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Re: The Auras - A Kitsune Story [Posted Chapter Eleven!]

Posted: August 26th, 2011, 12:23:34 pm
by moondragon
I always write on Microsoft word too, I have to have proper grammar and indents and paragraphs or a think I'd go insane.
I'm about to start the next chapter, by the way.

Re: The Auras - A Kitsune Story [Posted Chapter Eleven!]

Posted: August 27th, 2011, 5:25:52 pm
by moondragon
Next chapter guys! This one's a bit gory and bloody, nightmares. You know? Anyways, hope chu like it!

Chapter Twelve: Freezing Waters
I don’t know how long I sat there in the rain. The lightning continued to crackle overhead, splitting the sky with booms of thunder. The rain didn’t stop coming down heavily, and it was beating on me to the point where I thought I was numb.
Sighing, I decided I wanted to try and go somewhere warm. I was getting cold, practically shivering now. I got to my paws slowly, fighting the rain as it wanted to knock me over. The wind was howling and the trees thrashing with the storm.
I placed a paw out in front of me to walk, but there was one thing I didn’t see coming. Mud. I slipped forward, sliding across the slippery wet bank. My front paw twisted in an awkward way as I did so, and my hind paws gave out from underneath me.
I was now not only cold and wet, but also covered in mud. I groaned, could this get any worse? Oh, and not to mention the fact that my best friend had just died. I sunk my claws into the mud and tried to pull myself up, but I slipped again. Please don’t tell me I’d be stuck here.
I pushed with all my strength, using my hind paws and scraping them across the bank. I managed to get halfway up before I fell again. But this time, I didn’t get suck in the mud.
Instead, I slipped backwards and tumbled halfway into the river. My front paws dug into the bank, desperately trying to keep me from floating away. My hind paws were helpless in the river’s current, the storm only making things worse. Yup, this just got a lot worse.
I reached forward and clapped my jaws over a root sticking up in the muddy bank, trying to pull myself out. I ignored the disgusting taste of the gritty mud in my mouth and pulled. I felt myself being lifted out of the water, my front paws sinking into the mud.
A then the root snapped. I lost my hold in the mud with my front paws, and my entire body plunged into the river. My hind legs had already started to go numb with the cold. I paddled my front paws helplessly against the current, but it was no use.
Pawing at the bank as the river dragged me away, I tried to heave myself out of the cold water. The mud had washed from my fur, but it was replaced by chilling waters. I think I liked the mud better.
Somehow, I managed to grab onto the bank and hold myself in place. But I couldn’t get out. My legs had lost just about all feeling now, and I faced the fact that I was going to freeze to death. My blue eyes were wide with fear, and my body was shaking all over. Oh, please let someone find me.
I clung to the bank like it was my life-line, because at the moment, it was. I didn’t think anyone could find me, so I hoped that I could get out. That the rain would stop pounding in my eyes so I’d have some chance at life. It didn’t.
I wasn’t sure how long the water drifted around me, but I felt myself growing more and more tired as time went on. It was just so cold… The rain kept beating against my fur and skin, my legs with no feeling left.
I think it was only a few minutes, but they felt like hours. Hours spend in the winter without any sun… I was going to freeze if I didn’t get out of the water soon. Even then, I still might not make it. But, I could try.
Pulling at the bank, I tried to find a place to sink my claws in. All I could find was mud. That’s all there was. Deep mud that my paws continued to sink into and immobilize me. This was the end.
“Ugh,” I groaned, feeling my eyes start to drift closed as blackness swirled around me. Dancing at the very edge of my mine. Pulling me down with it.
“Ghost?” I heard a voice. It was very faint, hardly hearable over the storm. I think it was Reeku… But I couldn’t answer. I was beyond answering. Then I remembered… Reeku had been out walking in the rain like I had. It was only a matter of time before he found me.
“Oh spirits, are you okay?” Reeku’s green eyes went wide. I looked up at him, my eyes pleading for help because my mouth wouldn’t move. Reeku stepped forward in the mud.
I think the water spread out from around me, like it had when we’d crossed before, but I couldn’t be sure. My legs had lost feeling. Reeku reached forward and grabbed me by the scruff, hauling my onto the bank.
“Can you walk?” Reeku asked me, a worried look on his face. To be honest, I have to idea why I nodded. I couldn’t talk, let alone walk. But I did. Sighing, I put my front paws out in front of me. I think I was standing… But I wasn’t sure.
The next thing I knew, I was leaning on Reeku’s shoulder. I wasn’t really paying any attention to where we were going or what we were doing. I was too cold… I wanted to go to sleep.
For a moment, I thought about how ironic this was. Lunea had just died, and here I was barley alive. It was my fault too. I shouldn’t have been so stupid… Ugh.
The more we walked, I was starting to regain some feeling in my feet. And, wow did I wish I hadn’t. They felt extremely cold, like a bunch of tiny ants were nipping at them. But, at least I managed to walk without leaning on Reeku anymore.
“You feeling any better?” he asked me. We were almost at camp by now, and all I felt was tired. I wanted to sleep… I was practically already asleep on my feet. On the bright side, I wasn’t too wet anymore. It had stopped raining a while back.
“I guess,” I mumbled, my eye lids heavy. My legs had gained feeling, but the warmth had returned to them. They didn’t hurt from the frigged cold.
“Good,” Reeku smiled. It was an honest smile, not a smirk. One I didn’t see very often. “I was worried.”
“No need to be worried anymore,” I trailed of into a yawn while I was trying to talk, causing Reeku to chuckle.
“To late,” his smile turned into a smirk. We were about to reach camp when I stopped. “What?” Reeku asked.
“Don’t tell them I almost drown,” I spoke quietly, looking thoughtfully into the camp. If they found out I almost drown, they would only worry more. Wasn’t the loss of Lunea enough?
“What? Why?” Reeku looked a bit surprised, I could see it on his face. But, it was also mixed in with his confusion.
“They’ll worry… Lunea’s death is enough,” I whispered the last part, unable to say it any louder. Its like… I still hadn’t admitted she was gone. Not to myself, anyways. That I just couldn’t face that cold, hard fact.
“I guess I see your point,” Reeku mumbled thoughtfully, then spoke louder. “Your secret is safe with me.”
“Thanks Reeku,” I smiled at him, not doubting the fact that I could trust him. Then I walked a bit faster, making my way ahead of him and back into camp.
I wasn’t surprised when I didn’t see Rose and Shade. They’d either gone for a walk, like they did sometimes, or were hiding in their dens because they didn’t want to get wet. My bet was on the latter guess.
I didn’t wait for longer a moment before I headed towards my den. My jaws stretched open into a large yawn as I walked, excited to get some well needed rest. I entered my den and curled up, resting my tail over my paws. Sleep swirled around me within moments.
I glanced around with a huge scowl on my face. The one time I really wanted rest Bone just had to come visit me, didn’t he? Ugh, I guess he was evil for a reason…
The location of this place still sent small shivers rushing down my spine. The prickling sensation of fear racing through my body. I couldn’t get it to go away. Maybe it was the looks of the place, or the smell of blood that hung heavy in the air. I could almost taste it.
“W-what do you want Bone?” I build up a bit of courage, enabling me to speak. I’d seen Bone in person now… And he was even more scary than I’d imagined he could be. I heard a laugh in the distance, but I couldn’t see anything.
“Oh, Ghost,” Bone’s voice was in its usually growl, but it had the light of his laughter in it. “You already know what I want.”
“I’m not going to surrender,” I snarled, trying my best to hide the fear that still raced through my veins. I raced in the direction I thought Bone’s voice was coming from, the smell of blood growing stronger and stronger.
I froze when I reached the river of blood. It was just how I remembered it… The sticky red liquid lapped at the shore, waves rolling down the river. I could practically taste the blood, its disgusting smell making me wrinkle my nose.
“You’ll surrender,” Bone laughed, and my head jolted to the side. He was sitting there across the river. “Unless you want your friends to end up like Lunea.” Bone’s nine tails were spread out behind him, shadows looming in the air that was near him. His amber-red eyes danced contentedly.
“N-no… Don’t hurt them,” I pleaded, stepping closer to the river. I didn’t want to go near it thought. The river was disgusting in smell and looking at it sent waves of fear rippling through me more and more.
“I’ll do whatever needs to be done,” Bone growled. “And they stand in my way. Just like you.” And then the black Kitsune was behind me, I could tell because of his growling. I flipped around, not liking how close my hind paws were to the bloody river.
“W-why?” I whimpered, flattening my ears against my head. I didn’t like surrendering to him, but this was his illusion. He could do whatever he wanted, and I had to go along for the ride. I didn’t like being trapped here, but until he released me…
“Because humans deserve to die,” Bone chuckled. The shadows around him loomed closer to me, and I took a step back. Then one of the lashed out and struck me right across the face. My skin tore open as I winced in pain, blood dripping down to the ground.
I looked up at Bone with my blue eyes wide and pleading. Even though I wouldn’t really be hurt, dying wasn’t something I wanted to experience. Even if it was just in a dream… Or rather, a nightmare.
“Hmm,” Bone looked down at me for a moment, chuckling. I couldn’t look away from his reddish eyes. They danced, full of happiness, blood-lust, and hate. All in a mix of horrible and dark feelings. “Kill her.”
I gasped at his words, stepping backwards. My back paws splashed into the blood as I did so. I couldn’t see Bone anymore, all the remained were the looming shadows. The blood felt hot, sticky, and uncomfortable on my paws, but I didn’t dare step forward.
The shadows slithered towards me, like dark clouds of Bone’s magic. Well, that’s what they were. The shadows lashed at me, and in order to dodge their moves I had to move farther and farther into the river. I didn’t like it, but it was the blood or them. How was I supposed to fight something that was an element I couldn’t control? That’s the thing, I couldn’t. This was Bone’s plan. He didn’t have anything to tell me, he just felt like torturing me. Showing me a taste of what he could do.
I was now waste deep in blood, and it was swirling all around me. Hot, sticky, and warm. But, for some reason I felt all too cold. Bone was recreating the feeling I had when I thought I was going to die…
Then the shadow hit me. I slipped in the sticky river’ floor and plunged into the bloody rapids. My head dunked under and the blood filled into my lungs. I was drowning in it. The red liquid swirled around me, and I couldn’t have felt more in pain.
I splashed and kicked, but I couldn’t surface. My lung scream and screamed for air, but there was nothing I could do. I felt so cold… Oh so cold. Dizziness and blackness pushed at the edge of my mind, threatening to consume me. Then it happened.

I woke up.

Re: The Auras - A Kitsune Story [Posted Chapter Twelve!]

Posted: August 27th, 2011, 8:48:18 pm
by InsanityWolf
I can't wait for the next chapter moon!

Re: The Auras - A Kitsune Story [Posted Chapter Twelve!]

Posted: August 29th, 2011, 2:20:46 pm
by moondragon
Thanks fwuffy.
Sometime today I'll hopefully write the next chapter, but school starts this week... Ugh.

Re: The Auras - A Kitsune Story [Posted Chapter Twelve!]

Posted: August 29th, 2011, 5:59:19 pm
by Neonevolution
WOW! That was really good. I like kitsunes too but I'm honetly just starting out on magistream... its amazing what you can find on google. It knows all. :t-woo:

Re: The Auras - A Kitsune Story [Posted Chapter Twelve!]

Posted: August 29th, 2011, 7:40:20 pm
by moondragon
Ashley, I know that's you lol. Guys, this is my best friend. But, I'm glad you like the story. ^_^

Re: The Auras - A Kitsune Story [Posted Chapter Twelve!]

Posted: August 29th, 2011, 8:44:29 pm
by Neonevolution
uh... who's ashley. I TOTALLY don't know an ashley. :D

Re: The Auras - A Kitsune Story [Posted Chapter Twelve!]

Posted: September 2nd, 2011, 3:56:04 pm
by moondragon
I want to apologize to my readers because I haven't been writing. School just started, and my life is REALLY stressful right now. I'll let you all know when I finally finish the chapter. :wave:

Re: The Auras - A Kitsune Story [Posted Chapter Twelve!]

Posted: September 16th, 2011, 6:29:13 pm
by moondragon
Oh. My. Gosh. I am SO sorry this took me forever, but its finally done. ^_^ It took me so long because I don't have much time to write, and I needed it to be long enough. Anyways, hope you like it then.

Chapter Thirteen: Another Day
A few more weeks have gone by since Lunea’s death, and life seems so much more empty. I don’t know what it is, though. Maybe its not waking up to her greeting me, or going out training with her encouragement.
I’ve been training with Reeku on some days, but on others I go out with Rose and Shade. I’ve become a lot closer to the couple, and I find myself only caring more about The Auras. But, I also get eaten away at from the inside. Its because I know I’m the reason they’re going to die someday.
“Good,” Rose smiled at me as I landed a blow on Shade’s shoulder. We weren’t using our powers, only practicing normal combat.
Shade dodged to the side as I lunged out to hit him again, causing me to trip forward. Shade took his change and rammed me over with his shoulder. I tumbled over to the ground.
I looked up at Shade, not taking my eyes off him as I got to my paws. The black Kitsune shot me a playful smirk and I glowered back. Shade was a really fun-loving Kitsune, not in the same sweet way Lunea was, however. Or in the motherly way Rose is. He was his own person, just like all of us.
I got to my feet and lashed out at him, Shade dodged again but this time I was ready. I went to lash out without tripping, but Shade saw that move too. I missed, and Shade only poked his tongue out at me.
“Shade, you’re so childish,” Rose laughed, rolling her eyes at her mate.
“But you love it,” Shade countered, turning to raise an eyebrow at Rose, his eyes daring her to deny what he knew was true.
“Ugh,” I pretended to gag. “Don’t start with the mushy stuff.” That’s the thing about Rose and Shade. It was obvious they loved each other, and you hardly ever saw one without the other. Sometimes it was cute, but other times it made me feel like a third wheel around them.
“Whatever,” Rose rolled her eyes again, smiling at both of us. Shade opened his mouth to say something, but before he could I tackled him over. Shade’s eyes went wide with surprise before he got to his paws and turned back around to face me.
“Surprise attack!” I growled at him, my eyes dancing playfully as I waited for his attack. If I wasn’t training with Reeku, sometimes training was fun. Reeku always seemed to be pushing me to get better and better, where as Rose and Shade liked to let me learn at my own pace.
Shade glowered at me, shaking the dust off his pelt as I sent him a wide smirk. Catching a Kitsune by surprise wasn’t exactly the easiest thing to do. But, other Kitsune were about one of the only things that could actually do so.
I lashed out with my paws, but yet again Shade simply dodged my attack. It was growing obvious to me that catching him by surprise was my only chance. I lashed out again, but Shade only dodged and slammed his paw lightly onto my head.
“Can we stop? I’m hungry,” I panted out after sending more and more missing blows towards the black Kitsune.
“Now there’s a surprise,” Rose shook her head, her voice sarcastic. I rolled my eyes at her and yawned. Getting up early for training was really annoying. But, it would come in handy if I ever had to fight the dark ones again. I knew it would. So, I sucked it up and pushed myself harder.
I’d recently been working harder than normal lately, and Reeku seemed to be pleased with that. We all knew it was because of my promise to Lunea, that I would accomplish my destiny. I had too, I needed too. Lunea would’ve wanted it… She wanted to stop the Dark Ones just as much as I did. As we all did.
“Coming?” Shade asked, and I was snapped from my thoughts and back into world around me. Shade and Rose had started walking ahead, while I was still sitting in the middle of the clearing.
“Right,” I shook my head, blinking a few times. I’d been zoning out a bit lately, thinking about things. Was I really meant for this? Yes, I had to be. I blinked one last time and got to my paws, scurrying after Rose and Shade just as they disappeared into the trees.

* * * *
After hunting and finding ourselves some lunch, I was now headed back to camp. Rose and Shade walked a few paces ahead of me, going on in their own conversation. I was to tired to going in, or really care what it was about. Getting up early and the sleepless nights had really begun to effect me badly.
Ever since the nightmare the day I’d almost drown, which Reeku had kept his mouth closed about, I’d had one almost every night. Bone wanted me dead, before I was strong enough to do any damage. He haunted me in the most horrible ways, and I was afraid of even closing my eyes.
No one knew the extend of my nightmares, except for two Kitsune. Oak, as he deserved to know what was going on, and Reeku. I didn’t choose to tell Reeku, but the fact still stood that he was often the night guard. I didn’t think Reeku ever slept…
It was then that it hit me. Reeku was always sarcastic, blunt, grouchy. He hid his feelings… He was always the first one awake, always volunteered to stay up all night and watch for invasions. It all made sense now. Reeku’s mind must be haunted just like mine was now. He was afraid… Afraid to close his eyes.
Would I become like him? Emotionless, beyond showing feelings and loyalty, but still feeling it? Something told me I wouldn’t, I was different from Reeku. But, the worry from that thought made me sick to my stomach. I also wondered if anyone knew about Reeku’s dreams, they weren’t like mine. He didn’t have to tell anyone.
I sighed, we were almost to the dens. Reeku was out and about again, and Oak was doing… Well I don’t think anyone really knows what Oak does while he spends all that time in his den. Does he sleep? Sometimes I think I’d rather not know. I just shook the thought from my head and tried to keep my eyes from drooping closed.
I was tired.. Oh so tired. I knew I’d have to sleep eventually, and a broken sleep was better than none. But, I could feel myself wanting to stay awake for ever. To never have to suffer through the horror-filled illusions Bone seemed to enjoy so much. I hated him just as much as I hated what he did to me.
“Ghost, you look exhausted,” Rose’s voice was full of concern as she glanced back at me, somehow distracted from her conversation.
“Yeah,” I smiled weekly. Although Rose knew Bone sent me illusions, I could never tell her the extent they were really at. I couldn’t let them worry about me, not after we’d just lost Lunea. “I just didn’t sleep well last night.” I let out a sigh.
“Well be careful not to overwork yourself,” Rose warned, but her tone held a caring one and I knew she only wanted me to be alright. Anyone could see the latest events had effected me, as I wasn’t used to death and dealing with the Dark Ones all the time.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.” I assured Rose just as we walked into the clearing the Aura’s called home. Rose still looked worried, but nodded. She and Shade headed into Oak’s den, so I went to mine so I could take a short nap.
I rested my head on top of my paws, letting my eyes drift close. Slowly, reluctantly, I gave into to the darkness that gnawed at the edge of my mind, consuming me. I could only hope that I wouldn’t be haunted…
But my hope was all in vain. I found myself in my own nightmares… This wasn’t the usual place Bone took me. Sometimes I wondered how he knew when I was sleeping. I shook the thought from my head, right now I had to worry about surviving my own nightmares for the time being.
I walked forward and into this world, wondering what was lying in wait for me. The world around me was pitch black, just nothingness. And there I stood, unsurely taking a few steps forward. Uncontrollably, my eyes scanned the area. Looking for something… Anything.
I saw nothing around me. It was just empty… I guess this wasn’t really a nightmare like I thought it was going to be. My dreams were like this sometimes, empty. Full of the nothingness that sometimes haunted me. I think there was often sometimes something wrong in my mind.
I think my mind was slipping away from me… Bone’s constant haunting, all the pressure put on me about this destiny thing… I can handle it, but its really taking its toll on me. These dreams are proof of that.
I looked around and I saw faint eyes in the distance, I can just make out the fact that they’re green. I know those eyes… Those are Reeku’s eyes. And next to his appears a pair of red ones. Bone. And then the eyes of the rest of my friends and enemies appear, and I hear there voices.
I can’t make out what their saying, until I hear the high pitched cry of pain that could only be Lunea’s and the blood splatters out in front of me. I didn’t watch her die once, I’ve seen it over and over again. Reliving it in my dreams. Making me pray to wake up. But I never do.
Tears begin to roll down my face, and I wish with all my heart I could wake up. But, I don’t. The sound of Lunea’s wail echoes all around me, seeming to bounce around the blackness. And then Bone’s laugh is there, and it chills me down to my own bones.
I walk forward, slowly, unsurely, to were Lunea is lying there. I can tell she’s still alive, but her blood is pooling around her. I’m hesitant, hoping I wouldn’t drown in the sticky red liquid. Lunea didn’t look up at me, she just sat there and wheezed. But when she did, I wished she hadn’t.
Lunea’s eyes weren’t their golden color, they were red. Like Bone’s. The worst part was my own mind gives me these terrors, not Bone. His are… More teasing, less direct. Scary, still, but different. These are just cold.

I open my mouth to scream, but its cut off by a glowing light. And then, I’m sitting in my den. Panting. It takes a moment for me to realize where I am and that I’ve woken up. I hear the sound of voices outside my den, and I perk up my ears to listen.
“Is she okay?” I hear Rose’s soft voice asking someone. I know she means me… I know she’s worried about me. I feel so helpless.
“She’s fine,” its Reeku assuring her. I don’t know where Shade is, but he must be nearby. Him and Rose are always together. I’m thankful that Reeku isn’t letting her know how much pain I’m really in. I couldn’t take that.
“She looked awfully tired. Maybe we should mention it to Oak?” Rose persists, and I can tell her only cares. This makes my heart fall more.
“I said she’s fine,” Reeku snaps, his voice a growl. I can picture the scowl that’s on his face right now, the hard look in those green eyes. And I wish I knew how to be sure I’d be okay.

Re: The Auras - A Kitsune Story [Posted Chapter Twelve!]

Posted: September 17th, 2011, 12:17:10 pm
by InsanityWolf
that was awesome moon!