Do you have anxiety???

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Re: Do you have anxiety???

Post by eppy »

I do. My anxiety is mostly in regards to other people, although it isn't apparent online, over text. I can't seem to get through a conversation with someone without stumbling over my words, stammering. I have to stop to compose myself and keep talking (fortunately ALL my coworkers are patient which is good, even though I still feel awkward). I especially struggle with talking on phones to strangers and I just cannot deal with verbal communication through computers/videos. I always feel like people are judging me because of my speech problem, the way I look, other things about me.
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Re: Do you have anxiety???

Post by XxXRaveeAsherXxX »

Yes, and depression
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Re: Do you have anxiety???

Post by MoonandDew »

Yeah boi.
I take meds for it, so it doesnt really affect me. It does wear off at night. My friends know, and they're fine with it.
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Re: Do you have anxiety???

Post by Cittie031717 »

I have anxiety a lot. I get it every single day when I go to school. I get in social situations unless know the person really well. I always get anxiety in new situations or with doing I haven't done before or have much experience with. I have a natural type of medicine called Rescue Pastilles that do help me. they're kind of are like fruit snacks and they're made with all natural ingredients that are meant to help with anxiety an stress. They're not prescription medicine and you can get them at Walmart.
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Re: Do you have anxiety???

Post by PotterLady87 »

DameonDire wrote:This is a serious discussion about anxiety.

How do you cope??? Does it effect your livelihood??? Does it hold you back from doing anything???
I have always had anxiety. Mostly social anxiety since I was in middle school. But this past February, just three days after I got married, I found out that I was having an active heart attack. The heart attack had lasted for two weeks and I was none the wiser because I didn't pay attention to what my body was telling me. Anywho, ever since then my anxiety has soared...and I mean SOARED! I have anxiety about almost everything. I can't go out of the house without some sort of breakdown. I get panic attacks when I do chores like dishes and laundry for example. It's just all around bad and I recently finished meeting with a counselor. Not only do I have anxiety but also PTSD. So small things can get pretty darn amplified for me. I have some medication for it but I can't take it as often as I truly need it because it can become addictive. I also recently tried a fidget spinner (no joke!) to ease my anxiety and it actually works. Not great for panic attacks but when I notice one creeping up I take out the spinner and it helps me keep my mind off of whatever is bothering me.

I would love to try a service dog but for 1. We already have too many animals in our apartment and 2. I can't physically take care of one here where I live because in order to take the dog out potty in the winter, I would have to walk all the way to the field at the back of the apartments and I don't do well on ice or in snow and I can't walk very far or stand very long to wait for the dog to use the restroom. So that is out of the question. Which stinks.
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Re: Do you have anxiety???

Post by zorua9 »

Anxiety is gosh darn awful, I suffer from it.... badly. but I have my autism, so I laugh at everything. sigh, it can get real messy sometimes.
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Re: Do you have anxiety???

Post by TheEmbodimentOfKarma »

I don’t have anxiety, but a lot of the students at my school suffer from anxiety and depression, combined with suicidal thoughts. We don’t have any sort of counselor here, so there have been quite a few kids who have actually attempted suicide. And my parents think this is the best place for me...

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Re: Do you have anxiety???

Post by Gaions »

I personally suffer from severe anxiety and depressive disorder, as well as ADD. It’s an awful experience, worrying all day and getting worked up over little mishaps and having mental breakdowns because of something you did that you thought was wrong that really wasnt. I often go into thought spirals that leave me sick and queasy, because they lead me to think the worst things possible. Anxiety affects my physical ability in such a way that I cannot play many sports, because I am distracted and shaken up easily. I find myself in a constant state of panic, and even with a therapist, it’s very sad, but I find it hard to cope without my phone or computer. Although I take a handful of anti depressants and anxiety medication, medication doesn’t always help. Anxiety hilds me back from many things. I have trouble with social skills, being active, and being productive. In short, anxiety is a horrible thing that I would never wish on anything on the face of the earth.
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Re: Do you have anxiety???

Post by Athenaash »

I personally have really, really bad anxiety, but I do theater to help with it, being another person on a stage is just so fun to me and I forget how I feel!
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Re: Do you have anxiety???

Post by Citrisoda »

Nothing has been diagnosed so my honest answer would be no, but judging by all the symptoms it does seem like I have at least some kind of social anxiety. I'm currently in therapy because of the social fears and it's been really helpful - I've been a lot more able to identify my own harmful ways of thinking that hold me back. :t-:) The hardest part is getting rid of those ways of thinking but I'll get there.

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