoes.

As you survey the shop carefully, the owner decides to tell you a bit more about the shop and pixel pals...
Pixel Pals are small creatures that vary from real life pets such as dogs or cats to mythical creatures like dragons. Most of the time they are the size of your palm, that being said though, there is one species of pixel pals that is the size of your average dog- the Bunny Pal. Surprisingly, all pixel pals get along with each other. No one knows exactly where they came from, just that they were found in a glowing cave off the coast from The Keep.

As you walk along the shop, you notice a piece of paper hanging above the adoption forms- it's title reads "Rules"
1. You may not edit them or claim them as your own
2. You may not resell them or trade them although you may give them to a friend for their birthday or somethikng as long as you give me credit
3. Be patient
4. Send payment STRAIGHT after posting your form
5. Put Tink is Tinkering in teh other section so I know you read the rules
6. I have the right to decline any request without any specific reason
7. Give me credit!
8. Follow all magistream rules

Your eyes examine the different animals carefully, watching as they fly, walk and run across the room- which one will you pick?
~There is only a limited amount of one pet in stock so be quick if you want one!
700g~ 3 left!
600g~ 3 left!
700g~ 5 left!

Code: Select all

Which one:
Total amount of gold:
A small machine sits in the corner of the shop, the sunshine leaking from the window making it shine a marvelous gold, a sign above it reads "Custom Maker- 1000g".
Current Available Species for customs:
Dragon Pal
Bunny Pal
Kitty Pal
Slots open:
1. ~
2. ~
3. ~

Code: Select all

Pet Species:
Description or picture:
Any markings?:
Amount of gold:
Next to the rules is another sheet of paper, clearly stateing all the species that are or have ever been available in the shop.
Dragon pals are naturally curious creatures and are a bundle of joy and excitment. Though they are not for owners who like to relax a lot as dragon pals need regular walks and are always want to play. They can be a lot of trouble but they are worth it.
Bunny Pals are twice the size of normal rabbits and come in various colours and breeds. They love to sleep and cuddle with their owners and dont need regular walks as they are quite lazy. They are very social and love being petted, although they do not like travelling and are not the right choice for an owner who wants to be active with their pixel pal.
Kitty Pals vary in personality and can either be very active or very lazy and may need regular walks depending on their personality. They can change their moods quickly, so be prepared! They are about the size of your palm and love being petted and cuddled.
WitchKitty Pals are the halloween version of Kitty Pals and are made when kitty pals enter the Spooky Cave. If you manage to befriend one, keep an eye out for any loose spells as Witchkitty Pals accidently cast spells every now and then. If you do find a loose spell, get a glass jar end put it somewhere where the sun makes it shine- spells love shiny things. They only seem to appear in October, how strange....
Ghost Pals are the only species that comes from the Spooky Cavern that isn't a cursed pixel pal. No one really knows how they got there but every October they seem to appear before disappearing for another year. It is rumored that they are the ghosts of cursed pixel pals. Whatever the truth is, nobody knows but them... :omg:
WizDragon Pals are the halloween version of Dragon Pals and unlike their original species, WizDrag Pals love to have a snooze every now and then. They are by far the wisest of all pixel pal species and there is a rumor that they know the secrets of the universe though any experiments of any pixel pals are illegal- thus we will never know.
Air Dragons are the ancestors of Dragon Pals and although they are not actually part of the Pixel Pals Species, mysteriously they are still found inside the cave.
The Future
A locked chest sits in the middle of the room, the key lying beside it. When the shop owner isn't looking, you decide to take a peek...

One free day?
Thanks Giving
New Years

Re: ~Pixel Pals~ Under Construction

Posted: October 17th, 2011, 4:49:31 am
by Ditzy

As you exit the shop you see the owner sticking something up on the window, it's a chart stateing all of the owners of pixel pals- and you can see your name on it. Smiling as you pet your pixel pal, she walk down the street.

This little kitty is the size of your thumb and has a soft sweet meow. He's never more then two meters away from Lex and enjoys sleeping in her pocket or on her shoulder. His eyes glow a bright gold and his golden markings glow when night falls.

Number of adoptions: 1
Number of customs: 0
20/10/11- Adopted Cocoa the kitty pal

Kahana is very hyper and is nearly never sitting still. She loves to run around the Keep- casting spells everywhere, accidentally and on purpose.

Number of adoptions: 1
Number of customs: 0
23/10/11- Adopted Kahana the Witchkitty Pal

Harold is a daydreamer and finds it terribly hard to concentrate. He is often found daydreaming in WhatName's lap.
Zoot is a mischievous little kitty and can be quite sarcastic at times.

Number of adoptions: 2
Number of customs: 0
30/10/11- Adopted Zoot and Harold

Moon is calm and quiet she is patient and loves to learn new spells, she loves to curl up in Magi's laps and sleep.
Shadow loves to play he can never be still for more than 5 minutes unless he is sleeping.

Number of adoptions: 1
Number of customs: 0
30/10/11- Adopted Shadow and Moon

Re: ~Pixel Pals~ Open!~ New WitchKitties

Posted: October 20th, 2011, 1:02:40 am
by Ditzy
As you walk down the street with your new pixel pals, you wander which shop to visit next..

Noodle's shop offers adorable adoptables, with clean lines and surprise gendering. It offers the ability to go on quests, customs and adoptables and I would greatly advice stopping by there :angel:


This shop is a very popular shop with new creatures and events happening all the time! It offers clean lines and colouring made to perfection. I greatly advice stopping by there, you may come out with a very new best friend!

If you want your shop to be here, PM me and we will negotiate :)

You decide to hang up Pixel Pal's banner in your shop...

Code: Select all


Re: ~Pixel Pals~ Open!~ New Halloween Creatures!

Posted: October 20th, 2011, 5:10:51 pm
by Lex
Username: Lex
Which one: Kitty Pal
Name: Cocoa
Gender: Male
Total amount of gold: 500g
Other: Cute~ <3

Re: ~Pixel Pals~ Open!~ New Halloween Creatures!

Posted: October 20th, 2011, 5:18:01 pm
by Ditzy
Lex wrote:Username: Lex
Which one: Kitty Pal
Name: Cocoa
Gender: Male
Total amount of gold: 500g
Other: Cute~ <3

Yay! My first customer :D Just send me the trade and ill message you the image code :)

Re: ~Pixel Pals~ Open!~ New Halloween Creatures!

Posted: October 23rd, 2011, 5:25:53 pm
by Noodles
Username: Noodles
Which pet: WitchKitty - Red
Name: Kahana
Gender: Female
Personality: Hyper
Total amount of gold: 700g
Other: Tink is Tinkering

Re: ~Pixel Pals~ Open!~ New Halloween Creatures!

Posted: October 23rd, 2011, 5:33:29 pm
by Ditzy
Noodles wrote:Username: Noodles
Which pet: WitchKitty - Red
Name: Kahana
Gender: Female
Personality: Hyper
Total amount of gold: 700g
Other: Tink is Tinkering

Yay! Second adoption :D Enjoy your witchkitty pal :)

Re: ~Pixel Pals~ Open!~ New Halloween Creatures!

Posted: October 27th, 2011, 1:24:19 am
by Ditzy
..... :sweat:

Re: ~Pixel Pals~ Open!~ New Halloween Creatures!

Posted: October 27th, 2011, 5:03:29 pm
by IronicAppleJuice
Code: Select all
Username: lissie5568
Which pet: Witch Kitty Pals ( red eyed one and green eyed one )
Name: want the cats to be shadow ( red eyed ) and Moon ( green eyed )
Gender: Female ( Moon ) and Male ( shadow)
Personality: Shadow loves to play he can never be still for more than 5 minutes unless he is sleeping. Moon is calm and quiet she is patient and loves to learn new spells, she loves to curl up in Magi's laps and sleep.
Total amount of gold:1400g
Other: silver swirls behind them

Re: ~Pixel Pals~ Open!~ New Halloween Creatures!

Posted: October 28th, 2011, 1:21:50 am
by Ditzy
lissie5568 wrote:Code: Select all
Username: lissie5568
Which pet: Witch Kitty Pals ( red eyed one and green eyed one )
Name: want the cats to be shadow ( red eyed ) and Moon ( green eyed )
Gender: Female ( Moon ) and Male ( shadow)
Personality: Shadow loves to play he can never be still for more than 5 minutes unless he is sleeping. Moon is calm and quiet she is patient and loves to learn new spells, she loves to curl up in Magi's laps and sleep.
Total amount of gold:1400g
Other: silver swirls behind them

Thank you for ordering at the Pixel Pals Shop! :3 Sending you a PM ;)

Be sure to check out Noodle's Shop!
They are this shop's sister/brother store :) Their adoptables are ADORABLE, and are very cheap too! And for a limited time there is a halloween quest out, I tried it- it was so fun and exciting! :)