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Re: Tea or Coffee?

Posted: October 14th, 2018, 7:35:59 am
by Taeophobic
Hot chocolate.

Re: Tea or Coffee?

Posted: December 24th, 2018, 4:58:40 am
by MakuroMythos
Coffee is the best, but I can only it drink black or with Starbuck's level sugar and cream, there is no in between. I drink black and green teas too, though.

Re: Tea or Coffee?

Posted: January 1st, 2019, 8:42:31 pm
by Omira
I've never had/tried coffee so...tea. No offense but I don't think I'm missing out. (Doesn't smell very appealing...) But I am still kinda curious to try.

Re: Tea or Coffee?

Posted: January 12th, 2019, 8:23:55 pm
by Bananaz10
Well, I've never tried much tea myself and the ones I did tasted like muggy water so I'm not real fond, no. I am willing to try different ones though (that are not chamomile or boldo, gross). I do admit that coffee is an acquired taste but once you're hooked it's for life, lol. It certainly has a rich taste, which is why I prefer over tea that tastes way too watery for me.

Re: Tea or Coffee?

Posted: January 12th, 2019, 10:02:12 pm
by Sophist
Hot tea (don't like cold), usually a breakfast tea to which I add milk and a bit of honey. Even though I live in the States I only drink British teas because American teas are wimpy. I've had to unfortunately switch to decaf though, as I've become more and more sensitive to caffeine. Thankfully, I'm one of those weird people whose tongues can't really tell the difference. >D My preferred brands are Taylor of Harrogates, PG Tips, and Tetley. (I miss Glengettie, which is a Welsh tea, but I can't find any decaf that delivers to the States.) I usually drink 2-3 cups of tea per day (two black teas, one green). My day just isn't right if I don't have at least one cuppa. XD

Re: Tea or Coffee?

Posted: January 14th, 2019, 5:53:34 pm
by Pumpkin676
I've never had coffee, so I have to pick tea. But I love tea, especially while I'm doing my hw.

Re: Tea or Coffee?

Posted: January 15th, 2019, 11:44:50 am
by PaintedMoo
I drink both pretty regularly, but I'd have to say coffee.
I don't think I would function properly without it. O.o

Cold herbal teas are my jam, though.

Re: Tea or Coffee?

Posted: January 15th, 2019, 2:58:19 pm
by AnimeGeekDragon
I grew up on tea pretty much since I wasn't allowed to drink coffee until I was 18. Even though I have free reign on what I want to drink, I don't really drink coffee that much. If I do drink coffee...I need sugar, a lot of sugar (I will drink black if my family's with me because I swear they're secretly judging me). I'll probably go with Barley tea only because it's what I've always had growing up.

Re: Tea or Coffee?

Posted: January 16th, 2019, 3:01:53 pm
by OpalSkyefire
Tea, hands down. Especially camomile tea and a drop of honey. Yum! :lol:

Re: Tea or Coffee?

Posted: January 29th, 2019, 12:09:21 am
by vanillaerose
OpalSkyefire wrote:Tea, hands down. Especially camomile tea and a drop of honey. Yum! :lol:
I love the variety of teas out there, so many flavors! Coffee all tastes too bitter to me unless I drown it in creamer, and yet, i still drink it in the morning because it gives me the most caffeine, which I'm rather sensitive too, so like half a cup of coffee is good for me :t-yawn: