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Re: Bullying (Sensitive Material)

Posted: December 2nd, 2014, 6:27:04 pm
by Camron927
Well, I was always the kid who was bullied. My guidance councilor said I would always be bullied. Then, at the same school, I was being harassed by a group of bullies, one of which then snapped my left arm. Not fun. So anyways, I then became what my friends called " a vigilante." I became all the bully(s) worst nightmare. I became a ( as one former bully said, " a ruthless blackhearted monster") and another said, "you're some kind of demented version of batman". Basically, I became the school vigilante (and somewhat cruel) and in school I am currently in, the head of the school council. I went from a bully to a blackheart to the principal's right hand man. That is my account of my being bullied, from a former victim myself.

Re: Bullying (Sensitive Material)

Posted: December 2nd, 2014, 10:58:13 pm
by SoraTheElf
Camron927 wrote:Well, I was always the kid who was bullied. My guidance councilor said I would always be bullied. Then, at the same school, I was being harassed by a group of bullies, one of which then snapped my left arm. Not fun. So anyways, I then became what my friends called " a vigilante." I became all the bully(s) worst nightmare. I became a ( as one former bully said, " a ruthless blackhearted monster") and another said, "you're some kind of demented version of batman". Basically, I became the school vigilante (and somewhat cruel) and in school I am currently in, the head of the school council. I went from a bully to a blackheart to the principal's right hand man. That is my account of my being bullied, from a former victim myself.
I almost envy your strength. You did something abouth it to make the bullies stop and leave others around. I almost lost myself.

This isn't the full story. That would be too long, thought I do have it in a spoiler on the very bottom of my profile.
The bullying started in 1st grade and lasted until 8th. Then I had a falling out with my (now ex) friends which brought it back for 8 months sophmore year in highschool. Add to that a very bad 1st boyfriend experiance and you get me.

Now I have enough trust issues to fill an ocean and I have trouble letting people close. I'm having trouble making friends in college now. A part of me believes that I'll never be loved. Who would take the time to get to know me? To break down my walls brick by brick? To rebuild my trust? I doubt anyone has the patcience for that.

It's like I've built a brick wall 5 stories high and a meter thick, but forgot to leave an escape hatch. Now I'm trapped and don't know how to get out. Too afraid to take a leap of faith and trust my friends I do have to catch me.

It's lonely in here.

Re: Bullying (Sensitive Material)

Posted: December 3rd, 2014, 3:52:00 pm
by Camron927
Well, I wish I could say that I haven't become a bully myself. Though I may be helping countless victims, What do you think I do to the bullies? I torment them, I break them mentally, I degrade them. Which, is unfortunately bullying as well. Although I like helping out victims, I have not stopped bullies from bullying me. I still have to deal with their BS daily. And not to mention the injuries I have caused. Two weeks ago, I pushed a bully down a flight of stairs. I got suspended for a week, not to mention two weeks of detention after that. It turns out I broke his back, his arms, and a leg. He may end up paralyzed. do not do what I have done to myself. Do yourself a favor. Tell a teacher or parent. I've only brought myself closer and closer to the gates of Hell. I am forced to live with all the atrocities I have brought upon the bullies. They might not ever bully again. But one might not recover from his injuries either.

Re: Bullying (Sensitive Material)

Posted: December 3rd, 2014, 9:24:54 pm
by SoraTheElf
I wish there was a way to make them understand. I wish there was like a way to show them memories and the emotional pain. Maybe if they felt it themselves, they would stop and try to protect others instead.

Ok. Yeah... That was a little too far. But I probably would have done something similar if I wasn't so afraid of getting in trouble.

And your advice is good, if only it actually did anything. Thank god I'm not dealing with bullying anymore, but when I was, my parents couldn't really help. Not when the school refused to do something about it. My elementary and middle school was the same, so I was with the same people basically the whole time. It was a small catholic school, highly influenced by whoever had the money, which happend to be the bullies parents.

All telling a teacher got me was a "deal with it." Or a "they didn't mean it, you are misunderstanding them." When I told my mom and she complained to the school they told her to her face, "Well, maybe if Stephanie wasn't so weird, then maybe the other kids wouldn't make fun of her."

At one point another girl started a fight by trying to stomp on one of my school projects. We yelled at each other and she took a swipe at me with her rolling backpack, so I returned it in kind. The principal tried to suspend me because of the no bullying policy. Tried to tell me that it was my fault and learn to take a joke.

And the way I look at it, I'm probably already damned. Sometimes I wonder what my "soul" would look like. I'm betting on a nice marbling effect of black and white. And you. You may not be doing exactly the right thing, but your heart is in the right place.

Re: Bullying (Sensitive Material)

Posted: December 4th, 2014, 12:33:42 pm
by Camron927
Well, I've earned myself a one way ticket to hell. You know that bully I mentioned? HE IS NOW A VEGATABLE. last night, around 10 pm, I was informed that I caused the Vegtability of this kid. Now I am a Criminal. The only reason I am not facing a life sentence or a death penalty is because of the circumstances. I cannot be forgiven. I have sealed my fate. I wish I could go back and tell a teacher. but I took things into my own hands. And look at me now...

Re: Bullying (Sensitive Material)

Posted: December 4th, 2014, 8:10:07 pm
by SmaugTheGolden
SoraTheElf wrote:I wish there was a way to make them understand. I wish there was like a way to show them memories and the emotional pain. Maybe if they felt it themselves, they would stop and try to protect others instead.

Ok. Yeah... That was a little too far. But I probably would have done something similar if I wasn't so afraid of getting in trouble.

And your advice is good, if only it actually did anything. Thank god I'm not dealing with bullying anymore, but when I was, my parents couldn't really help. Not when the school refused to do something about it. My elementary and middle school was the same, so I was with the same people basically the whole time. It was a small catholic school, highly influenced by whoever had the money, which happend to be the bullies parents.

All telling a teacher got me was a "deal with it." Or a "they didn't mean it, you are misunderstanding them." When I told my mom and she complained to the school they told her to her face, "Well, maybe if Stephanie wasn't so weird, then maybe the other kids wouldn't make fun of her."

At one point another girl started a fight by trying to stomp on one of my school projects. We yelled at each other and she took a swipe at me with her rolling backpack, so I returned it in kind. The principal tried to suspend me because of the no bullying policy. Tried to tell me that it was my fault and learn to take a joke.

And the way I look at it, I'm probably already damned. Sometimes I wonder what my "soul" would look like. I'm betting on a nice marbling effect of black and white. And you. You may not be doing exactly the right thing, but your heart is in the right place.
I am really sorry to hear that you were treated that way. I have experienced a bit of bullying in elementary school, but it wash't as serious, and they eventually gave up when they realized I really didn't care. Like you said, sometimes teachers or school officials don't help you at all. This whole 'anti-bullying' policy has become nothing more than a 'blame whoever you feel like blaming and watch them get punished' policy. I used to have a teacher that seemed to think her favorite students could do no wrong, even though they could be plain nasty, to me or to anyone else they decided to pick on. If the anti-bullying stuff is going to be so serious now, it really needs to be less biased.

I wish I could offer some helpful advice, but I've never been in a situation as serious as yours.

Re: Bullying (Sensitive Material)

Posted: December 4th, 2014, 11:37:18 pm
by SoraTheElf
The popular kids used to get away with making the teachers cry. But it's over now and the school ran out of funding a few years after I graduated, so... :t-shrug:

I'm going into teaching specifically so I can help stop this. I also think that I shoulld go to counseling or something. I can't be shy and unable to let people get close forever. Can't let it define the rest of my life. And in time it won't (hopefully.)

And @Camron927: Don't say that. I'm not sure what religion you are, but I'm going to look at it from a Catholic stand point. Or at least one with some modifications. Growing up in a Catholic school had since convinced me that there is no "right" religion. I have my own views on what God really meant and how Catholics got it wrong when they interpreted it.

If God is truely fair and just, He knows your heart. He will not judge you for your actions alone, but for the circumstances, the things leading up to it, and how you feel now. If he is truely a just God, he will not judge you harshly for what you have done because your heart was in protecting others because no one ever protected you. He will take into consideration the pain and anger you have felt from these people's actions and the guilt you are now feeling.

And if He is truely Right and Just, He will forgive you. God forgives the sinners for they are human and fallible. God forgives the sinners because He loves us as His own children. All they have to do is ask.

And if God is truely right and just, then He would never subject anyone to Hell because He loves us like a father. And if that is true, he would not let us choose that fate because fathers protect their kids, even if it makes them mad for a little while.

Re: Bullying (Sensitive Material)

Posted: January 23rd, 2015, 1:04:26 am
by mulan
When i was a kids, the others is mocking me of how i look.

Damnn, i hate , really hate that behavior.......

Re: Bullying (Sensitive Material)

Posted: February 1st, 2015, 4:34:19 pm
by Laika
What do you think causes children to act this way?
Most people that were aggressive towards me either had aggressive parents, a very strict, demanding home life, or a sense of entitlement from being pampered as an only child.

Why do you think teens and children feel better by ridiculing others?
Power. I think they feel powerless and need to have control over something.

If you are a child/teen have you ever went to a discipline teacher at your school and tell them your problem but they haven't done anything about it?
If you bring it up, they just have a talk with them and then before the day is over, you're being called a tattle-tell and weak and scared and it just does no good....

If you are an adult and have children have they had similar problems of teachers not doing anything about there bullying case?
Ok, this may not be exactly the answer, but I have a friend who has a son that gets picked on. He has not contacted the school because he wants his child to learn how to defend himself. I do not know the extent of the bullying or how if affects his son, so I really hope he knows what he is doing for his child's sake. My mother always taught me to use violence. She'd be like, "whoop his/her ass". *sigh*

If you are an adult without children are you bullied at your workplace or college?
As a Freshmen in college. I had a boyfriend of a friend stalk me on campus and send me very rude e-mails. Nothing was done because daddy has paying his tuition in full, no loans. I was just sent to the campus therapist to cope.

What are some ideas you may have to decrease the number of suicides/ help the bullying problem?
Better mental healthcare. Better, more motivated school counselors. More confidentiality. Overall acting with more seriousness than "kids will be kids. everyone goes through this" in the school staff.

Have you ever witnessed someone being bullied and stood there and just watched?
"You watched my men being slaughtered, and did nothing."
"And would again, my Lord. I was unarmed, unarmored, and surrounded by Lannister swords. When you look at me, do you see a hero?"

Sad to admit, but I too was a frequent target and was too tired of fighting to throw myself into a situation to be attacked.

Have you witnessed someone being bullied and helped them?
I think later in life once I grew out of being an easy target, I've made a few snarky remarks to defend someone's honor. As far as things getting physical, I can't recall.

As a child have you ever been scared to go to school because of bullies?
Oooh yes. I made every excuse in the world and was sent to court over missing days. It's what led to my first suicide attempt at 13.

Do you know anyone who may have committed suicide due to bullying?
Not personally, but I know those who harmed themselves daily over it. I often befriended those sorts and did my best to care for them.

Were you a bully?
Once I was sorta mean to this one boy in particular but only once or twice verbally. I felt really douchey afterwards and took some time to become more self-aware. I'm sorry, kid. truly.

How did you deal with bullying?
By learning from it and using it to understand others.

Re: Bullying (Sensitive Material)

Posted: February 19th, 2015, 9:55:46 pm
by silverstarslayer
I had to cut some questions but here it is.

What do you think causes children to act this way?
There are multiple things in my opinion. Some people have issues at home and taking out their anger on others is the only way they have learned to deal with things. There are those cases that some enjoy seeing others in pain, taking pleasure in witnessing others pain. Sometimes there is the deadly combination of the two. Whatever the reason, it always turns out bad, sometimes for both parties, bully and victim. In any case it is most unfortunate for all. I can go on but this time I won't.

Why do you think teens and children feel better by ridiculing others?
It helps release tension and inner feelings. It connects to what I mentioned above. It can let a person release pent up negative feelings, doing so to others to make them "feel their pain" so they know they aren't so alone, regardless of how the other person feels when being abused. This release can be most intoxicating I think.

If you are a child/teen have you ever went to a discipline teacher at your school and tell them your problem but they haven't done anything about it?
In all honesty, yes. I was sent to the principle and nurses multiple times when I was younger because of the amount of fights I would get in. Each time I would describe the situation, at first through tears and bloody noses, but in the end we all would get off with a warning. It wasn't until 6th grade did those fights stop at a suspension, the only thing anyone at my school district did to stop the fights. Naturally, they suspended me, the victim of harsh bullying.

What are some ideas you may have to decrease the number of suicides/ help the bullying problem? Have you ever witnessed someone being bullied and stood there and just watched?
Supporting those who are the victims of bullying would be helpful, however, there are those groups and many kids/teens/adults are too afraid to stand up and claim they have been bullied in any way. But there is also the matter of helping those who are the abusers. I know a few who were once the bullies and were so into self loathing they could have taken their lives. This does not mean all bullies and abusers hate themselves but some do, either way each side needs some sort of support and watch.
As for witnessing situations, yes I have. Believe me when I say I would have tried to prevent them. However, much of the time I was defending myself or on the ground while my friend/s were too defending themselves from people who liked to fight us for being who we were. If ever a time came I would see someone being bullied I'd get a teacher or if I couldn't get an adult or someone in charge, I'd simply try to break it up. Later on I learned how foolish my attempts would sometimes be. Nonetheless, however, I would try.

Have you witnessed someone being bullied and helped them?
Multiple times, yes. Although, some attempts were indeed fruitless. Others, however, when helping my best friend at the time, ended in bloody nose, bruises and lunch detentions. It was the right thing to do despite being yelled at by other students (the countless names we were called) and by teachers. I do not regret helping people even at my own expense.

As a child have you ever been scared to go to school because of bullies?
Every. Day. It is hard to go to school not expecting what you would do to tick someone off and have them stalk you on the playground later on only to be jumped by them and others. Being yourself, where I was, was like a crime. Not everyone liked me, for some reason (I can be annoying I admit but I try to be a kind, fun person) and that always led to me getting into worthless fights.

Do you know anyone who may have committed suicide due to bullying?
Yes... I know a few people who have taken their lives because of people that care not for others feelings. I knew a great person, who, as he grew up, figured out he was gay. He didn't like the idea of being with girls, it made him physically sick. He wanted to BE a girl, not be WITH them. He told me one day that he wanted to go to the mall and buy makeup, he wanted to feel pretty. A few months later, when I moved away from the state, his father emailed me an invitation to his funeral. He was one of the few I knew that fell harshly to bullying, and I miss him dearly. He didn't deserve anything negative he got.
He bought that make-up by the way, his mom and dad helped pick it out.

Were you a bully?
No. Plain and simple.

How did you deal with bullying?
I survived. It is not easy to go day in and day out thinking you are worthless. It isn't easy sharing the terrible things that happen to you. It's hard to repeat each name and insult you received, how you got every scar, why you had nightmares, why you couldn't go to school the next day. I hid my bullying when I shouldn't have. My mother didn't know how bad it was for a few years, and I still regret not telling her to this day. As a kid, when I was bullied for many years, you believe what people say. You think that if enough people say something then it MUST be true. You cannot blame a child for thinking as so, children are naive and innocent and don't entirely know right from wrong, good from bad. They know the basics, but that isn't enough for some. I am glad that from everything I went through that I can repeat it and help those who may be experiencing it. I'll never fully recover and I'll never fully forget, in some aspects that's good. However, those memories.... It is easy to cringe at them, recalling them or retelling them.

I can go on, but I think I've said enough.