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Re: Giving Away ALL Critters for Art/Writing! (updated 11/24

Posted: January 25th, 2016, 7:48:42 am
by eggboy
Cool, let me know which character you'd want drawn and if you want any specific pose :)

edit:i forgot to mention i can do multiple characters too (for 3 more creatures if i understood ur first post right) if that seems interesting

Re: Giving Away ALL Critters for Art/Writing! (updated 11/24

Posted: January 26th, 2016, 8:04:20 pm
by Tidebringer
That's up to you ultimately, depending if you had a preference or not. I haven't gotten any art for Coulter yet though, or Voodoo.

And yes, that's perfectly fine with me.

Re: Giving Away ALL Critters for Art/Writing! (updated 11/24

Posted: January 28th, 2016, 11:27:33 am
by eggboy
I could draw voodo then, if you want a piece with both of them I need some basic instruction on how theyd interact

Re: Giving Away ALL Critters for Art/Writing! (updated 11/24

Posted: January 28th, 2016, 4:30:01 pm
by Tidebringer
Actually, if you were interested in doing them together, they are together, so they would interact very well with one another.

Re: Giving Away ALL Critters for Art/Writing! (updated 11/24

Posted: January 30th, 2016, 2:14:31 pm
by eggboy
alrite cool, I'll draw both of them then, if thats what you want.

In that case these are the 3 extra creatured i'd like,

let me know if everything seems ok and i'll start on the pic :)

Re: Giving Away ALL Critters for Art/Writing! (updated 11/24

Posted: February 19th, 2016, 2:39:10 am
by Tidebringer
Spiffy! Sounds great, then :3

Re: Giving Away ALL Critters for Art/Writing! (updated 02/08

Posted: February 19th, 2016, 1:19:06 pm
by MarcoGore
If theyre still available I could do you something for the Akhlut pair. I really enjoy drawing backgrounds so they fit my thing perfectly. Ive been looking for two since I joined.
Any characters youd like in particular?

Examples: 27-hall-of-the-arts/204197-marcos-art-dump.html

Re: Giving Away ALL Critters for Art/Writing! (updated 02/08

Posted: February 20th, 2016, 4:32:45 pm
by Tidebringer
I'd be happy to give them a happy home with you! I really really dig your art, such envious lines!
I guess that depends on what subject matter you like to do. I do have my favorites of course, but if anyone in particular stands out to you, feel free to go for it :3 if not, I can throw you a couple suggestions.

You might have fun with Bailey though, for sure. I see you like to draw reptilian things, and he's kind of a dragon so.

Re: Giving Away ALL Critters for Art/Writing! (updated 02/08

Posted: February 20th, 2016, 6:16:38 pm
by MarcoGore
I can do Bailey for sure! Anything you'd like him doing in particular?

What else would you like since this would be two pics for two creatures? Gimme a few suggestions. I like things to go off :D

Re: Giving Away ALL Critters for Art/Writing! (updated 02/08

Posted: February 20th, 2016, 8:42:06 pm
by Tidebringer
Awesome! I was hoping you would. I guess you could say I have a more specific idea for him. Hopefully I can explain clearly and it won't be too difficult to understand. easiest way to summarize would be that he's a mutant (it's like I collect X-men...), it'd be kinda cool to see him in action. One of the only legal skills he has is that he likes to do parkour in his body armour. Since all I have in mind is IN my mind and not on paper yet, I'd be completely willing to let you have artistic freedom with said body armor as well. It's pretty much your basic form-fitting body armour, primarily charcoal grey (because slightly less black than black seems confusing and altogether unhelpful) with dark red accent. (Nothing really comes to mind design wise for this. I am terrible with costume design- I'm more a writer than an illustrator as proven by my mediocre examples. Maybe something Oriental looking? He really digs Eastern dragons. He also knows a couple different martial arts, so he would deal more in long range/easy to throw weaponry. I don't know if knowing any of this helps but I'll include it just in case it does. I kinda feel like it's easier to draw a character if you know their personality better.) The specific part would be the boots, and the best way I can describe this is a sort of bio-mechanical boot fashioned after and to function like a dragon's claw. (for his hood rat purposes of course, probably for perching on ledges and hanging out upside down. He does wear gloves with retractable metal extensions to resemble claws as well.
I do realize that going off of a description and no references is more difficult than having one, so if that's too confusing or difficult for you, he'd be just as comfortable vaulting off of stairwells and rooftops in jeans and high tops.

As for the other critter, I think you might also have fun drawing Ramsay. He's also kind of reptile like but at the same time not. Again, I really don't have anything too terribly specifically in mind for him, but as far as some ideas, people usually put him in Halloween-y type situations, like prowling around in a graveyard or playing with pumpkins or something. He might also be at home in a swamp-y type environment or some such similar mire. Making a home in an abandoned house or a weed-choked courtyard... I'm not picky, as long as it's creepy. A thing to note as well, people usually get confused and draw him with a dog's face/snout when it's actually more reptilian. These are the best examples for that: ... f.png.html ... c.jpg.html ... e.png.html

There is some information in the original post under their names, and if you have any more questions please feel free to ask!