Chosen Fate - A Kitsune Story - DONE!

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Re: The Auras - A Kitsune Story [Posted Chapter Nine!]

Post by Sliverwind »

Lunea has to live!! D: I got to know make more :crazy:
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Re: The Auras - A Kitsune Story [Posted Chapter Nine!]

Post by moondragon »

Here's the next chapter! I'm actually content with how long this one is ^_^ Enjoy
Also, YAY! I'm halfway through the book with 52 pages written!

Chapter Ten: In Need Of Help
Yesterday passed by slowly, and Lunea seemed to be growing more and more tired. We stayed by the river all day, just sitting, talking. We’d slept under the bush again, and I thankfully hadn’t had any nightmares.
When I woke up, Reeku was awake, as usual. This time I didn’t bother to ask him if he slept or not. I knew the answer I would get. I simply nodded a good morning to him as I got to my paws.
I glanced at Lunea. Her breathing had become very shallow, ragged. It was like she struggled to breath now… She was panting in her sleep, like she had a fever and couldn’t cool down. The claws marks that ran across her neck were red and swollen… Infected, most likely.
“Will she…” I trialed off, unable to say it. If Lunea was gone, I’d be devastated. She was one of my best friends. The Auras were in fact my only friends. I glanced over at Reeku.
“I don’t know,” he whispered, his green eyes looking at Lunea with sadness. It was like he knew if she’d be okay or not, but he wasn’t telling me. I knew he did… But, why wouldn’t he tell me? Maybe he thought I wouldn’t like the answer. That’s what was afraid of.
I couldn’t stand to watch Lunea in so much pain anymore, it hurt me to see her like that. Even if she was sleeping, resting. Like her body needed. I could tell she was uncomfortable… It just made me said, hurt on the inside.
I didn’t look at Reeku as I slid out from under the bush, the bright morning sun blinding me for just a moment. I shook myself, sending a bit of dust up into the air in a cloud. I sighed, walking to the river’s edge.
She won’t last long… I let out a startled gasp as a voice echoed in my ears. Bone… I snarled. He needed to stop sending me these stupid illusions, talking to me through them. For a moment, I wondered if I could send them to him…
I shrugged the thought away. I wasn’t powerful enough to do that to him. But, someday, I would be. My magic might not be strong now, but it would get better. I was getting better… Becoming more powerful. Still, the thought of Bone in general sent a scowl right to my face.
“What’s wrong?” Reeku’s voice made me jump, splashing forward in the water. I scowled at Reeku, making him chuckle. This was the second day in a row it was his fault I was wet.
“Nothing,” I grumbled, getting out of the water. I made sure I shook my fur all over Reeku. He growled, irritated. He looked at me questioningly again, but didn’t ask. He probably used my scowl was about Lunea.
“I’m worried about Lunea,” Reeku said bluntly, sitting and curling his tails over his paws. Thank you captain obvious.
“And you think I’m not?” I asked, sitting next to him. I wasn’t shy around any of The Auras anymore. I’d come to look at them like a family over the past few weeks. Loosing one of them would be like when I lost my mother.
“I never said that,” Reeku looked almost sad as he stared at the ground. Then I got it… Lunea was his friend too. He acted rude, blunt, and uncaring. But, he really cared about all The Auras, just like I did.
“I know,” I didn’t look over at him again. I just looked at the river. Deep, fast, beautiful. I wondered what it felt like to be like that. So free, just following your own path. I sighed. I’d never know.
Truth was I hadn’t signed up to be the chosen one. I mean, sure, all the friends I’d made were great but… It was a lot of work, and it wasn’t easy work either. I had to prepare myself. I had to fight Bone. And, sometimes I doubted I was cut out for that.
But, my problem aside, I was beginning to worry more and more about Lunea. If Reeku was worried, it had to be bad news. Without her… Being and Aura just wouldn’t feel the same. I don’t know hot to explain it other than that.
“Let’s hunt again,” Reeku interrupted my thoughts, which surprised me. He seemed like he was absorbed in his own. But, hunting was a good idea. Lunea was going to need food if she was going to live. She had to keep her strength up, and she couldn’t do it alone.
“What about going back?” I asked him. That was the only thing. What about Rose? Shade? Oak? Wouldn’t they be worried about us? Wondering why we hadn’t returned yet?
“Ghost, the answer is the same as yesterday,” Reeku sighed, getting to his paws. His tails swayed a bit as he stood. I shrugged.
“Alright, let’s go,” I started walking. Since it was the same as yesterday, we’d be going in separate directions. I didn’t look back to see if Reeku had followed, I know he had. Once we were a bit away from the bush, we spit off into out own directions.
I scented the air and caught sent of mouse. Mice were a very common thing to find in this forest, so I often found myself hunting them. I followed the scent, inhaling deeply.
I stopped and dropped into a crouch when I spotted the mouse. As it grew colder, prey continued to get smaller and harder to find. I stalked around, but, to my dismay, the mouse turned.
Its eyes widened when it saw me, I stood out brightly with my glowing white pelt. I scowled, dashing after it while I still had a chance of catching it. I lunged out to claw it when another paw slammed down on it. I looked up. Reeku.
“Thanks,” I sighed, looking down at the now dead mouse. If only I was better at hunting… A lot of the time I just got lucky and my prey didn’t see me. But, not this time.
“No problem. I’ve already caught some things, so let’s just head back,” Reeku shrugged his shoulders, his voice in a bland tone.
“How do you catch some much?” I asked, my blue eyes widening as I picked up the mouse by its tail. Reeku always seemed to catching things when I couldn’t, was always better than hunting than me. Which I didn’t quite understand, considering his pelt was white as well. Although it was a more creamy color, and not a vibrant white like mine.
“Practice,” Reeku responded, grabbing a squirrel and a small bird up from the ground. He looked almost funny as he struggled to hold both catches at once. They weren’t like mice, with tails so easy to hold.
“Of course,” I rolled my eyes. Reeku growled, and I remembered he didn’t like it when people were sarcastic towards him. What a hypocrite. I sighed, following him back towards the bush. I wondered if Lunea would be awake yet, and if she was feeling any better.
Reeku didn’t bother to say anything as he walked next to me. I didn’t know if it was because he couldn’t, or he simply didn’t want to. The silence wasn’t awkward, however. It simple was there, no one bothering to break it.
We reached the bush and I set my mouse down, yet again careful the river’s water couldn’t reach it. This time Lunea was laying out in the open, awake. Her eyes were closed, but I could tell she wasn’t sleeping. Her breathing was ragged still.
“Hey,” I smiled at her, sitting down. Lunea opened her eyes, and I couldn’t help the wave of pity that washed over me. Her gold eyes were swimming with pain, although it was obvious she was trying to hide it.
“You should eat,” Reeku nudged the squirrel towards her. Lunea looked at it for a moment before she spoke.
“I’m not hungry,” her voice was hardly over a whisper. Worry was bubbling in my stomach, making me not have much of an appetite either. But, sighing, I started eating the mouse. I had to keep my strength up, for her.
“You really should eat, you need your strength,” I said between a bit of my mouse. She was withering away, and I couldn’t stand watching it. She was suffering, and I knew it. It pained me to watch her in this much pain.
I seemed to me that I was constantly thinking the same thoughts, about how much it hurt me when she was like this. But, I couldn’t help but think them. It was what my mind kept telling me. The truth.
“I don’t want to,” Lunea let out a sigh as she breathed out. It was obvious talking seemed like an effort for her.
“Don’t argue, it’s not going to help,” Reeku snapped, his green eyes flashing from Lunea to me. He was yelling at both of us, and he was right.
“I-I don’t like seeing her in pain,” I admitted, a bit shaky. I sent Lunea a look of concern. The golden Kitsune smiled in response, but I could tell it was forced. I looked back down at my paws, not wanting to see the pain in her gold eyes. There was a moment of silence, but Reeku broke it.
“I’ve made a decision,” He said. Lunea’s eyes flickered to him, but she didn’t move her head. I looked up, sending Reeku a confused glances.
“Ghost, your going back to camp,” he informed. Okay, now I was more confused.
“Oak has the most knowledge of healing, and Lunea’s wound isn’t healing on its own. You’re going to go get Oak, and I’ll stay here with Lunea,” Reeku clarified. I look of understanding crossed my face. I got it.
“No,” Lunea whispered hoarsely. “There’s no need to get him.”
“Ghost, don’t listen to her, just go,” Reeku ordered, looking me straight in the eye. “Get there as fast as you can.”
“Please Ghost, don’t-” Lunea started, but Reeku interrupted her with a sharp glare. I didn’t bother to stay and see what happened next.
I turned around and took off towards the clearing where The Auras made their camp. It was about an hours travel from the border if you walked, but running I could cut the time in half. Maybe even more.
I pushed myself to run faster and faster. My paws pounded on the ground, the sound of it ringing in my ears even though they were flat against my head. I don’t think I’d ever run this fast. But, this was for Lunea. And she was my friend.
I kept running despite how tired I grew. I think my paws started bleeding from how fast I was running, but I didn’t care. I focused on the sound of my paws on the ground, oblivious to how tired I was growing.
By the time I reached the camp, my breathing was heavy. My paws, in fact, were bleeding, and I could hardly stand up. But, I’d made it. And fast. That’s what counted.
“GHOST!” Rose exclaimed, rushing up to me. “What happened?” Concern filled her warm brownish colored eyes.
“Bone… Attack… Lunea’s hurt,” I managed to breath out between my panted breathing. “By the… B-Border.”
“Oh great spirits!” Rose gasped, her eyes widening a bit. “Shade, go get Oak!” She turned to look at her mate. He was standing a little ways behind her, his worried expression matching hers. Shade nodded and turned towards Oaks den.
“Did you run all the way here? You must be exhausted!” Rose continued fretting over me. I sighed. She wasn’t supposed to be worried about me… Lunea was the one to be worried about.
“I’m… Just tired,” I managed to pant out, sitting down and resting my head on my paws. They’d stopped bleeding, but still hurt pretty badly.
“Okay,” Rose looked at me, still a bit concerned. A could tell she’d relaxed though, as she seen I wasn’t going to fall over and die. She should be worrying about Lunea… She might be the on dying. Although, I hoped that didn’t happen.
“Where is she?” Oak came from his den a few minutes later. Even though his voice was rough with age, I could hear the concern in it.
“By the river. With Reeku,” I replied, forcing myself to my paws. I had to take Oak to Lunea… I had to help her.
“Sit back down Ghost,” Oak ordered, his blue eyes telling me to obey him.
“But… I have to take you to where Lunea is,” I protested, but sat down anyway.
“You need to rest, stay here,” Oak told me. I knew it was for my own good, and that I shouldn’t argue, but…
“I-I have to be there though. For Lunea… Incase she-” I cut myself off from talking. I couldn’t say that… No, she wouldn’t die. Lunea would be okay. Oak looked at me, understanding in his eyes.
“If we aren’t back by morning, I give you permission to come to us,” Oak told me. No, ordered me. I sighed in defeat.
“Okay,” I looked down at my paws. I just caught a glimpse of Oak nodding at me before he padded out of the camp. I sighed again. I needed to be there for Lunea.
“Don’t worry Ghost,” Shade smiled at me hopefully. “Lunea’s strong, she’ll be okay.”
“I still feel like I need to be there,” I whispered, laying my head on my paws again. I didn’t feel like sitting up… I was exhausted. Running all this way had really taken its toll on me.
“Lunea’s been wounded before,” Rose insisted, agreeing with Shade. “She’ll pull through.”
“But.. She fought Bone himself. You haven’t seen it… Its really bad,” I feel a queasy feeling in my stomach just thinking about it.
“Doubt will only bring you down,” Shade informed, sighing. He swished his tails around slightly behind him as he spoke.
“You’re right,” I looked down at my paws. It was true. I was only going to make things worse by bringing myself down. I had to think positive.
Although, in a time like this, thinking positive thoughts wasn’t exactly the easiest thing to do. I just… I guess I doubted things a lot. Its how I’ve lived for a long time. Savaging, only hoping to find food.
“Lunea wouldn’t want you to be sad,” Rose said thoughtfully, looking up at the sky. I sighed. She was right two. If Lunea had died, she’d want us to live on happily. To live for her, not spend out time crying.
“Now, get some sleep,” Shade insisted. I didn’t want to sleep… I was to worried, upset to sleep. But, the more I thought about it, the more if sounded like a good idea. I was tired…
“You’ll need to be rested if you’re going to visit Lunea tomorrow,” Rose agreed. It seemed her and Shade were always on the same page. They were a match made by the spirits themselves. I looked up at them.
“Alright,” I let out a defeated sigh. I did need my rest. Getting to my paws, I stretched my legs out in front of me and headed towards my den.
“Sleep tight!” Rose yipped after me. I smiled to myself. I got to my den and curled up with my tail over my nose. Within moments I was asleep.
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Re: The Auras - A Kitsune Story [Posted Chapter Ten!]

Post by moondragon »

Bump :woo:
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Re: The Auras - A Kitsune Story [Posted Chapter Ten!]

Post by DayHawk »

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Re: The Auras - A Kitsune Story [Posted Chapter Ten!]

Post by moondragon »

Here's the next chapter. Just do you guys know, I cried when I wrote this. XD Tell me if you cry too.

Chapter Eleven: Bittersweet Tears
I didn’t sleep well that night, not at all. I had nightmares… Not the illusions. Just, normal nightmares. About Lunea… What could happen. Bone slashing apart her neck repeating over and over in my mind. I shivered just thinking about it. I couldn’t get the image out of my head.
Sighing, I got to my paws and stretched my feet out in front of me. I stepped from the den, blinking a few times as the sun flooded into my eyes. I groaned.
“Morning,” Reeku grumbled to me. I glanced around, but didn’t see Rose or Shade. No surprise there, those two were always the last ones up. And, Reeku was always the first. Except for Oak, I didn’t really know how early he woke up. But, something was missing…
“Are they back?” I asked, trying to hold back the worry that was burning in my throat. I think I didn’t do very well…
“No,” Reeku shrugged. “I take it you’re leaving then.”
“Yeah,” I smiled sheepishly. Reeku didn’t say anything closed his eyes. He was basking in the sun, probably waiting for Rose and Shade to get up before he left camp. I didn’t bother to say anything as I slid out of the camp, instantly breaking into a run.
I didn’t push myself to do faster, as I was scanning the trees for any sign of Lunea and Oak on their way back to camp. There was one thing I didn’t see coming. A flash of white fur racing through the trees. I watched in confusion and Reeku’s green eyes met my glance.
“I couldn’t let you go alone,” Reeku said through breaths as he ran. “I was there when Bone hit her.”
“True,” I agreed, not wanting to waste my breath as we ran. Reeku didn’t say anymore and we ran through the trees side by side. I noticed that we often didn’t talk. We just enjoyed each others company.
It took us a while, as we were going at a slower running pace, but we finally reached the river. To my surprise, Lunea was laying in the open. Oak sat by her side, and they looked like they were talking. Just, casually.
For a moment, I sat back and watched. Reeku, however, slowly padded up and sat beside Oak. I watched the scene, not feeling like I was part of it. I gazed at Lunea, holding back the tears as they begged to drip from my eyes.
Lunea’s golden brown pelt was ruffled, her fur looking like she hadn’t been able to groom it. It was dirty, and stained with dried blood. Her gold eyes that were normally alight with joy were partially closed, an expression of pain swimming in them. Lunea’s breath was slow and shallow, even more so than before. The wound on her neck was swollen and infected.
I couldn’t help the tear that dripped from my eyes, but I didn’t bother to shake it away. It slid down my cheek and dripped onto the ground. As soon as the tear drop splashed to the ground, Lunea turned her head over to look at me. I held my breath.
Slowly and unsteadily, I made my way over to the golden Kitsune. She smiled faintly at me, a real smile. I could tell it wasn’t force, but I could also see the pain in it. I returned it, by my smile was more forced.
“How are you feeling?” I asked Lunea. I blinked back the tears. I couldn’t cry in front of her… I had to be strong. I glanced at Oak. The elderly Kitsune had a distant look in his eyes, and I imagined he dealt with the spirits and death all the time. He had a saddened look in his eyes… Lunea was his old friend.
“Fine, fine… Just tired,” Lunea sighed, but had a knowing look in her eyes. She knew what was coming. But, just like I was being strong for her, she was being strong for us. Lunea didn’t want us to feel pain, regret… No, she wouldn’t’ let us see how weak she was. Or, was trying to stop us from seeing it.
I looked over at Reeku. His green eyes sparkled with the wetness and glint of tears, of sadness, but he too controlled his sorrow. He didn’t seem like the type to cry. He had emotions, and he cared about The Auras, he just had problems showing it. I’d come to learn that about him.
“It’ll be okay Lunea,” I assured her, even thought I knew it wasn’t true. And so did she. So did Oak, and so did Reeku. We all knew what was coming.
“Please… Don’t talk about this,” Lunea whispered, pain in her voice. I understood. When she was talking with Oak, she’d been distracted from it. In pain, yes. But… Happy.
“Sorry,” I mumbled, looking down at my paws sadly. But, what Oak said next surprised me.
“No Lunea,” he said softly, looking down wisely at the Kitsune. “I think its time we faced the fact… We’ve avoided it long enough.” I swallowed hard. Through the whole thing, Reeku hadn’t said a word. Maybe he didn’t know what to say.
“You’re right,” Lunea sighed heavily, her breathing becoming more and more shallow. I knew it… This was the end. My eyes teared further, and I was trying to hold them back. But, a few stray ones managed to break free.
“I’m sorry Lunea,” Reeku looked at her with his eyes wide. “I’ll become great someday. For you.” The look on Reeku’s face told me that was a promise. Lunea looked at him and smiled. Reeku returned it, then turned around and walked away, his figure disappearing in the trees.
“And, I’ll do whatever it takes to accomplish my destiny!” I promised, trying to sound more enthusiastic than I was. Lunea’s smile widened, but her breathing was growing slower and shallower… She was struggling.
“The Spirits welcome you,” Oak whispered, his blue eyes still reflecting the same distant look. Lunea’s gold eyes flickered to me, and I was trapped under her pained gaze, looking back at her.
“I have no regrets,” Lunea smiled. Her golden eyes slowly drooped closed. She drew in one last breath, and went still. All to still.
“No,” I sobbed out, chocking on another sob. The tears ran down my face like rain, streaking my fur and dripping down onto the ground. One tear leaked from Oak’s eyes, but he didn’t cry. I was the one crying.
“She’s in a better place,” he assured me. I didn’t smile. “Come, let’s give her the burial she deserves.”

* * * * *

Oak and I ended up seeing Reeku, and he helped us burry Lunea. All of us had heavy hearts, but I seemed to show it most. I was young… The only death I’d ever dealt with was my mother’s. And, I hadn’t taken that very well either.
Tears dripped silently from my eyes. It was like they were pools, and they’d sprung a leak. No one said anything, tried to comfort me. It wouldn’t change anything. No one could change anything. Lunea was gone… And we would just have to except it.
“She died bravely,” Oak said gruffly as we walked. He was moving at his own slower pace, and Reeku and I made no hurry to rush on past him. It was alright. Okay to take things slow for once in a while. Enjoy life while you still had it. I thought, anyways.
“I know,” I whispered back. Reeku didn’t say anything. He hadn’t spoken in a long time… I think he didn’t know what he was supposed to say.
We reached the clearing with the dens and both Shade and Rose’s heads jolted up to look at us. Realization flooded into both of their eyes once they saw the looks on our faces. The silent tears the dripped down my face.
“Is she…” Shade trailed off, blinking tears from his eyes. Rose was next to him, but like me, tears rolled down her cheeks. Shade wrapped a tail of her shoulder comfortingly. Oak nodded, and headed back into his den to be sad alone.
“Lunea,” Rose wailed, but her voice was a whisper. She looked up at the sky, tears rolling down her cheeks, much like mine. My blue eyes shimmer, and I looked over at Shade. He had tears glimmering, but he didn’t cry either. I wished, for a moment, I had someone to comfort me like Rose did.
“I can’t believe she’s gone,” I sniffled deeply, sobbing. My chest burned with sad waves. I could feel them rippling through me, longing for the friend I would never see again.
Lunea was gone. I would never see her golden eyes sparkling with happiness or go for a walk along with border with her. Have her to encourage me while I trained… Loosing a friend or family member is never easy.
I looked up at the sky to see it was really cloudy. It wasn’t raining, but… It might rain. I found it funny, how it always seems to rain when something sad happens. It was really… Cliché. But, it did happen.
I turned back to look at the clearing’s entrance only to see Reeku’s white pelt disappearing. He liked to be by himself, I noticed that. For a moment, I wondered if I should go after him…
“Let him go,” Shade told me, interrupting my thoughts. I turned back to look at him. Rose was curling up next to him, her warm eyes still filling with tears. I’d stopped crying now, but I felt like the tears could break free again at any moment.
“I know,” I whispered silently. Reeku probably needed to be alone… Which is where I felt like I should be right now. “I think I’m going to take my own walk.”
“Be careful,” Shade warned. I smiled at him before turning and heading in the opposite direction that Reeku had gone. I was headed towards the training area and river. The places I’d gone the last time I went for a walk.
I wandered alone through the trees, but I could still tell that the sky was getting darker and darker as time went on. It was going to storm… Perhaps not when Lunea died, but on the same day. Cliché. I sighed and kept walking.
I jumped forward, a bit startled, as thunder roared above me. Shaking my head at myself, I reached the training hollow. Rain was slowly dripped down, so light that I couldn’t feel it while I was in the trees. The storm was coming… Just not yet.
I finally made my way to the river. Not the exact location of Lunea’s death, but close enough to it that my heart felt heavier. If that was even possible. I looked up at the sky just in time to see lightning crackle above. It was beautiful…. The lightning split the sky in half, stretching across it and echoed by a burst of thunder.
I sat down and curled my tail around my paws as the rain started to drip down harder and harder. It wasn’t that hard yet, but it would be. I knew it would be… I just watched the water droplets hit the water of the river. The water was rushing ever faster and the storm rolled in.
It was almost as dark as night now, and the wind was whipping through the trees. Lightning crackled and thunder boomed, the rain stinging my eyes like a bunch of little ants biting at me. But, I didn’t want to seek shelter. It just didn’t feel right to leave the river’s edge… The place of Lunea’s death.
I figured this was my way of saying goodbye. Of mourning for her. At the thought of Lunea, tears began to drip from my eyes again. But, no one would be able to tell I was crying. The rain was far to heavy. It was washing away my tears and soaking me to the bone.
I sighed, but I knew Lunea was proud of how she died. A warrior… But, then I felt a spark of anger. I looked up from the ground, ignoring the pain in my eyes and face. Bone, he killed her. It was his fault she was dead, and he was probably laughing about it right now.
I growled. I made myself a promise then. No, I made Lunea a promise. I’d avenge her death… Bone would pay for what he did to her. The pain he caused all of The Auras.
So I sat there and cried. Tears of sadness, tears of anger. The need for revenged burned strongly in my veins. These tears were bittersweet.
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Re: The Auras - A Kitsune Story [Posted Chapter Eleven!]

Post by MythicalDragon »

I didn't cry :yarly:

Good chapter but you may want to think about spelling i did notice Bury was spelt 'burry' other than that its good :) :wave:
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Re: The Auras - A Kitsune Story [Posted Chapter Eleven!]

Post by DayHawk »

LUNEA! :t-cry: :t-cry: :t-cry: :t-cry: :t-cry:
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Re: The Auras - A Kitsune Story [Posted Chapter Eleven!]

Post by moondragon »

Thanks myth ^_^ I have typos sometimes. Ill fix it next time im on my computer... I cried because i become attatched the the charactes i read about/write for and also because im a sap.
There there dayhawk! :t-hugs:
Honestly, it shocks me that I find time to write this when I can't even keep up with my RPs. But, i want to be an author, so my writing comes first, I suppose.
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Re: The Auras - A Kitsune Story [Posted Chapter Eleven!]

Post by DayHawk »

*sniff* I heard somewhere that an author has to kill a few characters to make the book interesting. Infact, almost all books have a death somewhere. Exception to kids books...excluding Bambi...
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Re: The Auras - A Kitsune Story [Posted Chapter Eleven!]

Post by MythicalDragon »

moondragon wrote:Thanks myth ^_^ I have typos sometimes. Ill fix it next time im on my computer... I cried because i become attatched the the charactes i read about/write for and also because im a sap.
There there dayhawk! :t-hugs:
Honestly, it shocks me that I find time to write this when I can't even keep up with my RPs. But, i want to be an author, so my writing comes first, I suppose.
I wanna be a author-illustrator but im hopeless on MS so i stick to Microsoft word then copy-paste it onto here XD
I collect rewins! i dream to own 1000 rewins! I actually dream to own every rewin in Magistream PM me!

A sound soul, dwells within a sound mind, in a sound body.
As it has always been for millennias.


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