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Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Posted: October 7th, 2017, 3:12:43 pm
by Kesstryl
Ayakashi wrote:
Kesstryl wrote:We have a quest which causes us to breed massive amounts of Donnec fish to get males. Could we get a repeatable quest to get rid of the army of females many of us have aquired? Even if it's just for some gold, a different potion, or an achievement?
We have a use for the female donec hatchlings. You can get a breeding cooldown potion for them from Lady Alua. I think the specific quest is titled "Lady Alua II," or something like that.
I did not know that, thank you. I've been away for a year and so there are things I either forgot about or didn't learn back then or missed in the time I was gone. I appreciate the reply :)

Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Posted: October 21st, 2017, 6:42:05 pm
by TheNewBlack
In one of the threads on the Community Discussion board (8-community-discussion/214503-this-site ... #p21274065), we brainstormed a few new ideas:
1. A bank where we can deposit a savings account.
2. A more organized way of buying and selling-for instance, a directory where you can easily look up a creature for sale and the prices of the creature and who is selling it in one place (rather than having to search through all the threads to find something).
3. An in-game shop where you can instantly sell creatures or eggs for money.
4. More content: More quests, items, hybrids, events, and activities.
5. A repeatable quest or shop that requires frozen eggs to get rid of surplus frozen eggs building up in your keep.
6. Items you can buy with shards, such as;
a. Potions with various different abilities.
b. Gender changing and breeding cooldown potions available at the Donation Shop.
c. An Incubation Potion that instantly hatches an egg or grows a creature one stage, available for, say, 1 shard.
d. Something neat like a color-changing potion that will change the color of certain creatures.

Thank you for your consideration! :)

Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Posted: October 21st, 2017, 8:19:33 pm
by Vampyredragon
TheNewBlack wrote:In one of the threads on the Community Discussion board (8-community-discussion/214503-this-site ... #p21274065), we brainstormed a few new ideas:
1. A bank where we can deposit a savings account.
2. A more organized way of buying and selling-for instance, a directory where you can easily look up a creature for sale and the prices of the creature and who is selling it in one place (rather than having to search through all the threads to find something).
3. An in-game shop where you can instantly sell creatures or eggs for money.
4. More content: More quests, items, hybrids, events, and activities.
5. A repeatable quest or shop that requires frozen eggs to get rid of surplus frozen eggs building up in your keep.
6. Items you can buy with shards, such as;
a. Potions with various different abilities.
b. Gender changing and breeding cooldown potions available at the Donation Shop.
c. An Incubation Potion that instantly hatches an egg or grows a creature one stage, available for, say, 1 shard.
d. Something neat like a color-changing potion that will change the color of certain creatures.

Thank you for your consideration! :)
To add onto #2 (and #3) maybe make an "auction" house type deal (if the coding isnt too hard) where Someone (like me) could add all creatures they are selling and then someone else came come along later and buy it regardless if im online or not. Then either the payment is put directly into my onhand gold amount or theres a "collect gold" button to press in the auction house to retrieve my money.

An example is I have a koi, wind hydra, and xistik for sale. I go and price them at 100, 500, and 300 G...I go offline for the night. Player X comes along and decides they want my wind hydra and buy it. They instantly lose 500 from their hand and gain the wind hydra in their keep. I log in in the morrning to a message saying it was bought and an extra 500g on hand ...or I log on and check the ah and click the "retreive gold" button and get the gold. The koi and the Xistik would remain in the ah until time ran out (if "auctions" were coded to have a time) or when I pulled them out.

This could also be coded so if someone was looking for a specific creature (say a male wind hydra) they can search for that specific thing and all listings for male wind hydras would show up. They can then go through and pick which one they wanted. You could also include search features so a person can make sure its shop/streamborn (as opposed to bred) or hybrid or event or doni in case they dont have a specific creeature in mind but they want parentless or hybrid or whatever.

Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Posted: October 21st, 2017, 8:34:58 pm
by TheNewBlack
Vampyredragon wrote:
TheNewBlack wrote:In one of the threads on the Community Discussion board (8-community-discussion/214503-this-site ... #p21274065), we brainstormed a few new ideas:
1. A bank where we can deposit a savings account.
2. A more organized way of buying and selling-for instance, a directory where you can easily look up a creature for sale and the prices of the creature and who is selling it in one place (rather than having to search through all the threads to find something).
3. An in-game shop where you can instantly sell creatures or eggs for money.
4. More content: More quests, items, hybrids, events, and activities.
5. A repeatable quest or shop that requires frozen eggs to get rid of surplus frozen eggs building up in your keep.
6. Items you can buy with shards, such as;
a. Potions with various different abilities.
b. Gender changing and breeding cooldown potions available at the Donation Shop.
c. An Incubation Potion that instantly hatches an egg or grows a creature one stage, available for, say, 1 shard.
d. Something neat like a color-changing potion that will change the color of certain creatures.

Thank you for your consideration! :)
To add onto #2 (and #3) maybe make an "auction" house type deal (if the coding isnt too hard) where Someone (like me) could add all creatures they are selling and then someone else came come along later and buy it regardless if im online or not. Then either the payment is put directly into my onhand gold amount or theres a "collect gold" button to press in the auction house to retrieve my money.

An example is I have a koi, wind hydra, and xistik for sale. I go and price them at 100, 500, and 300 G...I go offline for the night. Player X comes along and decides they want my wind hydra and buy it. They instantly lose 500 from their hand and gain the wind hydra in their keep. I log in in the morrning to a message saying it was bought and an extra 500g on hand ...or I log on and check the ah and click the "retreive gold" button and get the gold. The koi and the Xistik would remain in the ah until time ran out (if "auctions" were coded to have a time) or when I pulled them out.

This could also be coded so if someone was looking for a specific creature (say a male wind hydra) they can search for that specific thing and all listings for male wind hydras would show up. They can then go through and pick which one they wanted. You could also include search features so a person can make sure its shop/streamborn (as opposed to bred) or hybrid or event or doni in case they dont have a specific creeature in mind but they want parentless or hybrid or whatever.
That's a great idea! Making buying and selling more automated would certainly make it easier. It's always a pain to have to jump through so many hoops just to buy or sell something, and so frustrating when it falls through because the other member isn't active.

EDIT: In regards to the frozen egg quest, I wanted to give more details:

What I was thinking about was more in line with the kind of quests we already have on the site. We already have lots of quests that require live eggs, but none with frozen eggs. I was thinking it would be cool to have some kind of quest where you could, for instance, trade in 50 frozen Krotalo eggs for an egg of a new species, or something. That's still quite a bit challenging to collect all those eggs (moreso than only having to collect 4 live eggs), but it's also a good way to get rid of those surplus frozen eggs, and it would be nice to collect frozen eggs rather than live eggs for a quest so you don't get egglocked while you're working on it.

Maybe we could have a place on the map where there is some secret lab or something, and the scientists are working on genetically engineering new species, and they ask you to collect frozen egg specimens for their research, and in exchange they will give you an egg of the new species. Like trade in 20 Thunderbird eggs for a new improved "Lightningbird" egg.

Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Posted: October 26th, 2017, 3:37:43 pm
by Yunyi
Being able to buy things in bulk would be really nice. I want to buy a bunch of pumpkins but sitting there clicking Buy Another! Yes. Buy Another! Yes. over and over again is a little tiring. I would love to have the option to choose how many we want and buy them all at once.

Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Posted: October 26th, 2017, 7:41:50 pm
by CinnaminDraconna
Yunyi wrote:Being able to buy things in bulk would be really nice. I want to buy a bunch of pumpkins but sitting there clicking Buy Another! Yes. Buy Another! Yes. over and over again is a little tiring. I would love to have the option to choose how many we want and buy them all at once.
Ditto.. came to this thread to ask the very thing.

Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Posted: October 27th, 2017, 7:46:54 pm
by Rosella
I would like to see a change to the Bestiary - it is very useful and I love the search function, but I wish that the search was "preserved" until it was cleared. For example, I cannot flip through all the "shop" creatures because if I click on one species, the "next species" button will take you to the next species numerically, not the next shop creature. Also, it would be helpful if the search did not reset once you click the back button to return from a species page to the general page. I have found my way around this problem by opening all the species in separate tabs, but it would be more convenient if we could control when the query cleared. ^_^

Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Posted: October 27th, 2017, 7:58:18 pm
by MistyoC
Rosella wrote:I would like to see a change to the Bestiary - it is very useful and I love the search function, but I wish that the search was "preserved" until it was cleared. For example, I cannot flip through all the "shop" creatures because if I click on one species, the "next species" button will take you to the next species numerically, not the next shop creature. Also, it would be helpful if the search did not reset once you click the back button to return from a species page to the general page. I have found my way around this problem by opening all the species in separate tabs, but it would be more convenient if we could control when the query cleared. ^_^
I usually open any species page in a new tab, so that I can look back and forth between a few different ones.

Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Posted: November 4th, 2017, 2:06:01 pm
by ParaLLL
(Before anything else, let me say that I do not program and have been inactive for about three years, so I have no idea if this is feasible or if something like it has been suggested before. A quick glance through the forum didn't show anything, but if it's not feasible or has been suggested and declined already, please just let me know.)

So I've enjoyed the pumpkin wars, and especially noticed the chance to get a hatchling from throwing pumpkins, which has motivated a few friends of mine to bombard me and each other and likely other people with hundreds of pumpkins that I suspect would not have been thrown otherwise.

I've also tried to find places to post in the forums in the last few days, and... not really found any threads that looked both active and interesting to me. I'd guess that I am not the only one having that issue, so: what if, based on the pumpkin hatchlings, there were a creature that had a (very small) chance of appearing in your keep when you posted in the forums? Or possibly a few variants for different sections, such as Assembly Hall vs General vs Magi Life. The goal of course being to motivate people to post in the forums more, because my standards could be very skewed but they look pretty slow to me.

If there are variants I think that it might be best to not give the Merchant District its own or divide them so much that each forums has unique creatures, in order to avoid people spamming just to get creatures. Which would be a risk with getting a creature at all, but is already a risk with how posting earns gold, and most people ought to be able to find a few threads to genuinely post in if they have an entire section to look through. If this is the only way to get these creatures I'd assume they'd appear in the keep as eggs, or with a chance to appear at any stage.

This is an idea I came up with, oh, ten minutes ago, so I'm sure I'm missing something, but it seems like it could theoretically work to get more people active in the forums, and thus make the forums more interesting and engaging for everyone to participate in?

Re: OFFICIAL: New Suggestions Thread

Posted: November 5th, 2017, 6:08:06 am
by MistyoC
ParaLLL wrote:(Before anything else, let me say that I do not program and have been inactive for about three years, so I have no idea if this is feasible or if something like it has been suggested before. A quick glance through the forum didn't show anything, but if it's not feasible or has been suggested and declined already, please just let me know.)

So I've enjoyed the pumpkin wars, and especially noticed the chance to get a hatchling from throwing pumpkins, which has motivated a few friends of mine to bombard me and each other and likely other people with hundreds of pumpkins that I suspect would not have been thrown otherwise.

I've also tried to find places to post in the forums in the last few days, and... not really found any threads that looked both active and interesting to me. I'd guess that I am not the only one having that issue, so: what if, based on the pumpkin hatchlings, there were a creature that had a (very small) chance of appearing in your keep when you posted in the forums? Or possibly a few variants for different sections, such as Assembly Hall vs General vs Magi Life. The goal of course being to motivate people to post in the forums more, because my standards could be very skewed but they look pretty slow to me.

If there are variants I think that it might be best to not give the Merchant District its own or divide them so much that each forums has unique creatures, in order to avoid people spamming just to get creatures. Which would be a risk with getting a creature at all, but is already a risk with how posting earns gold, and most people ought to be able to find a few threads to genuinely post in if they have an entire section to look through. If this is the only way to get these creatures I'd assume they'd appear in the keep as eggs, or with a chance to appear at any stage.

This is an idea I came up with, oh, ten minutes ago, so I'm sure I'm missing something, but it seems like it could theoretically work to get more people active in the forums, and thus make the forums more interesting and engaging for everyone to participate in?
Call me a snob if you will, but there is already gold as incentive for posting and the Reindeer Games section for posting just to post. I personally would rather people post with the interest of conversing in the other sections.