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Re: The Rift OoC

Posted: March 25th, 2014, 9:48:15 pm
by NekoKyu
I'll make a proper reply when I get the time, but for now it'll have to be concise. But thanks Fang! That poll was really bugging me. x( I can see how involving the moon could be difficult though, I'm struggling a little myself. Um, a little cliche here, but for her past to disappear into the night? Or perhaps even to have her ask of the same wish, but she's focusing intently on the moon? Technically you wouldn't need to edit it in (heck I even allow wishes to be unknown by other members, so long as I am aware of what the wish was x3)

Idk, I'm kind of rambling because I'm rushing so this likely sounds really confusing. Since it's a relatively minor though I mostly wanted to say that you can post with her because I'm not sure when I'll get a chance to look over her wish and don't want to hold you up because of that. If it were something major that would have a bigger influence in the roleplay then yeah, but something minor such as this I didn't want to have to make you wait on me.

Glob I ramble. :derp:

Re: The Rift OoC

Posted: March 28th, 2014, 10:44:58 pm
by Fang
@Neko: I'll think on it some more. Showing my lazy nature, then I just won't edit it if it's not totally necessary, but if you want me to that's not a problem at all. It'll just not be right now because my brain is melting. XD I had a rough day.

@InGeneral: I'm working on a post now. I finished Luther's piece of it. I'm still working on my third-person writing style so don't kill me if it's a little rough. I'm gonna spit something out for Kimmy real quick-like and then hit the hay. :lol:

Re: The Rift OoC

Posted: April 3rd, 2014, 2:58:22 am
by NekoKyu
I'm sorry guys, I've been extremely busy the past week and finally had a day off today. I tried to post something, but my post got eaten and I just.... I can't. Not tonight. I'm sorry, it's just so frustrating when that happens. I'll try to scrounge up something tomorrow, but losing my post has completely ruined my motivation. When I do post, it likely won't be as good because of this. :headdesk:

Again, sorry guys.

Re: The Rift OoC

Posted: April 3rd, 2014, 6:36:22 am
by Fang
I totally understand that. It's happened to all of us, I'm sure and it's a real motivation killer. Don't worry about it Neko. We still love you. ^_^ :t-swoon:

Re: The Rift OoC

Posted: April 3rd, 2014, 7:35:58 am
by Roseshine12
Oh dear lord I hate when that happens. I get the exact same way, Neko so I totally understand where you're coming from. X_X And Fang is right, we do still love you. :t-glomp:

Re: The Rift OoC

Posted: April 3rd, 2014, 12:28:49 pm
by DewDrop12
Oh, Neko. I'm so, so sorry that happened to you. :c I know exactly how crushing that is when it happens, so don't worry about us. Whenever you feel up to replying, whether its today or a week from now, that's fine by me. And like Fang and Roseshine both said, we still love you! :t-hugs:

Re: The Rift OoC

Posted: April 5th, 2014, 12:14:46 am
by nyn
Aww Neko, it's okay <3. Happens to all of us, so don't worry too much about it. I hope you have a really relaxing weekend ^^. And I'll fourth that (that we still love you).

@Dew. Omjay askdhasda. I really wanna write out all my feelings right now, but I have a essay due at midnight ;-;. I'll write down all my fangirling about books later tonight-or would it be tomorrow technically x3? Sorry, I've been pretty busy all week since I have a trip to Quebec coming up soon.
Edit: It's so scary though ;-;. The anime was pretty good, aside from the scariness part. The art was really nice too. But yea x3. I guess it is kinda different because it's like reality version vs drawing version. There's literally no chance it's real (or is it?) but you feel like it could be with real actors and stuff.
You can have mine and I'll gladly trade for your sister x3. My brothers are so annoying like holy. Since I'm the "girl" of the house, I have to do all their chores and it's just aksdhaksdjhasjk. LIke it's not fair. There was this one time, my brother came up to me and he's like: potatos. I was like: what...Uhh okay? He just kept saying potatos instead of going to turn off the stove himself and then when I finally went down, he was like: Well about time, geez. Were you going to really let them burn?
Omjay ._." How hard is it to turn a dial yourself? Then of course, I was the one who had to mash them, stand over the stove for 15 minutes stirring while my two brothers watched me do it, when I could've been doing my assignment and adskhjaskdhjas. Trust me, you do NOT, want brothers.

Well that's true x3. But it's okay, cause it makes you feel secure and safe right? At least it does for me ._.. There was this one time, I remember when I was 6 or so (and this happened again when I was 8 before I moved out of my old house), I was sleeping with a blanket like a normal person would be, and then suddenly something grabbed me by my feet and started dragging me off the bed. It was so scary like akdshas. It was actually really strong-like in the paranormal shows. I started screaming and then it stopped but my door was still closed. So I turned on the lights and there was nothing in my room. Since then, I've slept in my cocoon where nothing can grab my feet x3. Omjay, kittens <3. My mom is allergic to animals so all I have is a beta fish ._.". I might get a turtle though :3. Maybe.

Me too <3. I was so excited. I was like: yes, okay, there's this assassin and she's shackled in chains. This is good. But then, there wasn't as much action as I thought there'd be. A nice internal struggle but Prince Dorian, I still cannot fathom why he would like her that much. She doesn't even really "resist his charms". I think he likes her more for her body than anything else. But yea, well, it was originally a fanfiction x3. I still kinda like the first book though, but I really didn't like how Nox's character just ended like that. I was kinda expecting him to backstab her or something. I still have to get the second book :P. I agree with you though. Even through the first book, it wasn't really about survival. I thought'd they'd be thrown into this maze of a castle and have to fight to the death or something. Instead, it's more like politics and romance and ball dresses.

Re: The Rift OoC

Posted: April 6th, 2014, 4:21:31 am
by NekoKyu
Aww, thanks guys. :t-swoon: I did finally manage a post, though it's not as detailed as I would've liked. >.< I've been going back and forth between work and school, falling behind on homework because of helping prepare for my brother's wedding (which has now passed, thankfully), and just over all dealing with a roller coaster of surprises. Things are a little bit more calm now though, which is good.

@Roseshine: I was tired when that happened, but it's fixed now. :3

/loves Portal
And yes, I did realize you said surprise attacks. Hence why I had my little parenthesis there, but even then I was still a little worried that it might be confusing. But on to the discussion of Spacial abilities.

If you want, since I can be a bit of a trickster, I have a suggestion. You could create your character, but refrain from choosing what his ability would be until after I reveal how the Attributes will grow. You would still be able to post with him, he just wouldn't be aware of his special powers just yet. That way, you'll have some inkling of what will happen with his element and can better decide/prepare for that.

Ama likely has some sort of theory of feeling about it then, probably? It certainly helps her to be knowledgeable, considering I'm sure it contributes to her keeping her balance in the Rift. Eli isn't so sane, but that should make it interesting to see how the two interact. c:

@Fang: Don't worry about editing it in then, so long as it's eventually made clear in the roleplay itself how her wish connects to the moon, then it's fine. ^_^ And I hear you there, been nothing but rough. And go ahead and write first person! xD I know it's your preference, and I certainly don't mind. Don't feel pressured to write third person if you don't want to, after all it is your writing style and I'd hate to change it.

I'm the same at the moment with my character forms. Been really pressed for time. Knowing me, I'd likely go a traditional route with the attribute this time around if I was to make a third. Ice? Lightning? Wind? So can't say I'd be so creative on the elements myself either, but then again I also like traditional elements still even if they aren't so creative. x3

@zozzy: Hope you're enjoying your break in Mexico! :wave:

@nyn: Psh, who needs a life. x3

And technically, yes you could age Aiden up to 75. XD It's totally you guys decisions on if they age or not, the information about time is simply in case anyone wants to use them for their own ideas. Besides, the aging doesn't have to be severe enough that days become years. I worry for the person who's sanity is bad enough for that to happen to them. Though not as much for the someone who ages a year every hour. images/smilies/retard2.png

You and me both. But hey, I'm half way through the semester at least. Image
I hear Canadians are very nice. I myself like to tease and play around with my friends as well, so I hear ya on that. Course, they like to tease me back too, it's how we show we care. And thank you Nyn, that's sweet to hear. Image Most of the rumors were started by toxic people, and since then I've learned to better avoid those types of harmful people.

Technically, no you can't plagiarize yourself, considering it's your original work. Course, then comes the matter of proving that the original work is yours. That's really only difficult to do once you reach college (or are required to use turnitin websites), though not impossibly. I doubt she'll look it up, but even if she does all she'll see is Magistream everywhere.

You have a wonderful brain. Image We are all simply a mash up of creative minds here, so you fit in perfectly.

True, and usually that tends to make me root for the underdog when he's still trying so hard. It's kind of sweet to see a character be determined, especially when they know they're not they favourite. Not only does roleplaying help develop characters, but for me especially it helped improve my own writing skills. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that roleplaying is wonderful and I love it. xD

@Dew: As much as I love your mental connectivity going on here, I'm so sorry about that! It was a really stressful time for me, I hope not too much of it leaked onto your end though. And if you enjoyed NaNo so much, have you considered doing Camp NaNo? It's pretty similar, only sent in more months than just November and you get online cabin mates to chat with. I too bend the rules with NaNo, but I also know I'll never finish my novel if I keep creating new ones. Best to keep writing the one I have planned and started until I finish it before starting another, right? Before I got a job, I used to have more time for it. Although now, it's a bit of a struggle with the lack of free-ness I have.

Oh wow, so Amazing Lee Adorable, right?? Image Feel free to brick me for that. x3 *hands tissue* Well then, can't wait to see how things go with Bram. :3

Twas my pleasure dear! Also, I got my friend addicted to Dead Man Wonderland. Felt that was important to add. /shameless fan

Re: The Rift OoC

Posted: April 6th, 2014, 9:08:34 am
by Roseshine12
NekoKyu wrote:Aww, thanks guys. :t-swoon: I did finally manage a post, though it's not as detailed as I would've liked. >.< I've been going back and forth between work and school, falling behind on homework because of helping prepare for my brother's wedding (which has now passed, thankfully), and just over all dealing with a roller coaster of surprises. Things are a little bit more calm now though, which is good.

@Roseshine: I was tired when that happened, but it's fixed now. :3

/loves Portal
And yes, I did realize you said surprise attacks. Hence why I had my little parenthesis there, but even then I was still a little worried that it might be confusing. But on to the discussion of Spacial abilities.

If you want, since I can be a bit of a trickster, I have a suggestion. You could create your character, but refrain from choosing what his ability would be until after I reveal how the Attributes will grow. You would still be able to post with him, he just wouldn't be aware of his special powers just yet. That way, you'll have some inkling of what will happen with his element and can better decide/prepare for that.

Ama likely has some sort of theory of feeling about it then, probably? It certainly helps her to be knowledgeable, considering I'm sure it contributes to her keeping her balance in the Rift. Eli isn't so sane, but that should make it interesting to see how the two interact. c:
It's alright, Neko. Take your time. ;P I'll still be here. This is too interesting of a roleplay to pass up just because of inactiveness on one person's part.

Lol alright. xD I just felt like pointing it out.

*prances around* Portal is a fun game. :3 But sad. :t-:(

Hm... that makes a good, nice bit of sense in this senseless Rift of ours. X3 I think I'll do that. I already have him pretty much created, just waiting on the even character spot to be filled up. :3

Yea, it's very likely. She's become well sane enough to stay balanced within the Rift and likely has plenty of theories and feelings about how at least a few things work.

Also, speaking of emotional instability aging a person, would emotional stability also make that person younger and slowly revert back to the age they were originally at when they entered the Rift?

Re: The Rift OoC

Posted: April 7th, 2014, 12:25:12 am
by DewDrop12
*Casually leans against wall* So...did anyone watch the Game of Thrones premiere?

@Nyn: I'm really weak against things that use sound and visuals, honestly. It's why I love going to see movies in theaters, because I love how the picture looks and hearing all the music. *O*
Oh man, that sucks. D: How old are your brothers? My sister is almost eleven, but oh my goodness, she's so helpless. She purposefully plays up being the "baby" and my parents let it slide. All the time. :derp: Plus, she's amazing at all the things I suck at, which makes me feel rather inadequate. But by the same hand, I'm fantastic at all her weaknesses. So, like I said, we have absolutely nothing in common. Plus, idk, I feel like I'd get along with brothers much better. I don't have many male friends irl because I stick with my girls through thick and thin, but I'm much closer to my dad and a tomboy at heart at home.

I can't handle irl ghost stories omg, I'm so sorry that happened to you. :c My irl friend claims she has a really good connection to spirits. It freaks me out, a little, when she talks about it, but at the same time I can't help but find myself incredibly interested. :sweat: She doesn't like to talk about it much, though, because she fears meddling with those affairs will have consequences. So we rarely talk about the subject, even though I could listen to her stories for hours.

I'M SO GLAD I WASN'T THE ONLY ONE OMG. I love love loved the prologue, but the actual book itself just kind of flopped for me. I totally agree about Prince Dorian, too. I was so upset that he was the love interest, you don't even know. I liked him so much more in book two, though, so hopefully he'll get better for you, too. ^_^ Oh, yeah, I know it was originally fanfiction, but the author has also claimed a lot has changed since those days, and since it's a traditionally published work, idk I just expected more. I'm so sad Nox just left the story like that too, though. ;n; That's why I'm thinking (hoping) he'll turn up again later on, since there's going to be a total of six books. I think I was expecting more action, too, rather than Celaena flipping her hair over her shoulder at every opportunity. Image I was rather disappointed in the "final battle," too. I just wasn't feeling it. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on the second book. o3o

@Neko: Nah, you're fine. Another sorry from my end, though, if there are any weird jumps in your moods! Image My cousin who I was really close with passed from brain cancer this week, so I've been suspended in a sort of other-worldly grieving mode. Been trying to stay strong and keep it normal, though, so sorry if I've seemed off or anything. And yes, I'm actually doing Camp NaNo right now! Image I have a little baby goal for this month, 10k, and I'm about halfway done. I'm secretly aiming for 15k, though, so we'll see. Image Are you doing Camp NaNo? And if so, what's your goal? :3 (And I will be supporting you for your novel, so get 'em, girl! Focus and push through work and homework when you have to, but know that your novel will always be there when you need it. Image)

...Alright, Neko, we're done. No more compliments. None. Nada. Zip. We're getting married already. You've married your rp friends before, yes? Perfect. Doesn't sit well with your other wives? Sucks. I have a main wife and two sub-wives, as well as numerous secret lovers, and if they can push through it, so can yours. Besides, this affair has gone on for much too long. With everyone else here as our witnesses, I therefore declare us married. :srs:

Aaa! Image I'd totally fangirl with you, but I don't recall enough of the story to adequately do so. T.T But I really enjoyed the manga - I actually read it twice! But it was so long ago, and I never finished the story after it was completed. u.u