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Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Posted: December 17th, 2016, 7:25:33 pm
by SilverWolf
Do you have a tattoo/piercing?:
No tattoos yet, but I've got two piercings on each ear.

If not, Are you against them in any way?
No way!

Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it?
Depends on the tattoo. If you're going around with offensive or explicit tattoos that children can see, I'm probably going to think differently of you. Otherwise, no.

Why do you think people should/should not have them?
I have no right to say whether a person should or shouldn't do or have something that only involves their own body.

In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job?
Generally, no. I probably won't want to hire a lawyer with a full-face tattoo or 20 piercings on his face + 10 inch gauges in his ears though. Depends on why I need a lawyer, really. I don't think it should be a deciding factor, but at the same time, if you're going into a professional career where tattoos/piercings are not seen as professional, you might want to make sure the tattoos you do get can be easily covered. The career I'm going into couldn't care less about if you have tattoos or if they're visible, but most careers are not as carefree.

Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Posted: December 22nd, 2016, 1:30:53 pm
by Lyrina25
Do you have a tattoo/piercing?: My ears are pierced, though i want another one in my ear as well. My job doesn't allow facial piercings. I'd love a little tat of a black kitty face on my shoulder, to honor my little kitten though.
If not, Are you against them in any way? not at all! In fact, they're an awesome way to hide scars! My mom got a 'tramp stamp' to hide one from her back surgery, so she doesn't have to worry when she puts on a bikini.
Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it? Not at all~
Why do you think people should/should not have them? Ah.. Well I mean there might be medical reasons for not having them? I know diabetics shouldn't unless they have their blood sugar under control because it takes us forever to heal?
In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job? No. No, no, no and NO. It's honestly stupid that it is! Unless the tat is offensive, what's wrong with a little art on our bodies?

Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Posted: April 2nd, 2017, 6:34:52 pm
by laurel1542
Do you have a tattoo/piercing?: Yes. I have a septum piercing, and I also have seven tattoos. All are visible in shorts and a t-shirt.
If not, Are you against them in any way? As someone who has them, I would be hypocritical to say yes, ha ha. For me, tattoos and piercings are a beauty ritual. I go to the tattoo parlor for the same reason that you would go to a nail or hair salon. Each time I get a new tattoo or other type of body mod I feel more attractive and more comfortable in my body.
Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it? Nope. I hear a lot of people say tattooed/pierced people are dirty, but the intense amount of cleanliness you need to maintain while your tattoos and piercings heal means it's pretty much the opposite.
Why do you think people should/should not have them? Tattoos and piercings make me feel beautiful and confident in my body - I think people who want them should get them!
In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job? Absolutely not. My team at work consist of 10 people, of them 4 have facial piercings (including my boss!!!) and 5 of us have tattoos. There are even more people on other teams who have body mods as well. We aren't client facing, so our dress code is very lenient, but I don't think my body mods automatically make me bad at my job if I did have to interact with my clients. I do think people should have to cover tattoos that contain profanity or sexual things though, that's kinda the same as wearing tshirts with profanity on them to your job.

Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Posted: April 3rd, 2017, 1:54:39 am
by Borealum
Do you have a tattoo/piercing?: I only have my ears pierced, but I would love to get a tattoo someday. :)
If not, Are you against them in any way? Absolutely not. Tattoos are works of art, and it is none of my business what someone else does with their own body, especially since tattoos are doing their body no harm.
Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it? No way. My father has a lot of tattoos and there are people that sneer at him for it, but I think it's incredibly petty to do anything like that.
Why do you think people should/should not have them? I don't think people should or shouldn't have them-- I think they should just do what they want, whether they get one or don't get one is up to them. :)
In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job? No, I don't think so. I can understand in some circumstances how tattoos or piercings could be seen differently if you were, say, a businessperson (or other) visiting a different country that has different views on tattoos or piercings, and in those circumstances, I would personally do what I could to conform more to the country's views that I am visiting (covering the tats, taking out the piercings for the time being, whathaveyou) since it just seems polite to me to do that. Otherwise, I do not think they're a big deal at all, and definitely should not be the deciding factor on whether or not an individual gets a job.

Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Posted: April 8th, 2017, 6:47:08 am
by Virdex
Do you have a tattoo/piercing?: No!
If not, Are you against them in any way? Yes.
Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it? Kinda... depends xD
Why do you think people should/should not have them? Tattoos are permanent. This means you will still have them when you will be 80 years old... and piercings are just disturbing. Both are kinda vulgar, in my opinion, except for some innocent tattoos... or in polynesian culture. If you are from that culture, ok, nothing to say :P
In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job? Well, it depends: the tatto may be offensive, for example. You know, that kind of things.

Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Posted: April 23rd, 2017, 1:05:56 am
by Mangrit
Do you have a tattoo/piercing?:
Nope! I don't even have my ears pierced. I go through phases of wanting my ears or septum pierced but never go through with it. I would never get a tattoo however, but only because I have such a flaky and perfectionist personality and I don't think I could cope with a permanent image or phrase on my body.

If not, Are you against them in any way?
No!! I think they can be really cool! So long as you are making the right decision for you :) I think piercings can be gorgeous.

Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it?
As a general rule, absolutely not. Some tattoos can be really trashy though, you have to admit. When someone has a bad tattoo I understand questioning their ability to make good judgement calls, but tattoos can be subjective and I know there are people who consider ANY tattoo to be a bad judgement call :[
Remember if they already have the tattoo, they are pretty much stuck with it, so no use making them feel bad for it now.

Why do you think people should/should not have them?
Nobody "should" have a tattoo or piercing, haha. They are just a fun means of self expression should you want to express yourself in that way. People make huge life altering decisions all the time, just because tattoos and piercings are so permanent doesn't make them inherently bad or regrettable. That's like saying all lifelong decisions are regrettable- because to be honest, every decision you make is based on how you feel at the time. "Just because you want them now does not mean you will want them in the future" goes for about everything. I think any reasonable person with a tattoo has enough foresight to know what they're going to want and the "you'll regret it" argument after a certain point just comes from people who are against tattoos in the first place.

In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job?
I am very used to living in a world where tattoos and piercings need to be removed or covered up for a lot of positions (or will even stop you from getting a job in the first place), so it's hard to imagine a world where people are allowed to keep them. I guess it all comes down to if we think a certain type of professional should avoid self expression or not. I understand more self expression could lead to more conflict in the workplace- people are different and if they do not put on an act and an image for their careers that is designed for ease of connection then problems could arise. Tattoos could feature anything from violent imagery to political stances and these are not things to share with your coworkers- ANYTHING could be made a tattoo and anything could be seen as offensive so you have to err on a side of caution as a business owner. A lot of people have to hide parts of their personal lives and change their mannerisms for the sake of professionalism, and you can argue that the same should go for people with body mods except that... they are much harder to hide? It's an awkward situation and I don't really know the answer. It is easy to get non-visible-in-business-clothes tattoos but I'm not sure if everyone should be restricted to that. I guess you really need to factor in what you will do with your life when you get a tattoo.

Piercings on the other hand can just be removed so long as you have had them for long enough. Removing a still healing piercing every day for work is going to hurt and extend the healing process and picking a time in your life when you will not have to remove your piercing for work every day is a very good idea when getting one.

Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Posted: April 26th, 2017, 3:00:02 pm
by TheNewBlack
Do you have a tattoo/piercing?:
Yes, 3. The first one was by my boyfriend because he wanted to practice. It's just kind of silly. The second and third were my own designs and they were done by a professional tattoo artist, but I don't feel he did a very good job. I'm planning on getting my own tattoo machine and learning to tattoo so I can redo it. I am considering it as a profession.
Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it?
Nope. But then, it sort of depends on the tattoo. There are definitely tattoos that would make me think less of a person.
Why do you think people should/should not have them?
I think it's really up to the person. For me, I got them because I'm a Christian and I wanted a reminder of my faith. I don't care what people think of me, so I'm not worried how they might view it.
In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job?
No, especially since in the MIllenial generation, about half of us have tattoos. The available pool of employees is really going to shrink if you consider tattoos taboo. But again, it depends on what the tattoo is. I would think twice about hiring somebody with a swastika tattoo or with obscene art.

Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Posted: April 30th, 2017, 5:31:08 pm
by Musician
Do you have a tattoo/piercing?: No, I am deathly afraid of needles and have no intentions of getting one myself. xD

If not, Are you against them in any way? I'm not against all tattoos. I understand that some tattoos can have cultural or sentimental meaning to the individual who has them. There are times where I may question/ judge someone for the tattoos that they bare. Not all reasons are good reasons to get one.

Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it? Absolutely not! Again, some tattoos may be a part of that person's culture. You don't always know the story behind the tattoo.

Why do you think people should/should not have them? Cultural and sentimental reasons are good intentions in my book. "It looks cool" does not really justify one for me, though. I don't really like it when people just say that they got a tattoo because they thought it went well with the other tattoo they got last October.

In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job? Depends? What kind of job is it? Where is the tattoo? What is the tattoo? If you're looking to work at a kid's toy store and you're inky all the way up the wazoo with piercings through half of your nose, probably not the best. If you're looking to work in a tattoo parlor, then why the heck not? ;P

Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Posted: May 3rd, 2017, 11:00:48 pm
by Bluewyrm
Do you have a tattoo/piercing?: Nope. Intend to get a minor ear piercing at some point, but not a high priority.
If not, Are you against them in any way? Well, I think some tattoos and piercings are tacky... but in general, no.
Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it? See answer to previous question. Even people with tacky body mods are worthy of respect, though!
Why do you think people should/should not have them? I think people get to choose what they do with their body, as long as it doesn't cause undue harm to themselves or others.
In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job? No, that's frivulous. I mean, if they have a gang sign or racist/sexist tattoo on them obviously and no explanation, maybe, but I'd say the same if they were wearing clothing with something in that category printed on.

Re: Tattoos and Piercings

Posted: May 4th, 2017, 1:02:22 pm
by MoonFluff
Do you have a tattoo/piercing?:
Ears pierced.

Do you think that people who have them should immediately be looked down upon because of it?
No, but some are super terrible and then I judge that person at least a little because, for real you got that on your body lol.
Why do you think people should/should not have them?
I honestly don't care much about it because it doesn't affect my life, it's their decision. :)
In the work force, should a tattoo or a piercing be the deciding factor in whether or not they get a job?
I don't think so, but I can see why jobs frown upon it. In all my jobs people had to use this like, blue hospital wrap thing to cover their tattoos on shift. I think it's pretty dumb. :/